Displaying 1211 - 1220 of 1890 results
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This series contains memoranda, telegrams, congressional bills, briefing papers, reports, and occasional notes on meetings. The materials cover security assistance budgets and legislation for fiscal year 1974. The series covers the security assistance budget planning process in the Executive Branch and also the development in the Legislative Branch of legislation authorizing and appropriating security assistance funds. It concerns both military and economic assistance.
Collection: National Security Council Planning and Coordination Staff Files (Nixon and Ford Administrations)
Planning and Coordination Security Assistance Files … This series contains memoranda, telegrams, congressional bills, briefing papers, reports, and occasional notes on meetings. The materials cover security assistance budgets and legislation for fiscal year 1974. The series covers the security assistance budget planning process in the Executive Branch and also the development in the Legislative Branch of legislation authorizing and appropriating security assistance funds. It concerns both military and …
Collection: National Security Council Program Analysis Staff Files (Nixon and Ford Administrations)
Program Analysis National Security Council Numbered Document Files …
The series contains memoranda, briefing papers, reports, testimony, speeches, and occasional memoranda of conversations. Files for individual agencies or international organizations contain both documents originated by the agency and those originating elsewhere that concern the operation or work of the agency. The agencies/organizations with the largest files are the Department of Defense, Central Intelligence Agency, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), U.S. Mission to the United Nations, and Arms Control and Disarmament Agency. Some of the issues documented include arms control, defense budget, intelligence matters, international economic and energy matters, military weapons systems, nuclear nonproliferation policy, State visits of foreign leaders, and Vice President Nelson Rockefeller's foreign trips and meetings with foreign officials.
Collection: Presidential Agency Files (Ford Administration)
Agency Files … The series contains memoranda, briefing papers, reports, testimony, speeches, and occasional memoranda of conversations. Files for individual agencies or international organizations contain both documents originated by the agency and those originating elsewhere that concern the operation or work of the agency. The agencies/organizations with the largest files are the Department of Defense, Central Intelligence Agency, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), U.S. Mission to the United …
Collection: William F. Gorog Files (Ford Administration)
William Gorog's Computer Controlled Correspondence and Memoranda …
Collection: L. William Seidman Files (Ford Administration)
William Seidman's Conference on Inflation Subject Files …
Collection: L. William Seidman Files (Ford Administration)
William Seidman's Economic Policy Board Executive Committee Agendas and Minutes …
Collection: L. William Seidman Files (Ford Administration)
William Seidman's Economic Policy Board Subject Files …
Collection: L. William Seidman Files (Ford Administration)
Roger B. Porter's Chronological Files …
Collection: L. William Seidman Files (Ford Administration)
William Seidman's Political Files …
Collection: Birge S. Watkins Files (Ford Administration)
Birge Watkins' Conference Files …