Displaying 1371 - 1380 of 1890 results
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This series contains memoranda, correspondence, vote tabulations, background material, draft legislation and printed material created or accumulated by William Kendall and occasionally by his predecessor Tom Korologos concerning legislative issues in the Senate. Significant subjects include legistative liaison, the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, energy policy, military spending, two hundred mile fishing limit, and uranium enrichment. Vietnam coverage from President Richard Nixon's administration includes tabulations on votes to end the war and records of telephone reactions from members of Congress when notified of the mining of North Vietnamese harbors.
Collection: William T. Kendall Files
William Kendall's Legislative Subject Files … This series contains memoranda, correspondence, vote tabulations, background material, draft legislation and printed material created or accumulated by William Kendall and occasionally by his predecessor Tom Korologos concerning legislative issues in the Senate. Significant subjects include legistative liaison, the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, energy policy, military spending, two hundred mile fishing limit, and uranium enrichment. Vietnam coverage …
The series contains interview transcripts created by the Ford Library of James Cannon's tape recorded interviews with Gerald Ford's White House and congressional staff members, administration officials, members of Congress, and Ford friends.
Collection: James M. Cannon Research Interviews and Notes
Transcripts of James Cannon's Interviews with Gerald Ford Associates and Others … The series contains interview transcripts created by the Ford Library of James Cannon's tape recorded interviews with Gerald Ford's White House and congressional staff members, administration officials, members of Congress, and Ford …
This series contains referral sheets and some correspondence. It concerns mail from the public which Norman Ross referred to departments and agencies to draft a response or respond directly. Only a few of the referral sheets have either the incoming letter or a copy of the response attached.
Collection: Norman E. Ross Files
Norman Ross' Referrals … This series contains referral sheets and some correspondence. It concerns mail from the public which Norman Ross referred to departments and agencies to draft a response or respond directly. Only a few of the referral sheets have either the incoming letter or a copy of the response …
This series contains letters, telegrams, briefing papers, talking points, memoranda, and checklists concerning the transition from the Richard Nixon administration to the Gerald Ford administration. The series primarily documents the role played by Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and the State Department in the transition. Included are letters sent to world leaders assuring them of a smooth transition and continuity of U.S. foreign policy and responses offering congratulations upon President Ford taking office. Of particular interest is a briefing book prepared for President Ford documenting United States - U.S.S.R. exchanges from August 9 through November 5, 1974. There are also issue papers prepared by the State Department on many facets of American foreign policy, including Africa, Latin America, the Middle East, South Asia, the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, the status of foreign affairs legislation awaiting congressional action, oil conservation, Law of the Sea, and the World Food Conference. In addition, there are talking points and background materials prepared for President Ford's meetings with foreign ambassadors following his swearing-in ceremony, as well as State Department checklists of things to do and meetings to hold.
Collection: Presidential Transition Files (Ford Administration)
Transition Subject Files … This series contains letters, telegrams, briefing papers, talking points, memoranda, and checklists concerning the transition from the Richard Nixon administration to the Gerald Ford administration. The series primarily documents the role played by Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and the State Department in the transition. Included are letters sent to world leaders assuring them of a smooth transition and continuity of U.S. foreign policy and responses offering congratulations …
This series contains decision memoranda for President Gerald Ford with supporting White House staff comments and background reports on eleven selected issues considered by Trudy Fry, supervisor of the Special Files Unit, to be politically or administratively sensitive. Not all of the decision memoranda filed here went to the President for action. Topics include: busing, Indochina refugees, New York City financial crisis, nuclear energy and nonproliferation policy review, Panama Canal treaty negotiations, salaries of high-level government officials, the governmental status of Puerto Rico, proposals to create the Office of Science and Technology Policy, and Secret Service protection for the Vice President and Secretary of State.
Collection: White House Special Files Unit Files
Issue Decision Papers for the President … This series contains decision memoranda for President Gerald Ford with supporting White House staff comments and background reports on eleven selected issues considered by Trudy Fry, supervisor of the Special Files Unit, to be politically or administratively sensitive. Not all of the decision memoranda filed here went to the President for action. Topics include: busing, Indochina refugees, New York City financial crisis, nuclear energy and nonproliferation policy …
This series contains memoranda and correspondence between Robert Hartmann and President Gerald Ford, White House staff, Republican Party officials, or President Ford Committee officials; reports; schedules; speeches; briefing papers; and publications. This series concerns White House liaison with Republican organizations, the 1976 presidential campaign, President Ford's activities in the 1974 congressional and gubernatorial campaigns, campaign trips, fundraising, and other political matters.
Collection: Robert T. Hartmann Files
Robert Hartmann's Political Subject Files … This series contains memoranda and correspondence between Robert Hartmann and President Gerald Ford, White House staff, Republican Party officials, or President Ford Committee officials; reports; schedules; speeches; briefing papers; and publications. This series concerns White House liaison with Republican organizations, the 1976 presidential campaign, President Ford's activities in the 1974 congressional and gubernatorial campaigns, campaign trips, fundraising, …
This series contains memoranda exchanged between Robert Hartmann and President Gerald Ford, Vice President Nelson Rockefeller, or White House staff on a wide variety of matters. Topics frequently discussed include: presidential speeches and messages, scheduling and trips, political affairs (including the 1976 presidential campaign), and appointments to government positions. Large files of memoranda exchanged by Hartmann with his own staff are included.
Collection: Robert T. Hartmann Files
Robert Hartmann's White House Memoranda … This series contains memoranda exchanged between Robert Hartmann and President Gerald Ford, Vice President Nelson Rockefeller, or White House staff on a wide variety of matters. Topics frequently discussed include: presidential speeches and messages, scheduling and trips, political affairs (including the 1976 presidential campaign), and appointments to government positions. Large files of memoranda exchanged by Hartmann with his own staff are …
This series contains Vernon Loen's and Charles Leppert's briefing papers, memoranda and lists concerning President Gerald Ford's meetings with the Republican leadership or bipartisan leadership of the House of Representatives. Topics include specific legislation and other aspects of legislative liaison.
Collection: Vernon C. Loen and Charles Leppert Files
Vernon Loen's and Charles Leppert's Files on Presidential Meetings With Congressional Leaders … This series contains Vernon Loen's and Charles Leppert's briefing papers, memoranda and lists concerning President Gerald Ford's meetings with the Republican leadership or bipartisan leadership of the House of Representatives. Topics include specific legislation and other aspects of legislative …
This series contains copies of Douglas Bennett's outgoing correspondence and memoranda. Some relates to legislation, legislative liaison with the House of Representatives, and issues, but much concerns personnel matters, Kennedy Center tickets, photograph requests, schedule proposals, and routine briefing papers.
Collection: Vernon C. Loen and Charles Leppert Files
Douglas Bennett's Chronological Files … This series contains copies of Douglas Bennett's outgoing correspondence and memoranda. Some relates to legislation, legislative liaison with the House of Representatives, and issues, but much concerns personnel matters, Kennedy Center tickets, photograph requests, schedule proposals, and routine briefing …
This series contains Presidential Personnel Office memoranda to President Gerald Ford concerning candidates for positions, with annotations by Vernon Loen and Charles Leppert showing when House of Represenatives Minority Leader John Rhodes was informed of the proposed appointment and what his reaction was.
Collection: Vernon C. Loen and Charles Leppert Files
Patronage Clearance Files … This series contains Presidential Personnel Office memoranda to President Gerald Ford concerning candidates for positions, with annotations by Vernon Loen and Charles Leppert showing when House of Represenatives Minority Leader John Rhodes was informed of the proposed appointment and what his reaction …