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This series contains Federal Energy Administration (FEA) Administrator Frank Zarb's speeches to various organizations and groups concerning a wide variety of energy policy issues.
Collection: Frank G. Zarb Papers
Speech Files … This series contains Federal Energy Administration (FEA) Administrator Frank Zarb's speeches to various organizations and groups concerning a wide variety of energy policy issues. …
This series contains speeches, press releases, newsletters, and publications. The material concerns the work of William J. Baroody, Jr. as an assistant to U.S. Representative Melvin R. Laird. It consists of background files on politics and issues (ranging from Agriculture to Vietnam). The largest file concerns one of Laird's key legislative proposals - revenue sharing.
Collection: Melvin R. Laird Papers
Congressional Research Files … This series contains speeches, press releases, newsletters, and publications. The material concerns the work of William J. Baroody, Jr. as an assistant to U.S. Representative Melvin R. Laird. It consists of background files on politics and issues (ranging from Agriculture to Vietnam). The largest file concerns one of Laird's key legislative proposals - revenue …
This series contains memoranda from William Baroody to Melvin Laird and Richard Nixon, correspondence, reports, notes, schedule proposals, speech materials, and newspaper clippings. The materials document White House liaison with interest groups, the role of the White House "Attack Group" (including early Nixon administration documents inherited from Charles Colson), the 1973 "Battle of the Budget", Baroody's work as an assistant to White House Counsellor Mel Laird, the White House "Impeachment Support Program", and economic and energy policy.
Collection: Melvin R. Laird Papers
Nixon Administration White House Subject Files … This series contains memoranda from William Baroody to Melvin Laird and Richard Nixon, correspondence, reports, notes, schedule proposals, speech materials, and newspaper clippings. The materials document White House liaison with interest groups, the role of the White House "Attack Group" (including early Nixon administration documents inherited from Charles Colson), the 1973 "Battle of the Budget", Baroody's work as an assistant to White House Counsellor …
This series contains correspondence, memorandums, invoices, and receipts documenting payments for travel, accommodations and incidentals for people who served the President Ford Committee (PFC) in an advocate capacity during the 1975 presidential election. They include family members, friends, colleagues, associates, and political allies of President Gerald Ford.
Collection: President Ford Committee Records
Advocate Files … This series contains correspondence, memorandums, invoices, and receipts documenting payments for travel, accommodations and incidentals for people who served the President Ford Committee (PFC) in an advocate capacity during the 1975 presidential election. They include family members, friends, colleagues, associates, and political allies of President Gerald …
This series contains correspondence, memorandums, reports, audits, balance sheets, and receipts compiled by Lester Benjamin, a member of the President Ford Committee Treasurer’s Office accounting staff during the 1976 presidential campaign.
Collection: President Ford Committee Records
L. R. Benjamin Banking and Finance Files … This series contains correspondence, memorandums, reports, audits, balance sheets, and receipts compiled by Lester Benjamin, a member of the President Ford Committee Treasurer’s Office accounting staff during the 1976 presidential …
This series contains letters, cards, and telegrams written regarding the potential pardoning of defendants in the Watergate scandal in the wake of President Gerald Ford’s pardon of former President Richard Nixon. The mail was sent to the President in the days immediately following the pardon. Occasionally, opinions on other issues are expressed.
Collection: White House Central Files Bulk Mail Files (Ford Administration)
Watergate Defendants Files … This series contains letters, cards, and telegrams written regarding the potential pardoning of defendants in the Watergate scandal in the wake of President Gerald Ford’s pardon of former President Richard Nixon. The mail was sent to the President in the days immediately following the pardon. Occasionally, opinions on other issues are …
The series contains audio recordings of James Cannon's interviews concerning the life and career of President Gerald R. Ford conducted with President Ford, members of the Ford family, staff members, congressional colleagues, and friends.
Collection: James M. Cannon Research Interviews and Notes
Research Interviews Audio Recordings … The series contains audio recordings of James Cannon's interviews concerning the life and career of President Gerald R. Ford conducted with President Ford, members of the Ford family, staff members, congressional colleagues, and …
This series contains audio recordings of completed radio commercials for President Gerald Ford’s 1976 primary campaign. This series includes both general messages and ones targeted towards specific states including New Hampshire, Illinois, North Carolina, Alabama, Georgia, Michigan, California, and Texas. Speakers include First Lady Betty Ford, Senator Charles Percy, Senator John Tower, North Carolina Governor Richard Holzhauser, former Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird, and Senator Robert Griffin.
Collection: President Ford Committee Records
Primary Election Radio Spots Audio Recordings … This series contains audio recordings of completed radio commercials for President Gerald Ford’s 1976 primary campaign. This series includes both general messages and ones targeted towards specific states including New Hampshire, Illinois, North Carolina, Alabama, Georgia, Michigan, California, and Texas. Speakers include First Lady Betty Ford, Senator Charles Percy, Senator John Tower, North Carolina Governor Richard Holzhauser, former Secretary of Defense …
This series contains audio recordings of official remarks and statements made by President Gerald Ford from which sound bites could be pulled for use in campaign materials. Among the speeches included in this series are Ford’s remarks upon being sworn in as President on August 9, 1974; his 1975 and 1976 State of the Union addresses; remarks to farmers in Springfield, Illinois; remarks at the 1976 Republican National Convention; and remarks to media reporters. Some of the recordings were made by the White House Communications Agency (WHCA).
Collection: President Ford Committee Records
Gerald Ford Speeches Audio Recordings … This series contains audio recordings of official remarks and statements made by President Gerald Ford from which sound bites could be pulled for use in campaign materials. Among the speeches included in this series are Ford’s remarks upon being sworn in as President on August 9, 1974; his 1975 and 1976 State of the Union addresses; remarks to farmers in Springfield, Illinois; remarks at the 1976 Republican National Convention; and remarks to media reporters. Some of …
This series contains audio recordings made during filming sessions to accompany television and film campaign materials. Events covered in this series include the filming of “Director’s Circle” generic footage shot at the White House and in Washington, DC; the 1976 Republican National Convention in Kansas City, Missouri; President Gerald Ford’s general election campaign kickoff rally in Ann Arbor, Michigan; the filming of campaign commercials with senior citizens and children in the Oval Office; and Ford campaign trips. This series also contains the unedited audio from “man on the street” interviews used in Ford campaign commercials that were conducted in Chicago, Illinois; Los Angeles, California; Houston, Texas; Atlanta, Georgia; and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Collection: President Ford Committee Records
Film and Television Sound Audio Recordings … This series contains audio recordings made during filming sessions to accompany television and film campaign materials. Events covered in this series include the filming of “Director’s Circle” generic footage shot at the White House and in Washington, DC; the 1976 Republican National Convention in Kansas City, Missouri; President Gerald Ford’s general election campaign kickoff rally in Ann Arbor, Michigan; the filming of campaign commercials with senior citizens …