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The series contains copies of outgoing letters and memoranda written by Michael Moskow while working as a senior staff economist for the Council of Economic Advisers. They concern a wide variety of topics relating to economic policy.
Collection: Michael H. Moskow Papers
Council of Economic Advisers Chronological Files … The series contains copies of outgoing letters and memoranda written by Michael Moskow while working as a senior staff economist for the Council of Economic Advisers. They concern a wide variety of topics relating to economic …
The series contains notes, memoranda, speech drafts, speech and interview transcripts, and travel itineraries mostly from Michael Moskow's time as Director of the Council on Wage and Price Stability and Under Secretary of Labor. They concern economic stabilization, a variety of labor policy matters, and wage and price policy.
Collection: Michael H. Moskow Papers
Speech Files … The series contains notes, memoranda, speech drafts, speech and interview transcripts, and travel itineraries mostly from Michael Moskow's time as Director of the Council on Wage and Price Stability and Under Secretary of Labor. They concern economic stabilization, a variety of labor policy matters, and wage and price …
This series contains carbon copies of outgoing memoranda and letters from William Timmons to President Gerald Ford, White House staff, Members of Congress, and others. Occasional photocopies of memos from Congressional Relations Office staff member Tom Korologos routed through Timmons for approval are also included. The material focuses on all aspects of legislative liaison and other liaison with Congress.
Collection: William E. Timmons Files
William Timmons' Chronological Files … This series contains carbon copies of outgoing memoranda and letters from William Timmons to President Gerald Ford, White House staff, Members of Congress, and others. Occasional photocopies of memos from Congressional Relations Office staff member Tom Korologos routed through Timmons for approval are also included. The material focuses on all aspects of legislative liaison and other liaison with …
This series contains White House Communication Agency (WHCA) audio recordings of President Gerald R. Ford's speeches, news conferences, and other public statements.
Collection: White House Communications Agency Audio Recordings (Ford Administration)
Audio Recordings of President Gerald R. Ford's Speeches, Remarks and News Conferences … This series contains White House Communication Agency (WHCA) audio recordings of President Gerald R. Ford's speeches, news conferences, and other public statements. …
This series contains routine correspondence and clippings exchanged with the public concerning requests for assistance plus a small quantity of memoranda and reports concerning such topics as clemency, pardons, and the right to privacy.
Collection: Philip W. Buchen Files
H. P. Goldfield's Files … This series contains routine correspondence and clippings exchanged with the public concerning requests for assistance plus a small quantity of memoranda and reports concerning such topics as clemency, pardons, and the right to privacy. …
This series contains memoranda, correspondence, reports, briefing papers, press releases, and clippings. The series covers the period from Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Director William Colby's report to President Gerald Ford on intelligence community abuses in December 1974 through the issuance of President Ford's executive order reorganizing the intelligence community in February 1976. Many materials concern the investigation of alleged intelligence community abuses by the Commission on CIA Activities Within the United States (Rockefeller Commission) and the House and Senate select committees on intelligence. Other materials concern the administration's attempts to study the problems raised by the investigations and to formulate plans to reorganize the intelligence community. Very little material concerns other aspects of intelligence.
Collection: Philip W. Buchen Files
Philip Buchen's Intelligence Community Investigations and Reorganization Files … This series contains memoranda, correspondence, reports, briefing papers, press releases, and clippings. The series covers the period from Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Director William Colby's report to President Gerald Ford on intelligence community abuses in December 1974 through the issuance of President Ford's executive order reorganizing the intelligence community in February 1976. Many materials concern the …
This series contains memoranda and correspondence concerning Charles McCall's work and the operation of the research office for the Editorial Staff.
Collection: Charles H. McCall Files
Charles McCall's Administrative Files … This series contains memoranda and correspondence concerning Charles McCall's work and the operation of the research office for the Editorial Staff. …
This series contains White House telephone memoranda forms that make up a log of Glenn Schleede's daily telephone calls. Handwritten information for each call includes designation of incoming or outgoing, time of day, name of person talked to, and possible action.
Collection: Glenn R. Schleede Files
Glenn Schleede's Telephone Logs … This series contains White House telephone memoranda forms that make up a log of Glenn Schleede's daily telephone calls. Handwritten information for each call includes designation of incoming or outgoing, time of day, name of person talked to, and possible …
The series contains correspondence, memoranda, reports, agendas, notes, speech materials, staff meeting minutes, interviews, transcripts, and court records. These materials document Stanley Pottinger's work as Director of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare's Office of Civil Rights (OCR). Most of the material concerns the desegregation of local school districts and higher education systems throughout the country, the Emergency School Assistance Program (ESAP), sex discrimination, and the administration of the OCR.
Collection: J. Stanley Pottinger Papers
Department of Health, Education and Welfare Subject Files … The series contains correspondence, memoranda, reports, agendas, notes, speech materials, staff meeting minutes, interviews, transcripts, and court records. These materials document Stanley Pottinger's work as Director of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare's Office of Civil Rights (OCR). Most of the material concerns the desegregation of local school districts and higher education systems throughout the country, the Emergency School …
This series contains speeches made by Richard Feltner while he served as Assistant Secretary of Agriculture for Marketing and Consumer Services in the Gerald Ford administration and shortly thereafter. The speeches were given around the country on a variety of agricultural topics, including farm management, nutrition, federal regulations in agriculture, and agricultural economics. The speeches, sometimes supported by Feltner's handwritten notes, include drafts and reading and press copies.
Collection: Richard L. Feltner Papers
Speech Files … This series contains speeches made by Richard Feltner while he served as Assistant Secretary of Agriculture for Marketing and Consumer Services in the Gerald Ford administration and shortly thereafter. The speeches were given around the country on a variety of agricultural topics, including farm management, nutrition, federal regulations in agriculture, and agricultural economics. The speeches, sometimes supported by Feltner's handwritten notes, include drafts and reading and press …