Displaying 1221 - 1230 of 1890 results
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Collection: Birge S. Watkins Files (Ford Administration)
Birge Watkins' Chronological Files …
The series contains memoranda written by Roland Elliott and his deputy Anne Higgins, documents related to mail analyses (count and subject breakdown of mail received in a given period), and form letters. Included are American Revolution Bicentennial form letters and speech packets, form letters related to the 1972 Olympic Games, resignation letters, condolence letters, White House Correspondence Manual, and Christmas listings with names and addresses. The material documents the work of the White House Correspondence Office during the presidency of Gerald Ford.
Collection: Roland L. Elliott Files (Ford Administration)
Roland Elliott's General Subject Files … The series contains memoranda written by Roland Elliott and his deputy Anne Higgins, documents related to mail analyses (count and subject breakdown of mail received in a given period), and form letters. Included are American Revolution Bicentennial form letters and speech packets, form letters related to the 1972 Olympic Games, resignation letters, condolence letters, White House Correspondence Manual, and Christmas listings with names and addresses. The material …
Collection: Eliska A. Hasek Files (Ford Administration)
Eliska Hasek's Messages Files …
Collection: Eliska A. Hasek Files (Ford Administration)
Eliska Hasek's Subject Files …
This series consists almost entirely of the reading copies of President Ford's 1,051 public messages. Related and supporting materials appear occasionally and include preliminary drafts and, less frequently, background material. In addition to speeches there are veto messages, legislative messages to Congress, statements accompanying bill signing, presidential proclamations, miscellaneous messages and greetings to private organizations, press conference statements and numerous less formal "drop-in" remarks and talking points. For convenience in delivery, most public messages were prepared in large type face on large index cards. They are very often heavily annotated in his hand, especially underlining for speaking emphasis.
Collection: President's Speeches and Statements Reading Copies (Ford Administration)
Reading Copies of Presidential Speeches and Statements … This series consists almost entirely of the reading copies of President Ford's 1,051 public messages. Related and supporting materials appear occasionally and include preliminary drafts and, less frequently, background material. In addition to speeches there are veto messages, legislative messages to Congress, statements accompanying bill signing, presidential proclamations, miscellaneous messages and greetings to private organizations, press …
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum Dedication Committee Records
Financial Files …
Collection: Charles E. Goodell Papers
Presidential Clemency Board Case Summaries …
Collection: Edward Hutchinson Papers
Richard Nixon Impeachment Inquiry Proceedings …
Collection: Edward Hutchinson Papers
Nelson A. Rockefeller Vice Presidential Confirmation Files …