Displaying 121 - 130 of 1890 results
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This series contains records described in the White House Central Files filing manual as "for material pertaining to Local Governments in the states and territories such as Counties, Parishes, Cities, Municipalities, and townships. Include officials elected or appointed to posts of authority in these governments and matters such as civil defense relations and other Federal-Local government relations." It contains records related to the New York City financial crisis.
This series contains clippings, invitations, letters, lists, memorandums, press releases, publications, reports, schedules, speeches, and telegrams.
Collection: White House Central Files Subject Files (Ford Administration)
White House Central Files Subject Files on Local Governments … This series contains records described in the White House Central Files filing manual as "for material pertaining to Local Governments in the states and territories such as Counties, Parishes, Cities, Municipalities, and townships. Include officials elected or appointed to posts of authority in these governments and matters such as civil defense relations and other Federal-Local government relations." It contains records related to the New York …
This series contains records described in the White House Central Files filing manual as "material pertaining to the operation and administration of the White House, the Executive Office Building and other temporary offices of the President. Includes material such as fiscal, personnel, space and procurement."
This series contains clippings, invitations, letters, lists, memorandums, press releases, publications, reports, schedules, speeches, and telegrams.
Collection: White House Central Files Subject Files (Ford Administration)
White House Central Files Subject Files on White House Administration … This series contains records described in the White House Central Files filing manual as "material pertaining to the operation and administration of the White House, the Executive Office Building and other temporary offices of the President. Includes material such as fiscal, personnel, space and procurement." This series contains clippings, invitations, letters, lists, memorandums, press releases, publications, reports, schedules, …
This series contains records described in the White House Central Files filing manual as "material pertaining to Memorials, Monuments, Historic Sites, Parks, Reservations and Cemeteries."
This series contains clippings, invitations, letters, lists, memorandums, press releases, publications, reports, schedules, speeches, and telegrams.
Collection: White House Central Files Subject Files (Ford Administration)
White House Central Files Subject Files on Parks and Monuments … This series contains records described in the White House Central Files filing manual as "material pertaining to Memorials, Monuments, Historic Sites, Parks, Reservations and Cemeteries." This series contains clippings, invitations, letters, lists, memorandums, press releases, publications, reports, schedules, speeches, and …
This series contains carbon copies of letters sent over President Gerald R. Ford's facsimile signature and, occasionally, his real signature. Almost all are form letters and messages.
Collection: White House Central Files Chronological Files (Ford Administration)
White House Central Files Chronological Files … This series contains carbon copies of letters sent over President Gerald R. Ford's facsimile signature and, occasionally, his real signature. Almost all are form letters and messages. …
This series contains either occasional issues or substantial runs of specific business, economic, political, social, and health journals; congressional hearing and reports; newsletters; reports; and yearbooks. Some issues are missing in the case of longer runs. The publications primarily concern domestic and international economic matters.
Collection: Arthur F. Burns Papers
Publications … This series contains either occasional issues or substantial runs of specific business, economic, political, social, and health journals; congressional hearing and reports; newsletters; reports; and yearbooks. Some issues are missing in the case of longer runs. The publications primarily concern domestic and international economic …
This series contains correspondence of Chairman Arthur F. Burns, and occasionally other Federal Reserve Governors, with officers of the twelve regional Federal Reserve Banks. It also contains occasional Federal Reserve staff memoranda about the reserve banks, speeches given by bank officials, and bank reports and publications. Topics include requests and directives to the banks from the Board of Governors; Federal Reserve System personnel and administrative matters; discount rates; bank opinions on monetary issues; and proposed visits to the banks by Chairman Burns. The files on the Federal Reserve Bank of New York also include material on open market operations as well as reports on bank representatives' attendance at meetings of the Bank for International Settlements.
Collection: Arthur F. Burns Papers
Federal Reserve Bank Files … This series contains correspondence of Chairman Arthur F. Burns, and occasionally other Federal Reserve Governors, with officers of the twelve regional Federal Reserve Banks. It also contains occasional Federal Reserve staff memoranda about the reserve banks, speeches given by bank officials, and bank reports and publications. Topics include requests and directives to the banks from the Board of Governors; Federal Reserve System personnel and administrative matters; discount …
This series contains annual volumes publishing Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) minutes of actions, memoranda of discussion, and occasional attachments. Major topics include the setting of monetary policy and the Federal Reserve Board's actions in implementing the policies agreed upon, domestic economic conditions, and international monetary/foreign exchange matters.
Collection: Arthur F. Burns Papers
Federal Open Market Committee Published Minutes … This series contains annual volumes publishing Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) minutes of actions, memoranda of discussion, and occasional attachments. Major topics include the setting of monetary policy and the Federal Reserve Board's actions in implementing the policies agreed upon, domestic economic conditions, and international monetary/foreign exchange …
This series contains an extensive collection of minutes of actions, memoranda of discussion, records of policy actions, transcripts of meetings, and background briefing materials relating to the monthly Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meetings and occasional telephone conferences held between meetings. Major topics include the setting of monetary policy and the Federal Reserve Board's actions in implementing the policies agreed upon, domestic economic conditions, and international monetary/foreign exchange matters. The transcripts cover only the meetings between March 1976 and March 1978. For earlier meetings, the minutes of actions, memoranda of discussion, and records of policy actions provide the only record of the discussions. The briefing books cover the entire period, although the information for 1970 is less complete than for other years.
Collection: Arthur F. Burns Papers
Federal Open Market Committee Meeting Files … This series contains an extensive collection of minutes of actions, memoranda of discussion, records of policy actions, transcripts of meetings, and background briefing materials relating to the monthly Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meetings and occasional telephone conferences held between meetings. Major topics include the setting of monetary policy and the Federal Reserve Board's actions in implementing the policies agreed upon, domestic economic …
This series contains memoranda to and from the White House staff, Domestic Council staff, President Gerald R. Ford, and officials of the departments and agencies; correspondence from individual citizens and organizations; press releases; legislation; legal briefs; and publications. This series mainly concerns economic enterprises owned by Indian tribes, protests staged by groups of Indians, and proposed legislation to assist Indians. Topics include the Bureau of Indian Affairs; a protest at Eagle Bay, New York; a court decision on salmon fishing rights of Indians in Washington state; the Kootenai nation; and expansion of a ski resort operated by the Mescalero Apaches.
Collection: Norman E. Ross Files
Norman Ross' Indian Affairs Subject Files … This series contains memoranda to and from the White House staff, Domestic Council staff, President Gerald R. Ford, and officials of the departments and agencies; correspondence from individual citizens and organizations; press releases; legislation; legal briefs; and publications. This series mainly concerns economic enterprises owned by Indian tribes, protests staged by groups of Indians, and proposed legislation to assist Indians. Topics include the Bureau of …
This series contains briefing books, each containing program funding requests and recommended Office of Management and Budget changes, for several large federal agencies and related small agencies. President Gerald Ford used these books in his annual series of meetings to make final decisions on federal budget proposals to Congress. Also included are background papers for selected agencies or issues and briefing papers for meetings to hear agency appeals. Several books contain the President's handwritten comments or changes in specific dollar amounts or personnel levels.
Collection: White House Special Files Unit Files
Budget Review Decision Papers … This series contains briefing books, each containing program funding requests and recommended Office of Management and Budget changes, for several large federal agencies and related small agencies. President Gerald Ford used these books in his annual series of meetings to make final decisions on federal budget proposals to Congress. Also included are background papers for selected agencies or issues and briefing papers for meetings to hear agency appeals. Several books …