Displaying 1241 - 1250 of 1890 results
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Collection: Birge S. Watkins Files (Ford Administration)
Birge Watkins' Conference Files …
Collection: Birge S. Watkins Files (Ford Administration)
Birge Watkins' Chronological Files …
The series contains memoranda written by Roland Elliott and his deputy Anne Higgins, documents related to mail analyses (count and subject breakdown of mail received in a given period), and form letters. Included are American Revolution Bicentennial form letters and speech packets, form letters related to the 1972 Olympic Games, resignation letters, condolence letters, White House Correspondence Manual, and Christmas listings with names and addresses. The material documents the work of the White House Correspondence Office during the presidency of Gerald Ford.
Collection: Roland L. Elliott Files (Ford Administration)
Roland Elliott's General Subject Files … The series contains memoranda written by Roland Elliott and his deputy Anne Higgins, documents related to mail analyses (count and subject breakdown of mail received in a given period), and form letters. Included are American Revolution Bicentennial form letters and speech packets, form letters related to the 1972 Olympic Games, resignation letters, condolence letters, White House Correspondence Manual, and Christmas listings with names and addresses. The material …
Collection: Eliska A. Hasek Files (Ford Administration)
Eliska Hasek's Messages Files …
Collection: Eliska A. Hasek Files (Ford Administration)
Eliska Hasek's Subject Files …
This series consists almost entirely of the reading copies of President Ford's 1,051 public messages. Related and supporting materials appear occasionally and include preliminary drafts and, less frequently, background material. In addition to speeches there are veto messages, legislative messages to Congress, statements accompanying bill signing, presidential proclamations, miscellaneous messages and greetings to private organizations, press conference statements and numerous less formal "drop-in" remarks and talking points. For convenience in delivery, most public messages were prepared in large type face on large index cards. They are very often heavily annotated in his hand, especially underlining for speaking emphasis.
Collection: President's Speeches and Statements Reading Copies (Ford Administration)
Reading Copies of Presidential Speeches and Statements … This series consists almost entirely of the reading copies of President Ford's 1,051 public messages. Related and supporting materials appear occasionally and include preliminary drafts and, less frequently, background material. In addition to speeches there are veto messages, legislative messages to Congress, statements accompanying bill signing, presidential proclamations, miscellaneous messages and greetings to private organizations, press …
This series contains memoranda, letters, telegrams, draft Presidential speeches and statements, briefing papers, notes, and occasional memoranda of conversations. The materials concern policy matters, coordination of decision papers for President Gerald Ford, and operation of the National Security Council. Included are copies of substantive Henry Kissinger and Brent Scowcroft memoranda to President Ford and White House staff drafted by Robert McFarlane; notes and memoranda to Kissinger, Scowcroft, or William Hyland; and cables sent to Kissinger or Scowcroft during trips.
The series covers a wide variety of policy matters, but does not really present a full picture on any. Attachments referred to in the memoranda often do not appear in the file. Many topics are represented by only a few scattered documents. The series' most substantive topic, in quantity and quality, is the intelligence investigations and proposed reforms of the intelligence community. Specific topics include the Church Committee (U.S. Senate Select Committee to Study Government Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities), including its requests for documents; Pike Committee (U.S. House of Representatives Select Committee on Intelligence) Rockefeller Commission (Commission on Central Intelligence Agency Activities in the United States), especially its report and attempts to implement its recommendations; President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board; and the Intelligence Coordinating Group, including handwritten notes from its meetings.
Other topics with significant amounts of scattered material include foreign aid legislation, congressional liaison (early months only), review of the Murphy Commission (Commission on the Organization of the Government for the Conduct of Foreign Policy) report, Vietnamese War (especially aid to Cambodia and South Vietnam and the evacuations), American policies in Africa, and aid to Turkey. Some campaign-related items concerning attacks on the administration's foreign policy by Ronald Reagan appear, as do materials on the platform, President Ford's convention acceptance speech, and the debates.
Several memoranda of conversations appear in the series, but none cover meetings attended by the President.
Collection: Robert C. McFarlane Files (Ford Administration)
Robert McFarlane's Chronological Files … This series contains memoranda, letters, telegrams, draft Presidential speeches and statements, briefing papers, notes, and occasional memoranda of conversations. The materials concern policy matters, coordination of decision papers for President Gerald Ford, and operation of the National Security Council. Included are copies of substantive Henry Kissinger and Brent Scowcroft memoranda to President Ford and White House staff drafted by Robert McFarlane; notes and …
This series contains briefing and background papers, talking points, memoranda of conversations, communiqués, telegrams, schedules, and biographies. Many of these materials are organized into briefing books prepared for President Gerald Ford's trips abroad and his meetings with foreign leaders during these trips. Other folders contain materials relating to advance work and scheduling, White House Situation Room and State Department cable traffic, communications to and from Henry Kissinger and Brent Scowcroft, and briefing materials prepared for the press. Included is substantive background information on U.S. relations with various countries and on issues such as arms control, Middle East peace negotiations, Helsinki agreements, international economy, Soviet Union, developing relations with China, and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).
Collection: Trip Briefing Books and Cables of President Gerald Ford (Ford Administration)
Presidential Trip Files … This series contains briefing and background papers, talking points, memoranda of conversations, communiqués, telegrams, schedules, and biographies. Many of these materials are organized into briefing books prepared for President Gerald Ford's trips abroad and his meetings with foreign leaders during these trips. Other folders contain materials relating to advance work and scheduling, White House Situation Room and State Department cable traffic, communications to and from Henry …
The series contains cables between National Security Adviser Brent Scowcroft and White House and National Security Council staff during times he was traveling with President Gerald R. Ford. The communications consist of White House Situation Room reports concerning current international events and staff memoranda about National Security Council operations. Subject content covers a wide range of issues concerning foreign policy and national security such as the Middle East, Lebanon, oil prices, Africa, the North Korean tree incident, foreign aid, and the defense budget. Also included are materials relating to the 1976 Republican National Convention and the foreign policy campaign debate.
Collection: Trip Cables of Brent Scowcroft (Ford Administration)
Brent Scowcroft Trip Files … The series contains cables between National Security Adviser Brent Scowcroft and White House and National Security Council staff during times he was traveling with President Gerald R. Ford. The communications consist of White House Situation Room reports concerning current international events and staff memoranda about National Security Council operations. Subject content covers a wide range of issues concerning foreign policy and national security such as the Middle East, …
The series contains periodic compilations prepared for former President Richard Nixon to keep him updated on developments around the world that might impact U.S. foreign affairs policies. The briefings were not intended to cover every foreign affairs development, just the most significant ones. Although news notes about various countries appear, they disproportionately concern the Soviet Union and China. There are also significant numbers of items on our NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) allies, especially France, West Germany, and the United Kingdom. Another major focus was developments in Indochina during the closing months of the Vietnam War. Many developments concerning OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries), the Cyprus crisis, and tensions and negotiations in the Middle East also appear.
Collection: Former President Richard Nixon's Intelligence Briefings (Ford Administration)
Richard Nixon Briefings … The series contains periodic compilations prepared for former President Richard Nixon to keep him updated on developments around the world that might impact U.S. foreign affairs policies. The briefings were not intended to cover every foreign affairs development, just the most significant ones. Although news notes about various countries appear, they disproportionately concern the Soviet Union and China. There are also significant numbers of items on our NATO (North Atlantic …