Displaying 1141 - 1150 of 1890 results
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This series contains surveys, questionnaire results, fact books, polls, publications, and correspondence. Michigan based materials account for the largest section of the series including information on congressional elections in the 4th, 10th, and 12th districts, primary results from 2000, and issues surrounding Detroit.
Additional topics include statewide tracking of political issues and demographics, and wide-ranging issues such as national security, stem cell research, and tobacco usage. The series also contains materials pertaining to the surveys conducted by The Americans Talk Issues Foundation.
Collection: Frederick T. Steeper Papers
State and General Files … This series contains surveys, questionnaire results, fact books, polls, publications, and correspondence. Michigan based materials account for the largest section of the series including information on congressional elections in the 4th, 10th, and 12th districts, primary results from 2000, and issues surrounding Detroit. Additional topics include statewide tracking of political issues and demographics, and wide-ranging issues such as national security, stem cell research, and …
This series contains surveys, questionnaire results, fact books, polls, publications, and correspondence. Michigan based materials account for the largest section of the series including information on congressional elections in the 4th, 10th, and 12th districts, primary results from 2000, and issues surrounding Detroit.
Additional topics include statewide tracking of political issues and demographics, and wide-ranging issues such as national security, stem cell research, and tobacco usage. The series also contains materials pertaining to the surveys conducted by The Americans Talk Issues Foundation.
This series consists of letters from members of Congress, other politicians and government officials, celebrities, former constituents from Michigan and personal friends that were sent to President Gerald Ford or his staff after Ford's loss in the 1976 presidential election. The letters are stamped “The President Has Seen” and express regret, support, encouragement, and appreciation for Ford’s service to the country.
Collection: Gerald and Betty Ford Special Materials
Letters Written to Gerald R. Ford Following the 1976 Presidential Election … This series consists of letters from members of Congress, other politicians and government officials, celebrities, former constituents from Michigan and personal friends that were sent to President Gerald Ford or his staff after Ford's loss in the 1976 presidential election. The letters are stamped “The President Has Seen” and express regret, support, encouragement, and appreciation for Ford’s service to the …
This series consists of letters from members of Congress, other politicians and government officials, celebrities, former constituents from Michigan and personal friends that were sent to President Gerald Ford or his staff after Ford's loss in the 1976 presidential election. The letters are stamped “The President Has Seen” and express regret, support, encouragement, and appreciation for Ford’s service to the country.
This series consists of letters and cards written to Betty Ford following the death of her husband, Gerald R. Ford.
Collection: Gerald and Betty Ford Special Materials
Condolence Letters Written to Betty Ford … This series consists of letters and cards written to Betty Ford following the death of her husband, Gerald R. Ford. …
This series consists of letters and cards written to Betty Ford following the death of her husband, Gerald R. Ford.
This series contains memoranda, correspondence, press releases, speech drafts, reading copies of speeches, travel documents and receipts, and brochures pertaining primarily to Alexander Schmidt’s speeches on a variety of food and drug-related issues before governmental and private interest groups during his career in the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and in academia. Also included are files for meetings and conferences attended by Schmidt when not making a speech.
Collection: Alexander M. Schmidt Papers
Speech and Conference Files … This series contains memoranda, correspondence, press releases, speech drafts, reading copies of speeches, travel documents and receipts, and brochures pertaining primarily to Alexander Schmidt’s speeches on a variety of food and drug-related issues before governmental and private interest groups during his career in the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and in academia. Also included are files for meetings and conferences attended by …
This series contains memoranda, correspondence, press releases, speech drafts, reading copies of speeches, travel documents and receipts, and brochures pertaining primarily to Alexander Schmidt’s speeches on a variety of food and drug-related issues before governmental and private interest groups during his career in the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and in academia. Also included are files for meetings and conferences attended by Schmidt when not making a speech.
This series consists of photographs and a scrapbook related to John Robson’s work as Chairman of the Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB), a regulatory agency for aviation services, from 1975 to 1977. The scrapbook contains photographs of Robson at various luncheons, forums, and talks, as well as images of CAB picnics and baseball team group photos. It also includes certificates and awards given to Robson by organizations such as the National Aviation Club and personal letters. Additional photographs depict Robson’s first CAB Airline Deregulation testimony before the Senate Subcommittee on Aviation.
Collection: John E. Robson Papers
Visual Materials … This series consists of photographs and a scrapbook related to John Robson’s work as Chairman of the Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB), a regulatory agency for aviation services, from 1975 to 1977. The scrapbook contains photographs of Robson at various luncheons, forums, and talks, as well as images of CAB picnics and baseball team group photos. It also includes certificates and awards given to Robson by organizations such as the National Aviation Club and personal letters. Additional …
This series consists of photographs and a scrapbook related to John Robson’s work as Chairman of the Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB), a regulatory agency for aviation services, from 1975 to 1977. The scrapbook contains photographs of Robson at various luncheons, forums, and talks, as well as images of CAB picnics and baseball team group photos. It also includes certificates and awards given to Robson by organizations such as the National Aviation Club and personal letters. Additional photographs depict Robson’s first CAB Airline Deregulation testimony before the Senate Subcommittee on Aviation.
This series consists primarily of four photographs that pertain to Paul Leach’s role as Associate Director for Agriculture, Economic Development, and Commerce. Subjects include Secretary of Agriculture Earl Butz hosting a meeting and Gerald Ford meeting the 1976 Maid of Cotton. It also includes a magnetic tape cartridge containing a letter to Congressman Thomas J. Steed of Oklahoma.
Collection: Paul C. Leach Files (Ford Administration)
Paul Leach's Photographs and Magnetic Media … This series consists primarily of four photographs that pertain to Paul Leach’s role as Associate Director for Agriculture, Economic Development, and Commerce. Subjects include Secretary of Agriculture Earl Butz hosting a meeting and Gerald Ford meeting the 1976 Maid of Cotton. It also includes a magnetic tape cartridge containing a letter to Congressman Thomas J. Steed of …
This series consists primarily of four photographs that pertain to Paul Leach’s role as Associate Director for Agriculture, Economic Development, and Commerce. Subjects include Secretary of Agriculture Earl Butz hosting a meeting and Gerald Ford meeting the 1976 Maid of Cotton. It also includes a magnetic tape cartridge containing a letter to Congressman Thomas J. Steed of Oklahoma.
This series contains birthday, anniversary, Father's Day, and get well cards received by former President Gerald Ford from friends, family, organization, and the general public. There are also groupings of get well cards from the Gerald R. Ford Elementary School in Grand Rapids, Michigan in 1992 and 2006, and cards compiled from visitors to the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum in Grand Rapids in 1998. Additionally, the series includes some thank you notes for cards and gifts.
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Post-Presidential Office Files
Greeting Cards Files … This series contains birthday, anniversary, Father's Day, and get well cards received by former President Gerald Ford from friends, family, organization, and the general public. There are also groupings of get well cards from the Gerald R. Ford Elementary School in Grand Rapids, Michigan in 1992 and 2006, and cards compiled from visitors to the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum in Grand Rapids in 1998. Additionally, the series includes some thank you notes for cards and …
This series contains birthday, anniversary, Father's Day, and get well cards received by former President Gerald Ford from friends, family, organization, and the general public. There are also groupings of get well cards from the Gerald R. Ford Elementary School in Grand Rapids, Michigan in 1992 and 2006, and cards compiled from visitors to the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum in Grand Rapids in 1998. Additionally, the series includes some thank you notes for cards and gifts.
This series contains speech drafts and reading copies of speeches given by former President Gerald Ford. Some correspondence and drafts of a few articles by Ford are also included.
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Post-Presidential Office Files
Speech Files … This series contains speech drafts and reading copies of speeches given by former President Gerald Ford. Some correspondence and drafts of a few articles by Ford are also included. …
This series contains speech drafts and reading copies of speeches given by former President Gerald Ford. Some correspondence and drafts of a few articles by Ford are also included.
This series contains reports, files, memoranda, mailing lists, desk calendars, and correspondence used by Chief of Staff Penny Circle in the operation of the post-presidential office of Gerald Ford. Topics include the office transition from the White House to Rancho Mirage, office budgets, federal monies spent on the office, the Former Presidents Act, and travel. Also included are files regarding the litigation of cases filed against the office by former employees Michelle Summers and Robert Vernon.
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Post-Presidential Office Files
Penny Circle Operations Files … This series contains reports, files, memoranda, mailing lists, desk calendars, and correspondence used by Chief of Staff Penny Circle in the operation of the post-presidential office of Gerald Ford. Topics include the office transition from the White House to Rancho Mirage, office budgets, federal monies spent on the office, the Former Presidents Act, and travel. Also included are files regarding the litigation of cases filed against the office by former employees Michelle …
This series contains reports, files, memoranda, mailing lists, desk calendars, and correspondence used by Chief of Staff Penny Circle in the operation of the post-presidential office of Gerald Ford. Topics include the office transition from the White House to Rancho Mirage, office budgets, federal monies spent on the office, the Former Presidents Act, and travel. Also included are files regarding the litigation of cases filed against the office by former employees Michelle Summers and Robert Vernon.
This series consists of material were collected in an album to memorialize President Richard Nixon’s second inauguration on January 20, 1973 and the work of the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies, of which Gerald Ford was a member. The series includes invitations, printed images of President Nixon and Vice President Spiro Agnew, President’s platform seating diagram, an Inauguration Ceremonies program, tickets, Inauguration luncheon program, an automobile police pass, news clippings, legislation, and copies of correspondence and a press release from the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies.
Collection: Gerald and Betty Ford Special Materials
1973 Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies Album … This series consists of material were collected in an album to memorialize President Richard Nixon’s second inauguration on January 20, 1973 and the work of the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies, of which Gerald Ford was a member. The series includes invitations, printed images of President Nixon and Vice President Spiro Agnew, President’s platform seating diagram, an Inauguration Ceremonies program, tickets, …
This series consists of material were collected in an album to memorialize President Richard Nixon’s second inauguration on January 20, 1973 and the work of the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies, of which Gerald Ford was a member. The series includes invitations, printed images of President Nixon and Vice President Spiro Agnew, President’s platform seating diagram, an Inauguration Ceremonies program, tickets, Inauguration luncheon program, an automobile police pass, news clippings, legislation, and copies of correspondence and a press release from the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies.