Displaying 1201 - 1210 of 1890 results
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This series includes memoranda of conversations (memcons), reports, draft communiques and agreements, proposals, letters, notes, talking papers, and press releases concerning U.S.-Soviet relations. Included are materials on Secretary of State Henry Kissinger's trip to Moscow, his meetings with Andrei Gromyko in Vienna and Geneva, the Vladivostok Summit, and President Ford's meetings with Leonid Brezhnev in Helsinki during the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE). Memcons and reports from these meetings are of particular interest. Topics covered include SALT (Strategic Arms Limitations Talks) and other arms control agreements, Soviet-Chinese relations, grain purchases, Angola, Korea, Japan, Indochina, Somalia, Cyprus, the Middle East, foreign trade, emigration, oil, and the United Nations.
Collection: Henry Kissinger Reports on U.S.S.R., China and Middle East Discussions (Ford Administration)
U.S.S.R. Memoranda of Conversations and Reports … This series includes memoranda of conversations (memcons), reports, draft communiques and agreements, proposals, letters, notes, talking papers, and press releases concerning U.S.-Soviet relations. Included are materials on Secretary of State Henry Kissinger's trip to Moscow, his meetings with Andrei Gromyko in Vienna and Geneva, the Vladivostok Summit, and President Ford's meetings with Leonid Brezhnev in Helsinki during the Conference on Security and …
Collection: Henry Kissinger and Brent Scowcroft West Wing Office Files (Ford Administration)
Henry Kissinger's and Brent Scowcroft's General Subject Files …
Collection: Henry Kissinger and Brent Scowcroft West Wing Office Files (Ford Administration)
Henry Kissinger's and Brent Scowcroft's Administrative Files …
The series contains memoranda, briefing papers, correspondence and notes concerning legislative coordination, or administration relations with Congress that do not relate to specific meetings of the Legislative Interdepartmental Group. Materials cover a broad range of topics, including foreign aid, national security, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), treaties and agreements, foreign affairs, and atomic energy.
Collection: Legislative Interdepartmental Group Files (Nixon and Ford Administrations)
Legislative Interdepartmental Group Chronological Files … The series contains memoranda, briefing papers, correspondence and notes concerning legislative coordination, or administration relations with Congress that do not relate to specific meetings of the Legislative Interdepartmental Group. Materials cover a broad range of topics, including foreign aid, national security, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), treaties and agreements, foreign affairs, and atomic …
Collection: National Security Council Documents Filed in the Presidential Acquisition Files or the White House Central Files (Ford Administration)
Copies of Documents Filed in the Presidential Acquisition Files or the White House Central Files …
Collection: National Security Council Information Liaison with Commissions and Committees Files (Ford Administration)
Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Chronological Files …
Collection: National Security Council Information Liaison with Commissions and Committees Files (Ford Administration)
House Select Committee on Intelligence Chronological Files …
Collection: National Security Council Latin American Affairs Staff Files (Ford Administration)
Latin American Affairs Staff General Subject Files …
This series contains memoranda, telegrams, background and position papers, cables, memoranda of conversations, reports, correspondence, notes, messages, biographies, and clippings regarding United States diplomatic relations with thirty Middle East, South Asian, and North African countries: Afghanistan, Algeria, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Egypt, India, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Maldives, Morocco, Nepal, North Yemen, Oman, Qatar, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, South Yemen, Spanish Sahara, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, and United Arab Emirates. The records contain information on military and economic assistance, territorial disputes, regional alliances, Soviet interests and activities, the Middle East peace negotiations, the evacuation of Beirut, oil, atomic energy, terrorism, and human rights.
Collection: National Security Council Middle East and South Asian Affairs Staff Files (Ford Administration)
Middle East and South Asian Affairs Country Files … This series contains memoranda, telegrams, background and position papers, cables, memoranda of conversations, reports, correspondence, notes, messages, biographies, and clippings regarding United States diplomatic relations with thirty Middle East, South Asian, and North African countries: Afghanistan, Algeria, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Egypt, India, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Maldives, Morocco, Nepal, North Yemen, Oman, …
This series contains telegrams, memoranda, background and position papers, cables, reports, Presidential briefings, and talking points on the Egyptian-Israeli peace negotiations. The materials focus on the role of Henry Kissinger's shuttle diplomacy and illustrates the relationships developed by Kissinger and President Gerald Ford with Middle East leaders through their personal contacts and the exchange of messages. There is also information on events and topics affecting the negotiations and the peace agreement including Arab-Israeli relations, the occupied territories, compliance with the first disengagement agreement, the establishment of a U.S. monitoring force in the Sinai, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), the assassination of Saudi Arabian King Faisal, terrorism, arms sales to Middle East countries, and United Nations Security Council debates on the Middle East.
Collection: National Security Council Middle East and South Asian Affairs Staff Files (Ford Administration)
Middle East and South Asian Affairs Peace Negotiations Chronological Files … This series contains telegrams, memoranda, background and position papers, cables, reports, Presidential briefings, and talking points on the Egyptian-Israeli peace negotiations. The materials focus on the role of Henry Kissinger's shuttle diplomacy and illustrates the relationships developed by Kissinger and President Gerald Ford with Middle East leaders through their personal contacts and the exchange of messages. There is also …