Displaying 1131 - 1140 of 1890 results
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This series consists of video recordings related to politics and general elections in Canada, primarily taped from CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation). It also includes coverage of Quebec referendums and elections in 1995, 1998, and 2003.
Collection: Roy Wetzel Papers and Audiovisual Materials
Canadian Politics and Elections Video Recordings … This series consists of video recordings related to politics and general elections in Canada, primarily taped from CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation). It also includes coverage of Quebec referendums and elections in 1995, 1998, and …
This series consists of video recordings related to politics and general elections in Canada, primarily taped from CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation). It also includes coverage of Quebec referendums and elections in 1995, 1998, and 2003.
This series contains numbered albums of Gerald and Betty Ford family photographs maintained at their home in California. Different categories of photographs are identified by alphabetic designations. Category A includes photographs of Gerald and Betty Ford’s children Michael, Jack, Steve, and Susan, as well as a number of Post-Presidential trips. Category B contains photographs of Gerald Ford’s side of the family, the earliest dating from the 1880s, focusing in particular on his mother Dorothy Ayer Gardner (King) Ford and her relatives. Only a small number of photographs relate to the family of Gerald R. Ford, Sr. This category covers up to and including the Vice Presidential period. Categories P and PP relate to the Presidential period. Category M consists primarily of post-Presidential photos. The A-Box category contains images of the Fords’ trips to Japan in 1979, 1981, and 1982.
Collection: Ford Family Photographs
Ford Family Numbered Photograph Albums … This series contains numbered albums of Gerald and Betty Ford family photographs maintained at their home in California. Different categories of photographs are identified by alphabetic designations. Category A includes photographs of Gerald and Betty Ford’s children Michael, Jack, Steve, and Susan, as well as a number of Post-Presidential trips. Category B contains photographs of Gerald Ford’s side of the family, the earliest dating from the 1880s, focusing in …
This series contains numbered albums of Gerald and Betty Ford family photographs maintained at their home in California. Different categories of photographs are identified by alphabetic designations. Category A includes photographs of Gerald and Betty Ford’s children Michael, Jack, Steve, and Susan, as well as a number of Post-Presidential trips. Category B contains photographs of Gerald Ford’s side of the family, the earliest dating from the 1880s, focusing in particular on his mother Dorothy Ayer Gardner (King) Ford and her relatives. Only a small number of photographs relate to the family of Gerald R. Ford, Sr. This category covers up to and including the Vice Presidential period. Categories P and PP relate to the Presidential period. Category M consists primarily of post-Presidential photos. The A-Box category contains images of the Fords’ trips to Japan in 1979, 1981, and 1982.
This series contains public opinion letters, telegrams, postcards, brochures, news clippings, magazine articles, and photographs concerning abortion on demand. Topics include President Gerald Ford and First Lady Betty Ford’s views on abortion, the right to life movement, U.S. Constitutional amendment to ban abortion, Republican Party platform, and 1976 Presidential election.
Collection: White House Central Files Bulk Mail Files (Ford Administration)
Abortion Files … This series contains public opinion letters, telegrams, postcards, brochures, news clippings, magazine articles, and photographs concerning abortion on demand. Topics include President Gerald Ford and First Lady Betty Ford’s views on abortion, the right to life movement, U.S. Constitutional amendment to ban abortion, Republican Party platform, and 1976 Presidential …
This series contains public opinion letters, telegrams, postcards, brochures, news clippings, magazine articles, and photographs concerning abortion on demand. Topics include President Gerald Ford and First Lady Betty Ford’s views on abortion, the right to life movement, U.S. Constitutional amendment to ban abortion, Republican Party platform, and 1976 Presidential election.
This series contains correspondence, schedules, and speeches related to former President Gerald Ford's trips and events throughout the United States and internationally. Also covered are events held at or near his home in Rancho Mirage, California.
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Post-Presidential Office Files
Trips and Events Files … This series contains correspondence, schedules, and speeches related to former President Gerald Ford's trips and events throughout the United States and internationally. Also covered are events held at or near his home in Rancho Mirage, …
This series contains correspondence, schedules, and speeches related to former President Gerald Ford's trips and events throughout the United States and internationally. Also covered are events held at or near his home in Rancho Mirage, California.
This series contains correspondence and other supporting material related to the issuance and revocation of White House complex passes. Also included are completed request for pass and request for extension of pass forms.
Collection: Jane Dannenhauer Files
White House Passes Files … This series contains correspondence and other supporting material related to the issuance and revocation of White House complex passes. Also included are completed request for pass and request for extension of pass forms. …
This series contains correspondence and other supporting material related to the issuance and revocation of White House complex passes. Also included are completed request for pass and request for extension of pass forms.
This series consists of records related to background investigations performed on individuals considered for Presidential appointments or medals.
Collection: Jane Dannenhauer Files
General Background Investigation Case Files … This series consists of records related to background investigations performed on individuals considered for Presidential appointments or medals. …
This series consists of records related to background investigations performed on individuals considered for Presidential appointments or medals.
This series consists of records related to conflict of interest investigations performed on individuals considered for Presidential appointments. The case files include employment, education, and financial background materials on individuals.
Collection: Jane Dannenhauer Files
Presidential Appointments Conflict of Interest Investigation Case Files … This series consists of records related to conflict of interest investigations performed on individuals considered for Presidential appointments. The case files include employment, education, and financial background materials on …
This series consists of records related to conflict of interest investigations performed on individuals considered for Presidential appointments. The case files include employment, education, and financial background materials on individuals.
This series consists of a card file of White House staff, listing the name, position, investigation release date, date received from the Presidential Personnel Office, and dates of conflicts, security, special clearance, and National Security Council clearance approvals. Cards also indicate dates of reassignment and resignation.
Collection: Jane Dannenhauer Files
White House Staff Clearance Tracking Card Files … This series consists of a card file of White House staff, listing the name, position, investigation release date, date received from the Presidential Personnel Office, and dates of conflicts, security, special clearance, and National Security Council clearance approvals. Cards also indicate dates of reassignment and …
This series consists of a card file of White House staff, listing the name, position, investigation release date, date received from the Presidential Personnel Office, and dates of conflicts, security, special clearance, and National Security Council clearance approvals. Cards also indicate dates of reassignment and resignation.
This series contains surveys, questionnaire results, press clippings, correspondence, reports, polls, and maps. Topics include statewide results for the 1992 and 1996 Presidential elections, national exit polling data, the 1994 midterm elections, and the Pete Wilson for President campaign in 1996.
Collection: Frederick T. Steeper Papers
George H. W. Bush 1992 and 1996 Presidential Campaign Files … This series contains surveys, questionnaire results, press clippings, correspondence, reports, polls, and maps. Topics include statewide results for the 1992 and 1996 Presidential elections, national exit polling data, the 1994 midterm elections, and the Pete Wilson for President campaign in …
This series contains surveys, questionnaire results, press clippings, correspondence, reports, polls, and maps. Topics include statewide results for the 1992 and 1996 Presidential elections, national exit polling data, the 1994 midterm elections, and the Pete Wilson for President campaign in 1996.
This series contains surveys, questionnaire results, polling data, correspondence, and newspaper clippings. Topics include statewide results for the 2000 and 2004 elections, George Bush / Al Gore comparisons, Committee for Bush in 2000, and exit polling data.
Collection: Frederick T. Steeper Papers
George W. Bush 2000 and 2004 Presidential Campaign Files … This series contains surveys, questionnaire results, polling data, correspondence, and newspaper clippings. Topics include statewide results for the 2000 and 2004 elections, George Bush / Al Gore comparisons, Committee for Bush in 2000, and exit polling …
This series contains surveys, questionnaire results, polling data, correspondence, and newspaper clippings. Topics include statewide results for the 2000 and 2004 elections, George Bush / Al Gore comparisons, Committee for Bush in 2000, and exit polling data.