Displaying 1041 - 1050 of 1890 results
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This series contains minutes of the Presidential Clemency Board's meetings. They concern discussions of the Board's practices, organization, case loads, and other administrative issues. Some materials also relate to the work of the board on granting conditional clemency for those accused of draft or military absence offenses during the Vietnam War.
Collection: Robert J. Horn Papers
Presidential Clemency Board Meeting Minutes … This series contains minutes of the Presidential Clemency Board's meetings. They concern discussions of the Board's practices, organization, case loads, and other administrative issues. Some materials also relate to the work of the board on granting conditional clemency for those accused of draft or military absence offenses during the Vietnam …
This series contains minutes of the Presidential Clemency Board's meetings. They concern discussions of the Board's practices, organization, case loads, and other administrative issues. Some materials also relate to the work of the board on granting conditional clemency for those accused of draft or military absence offenses during the Vietnam War.
This series contains correspondence, newspaper clippings, monologues, scripts, and joke cards compiled during Robert Orben’s career as a comedy writer. Included are materials Orben wrote for television personalities such as Red Buttons, Dick Gregory, Jack Paar (The Jack Paar Program), and Red Skelton (The Red Skelton Hour).
Collection: Robert Orben Papers
Television Files … This series contains correspondence, newspaper clippings, monologues, scripts, and joke cards compiled during Robert Orben’s career as a comedy writer. Included are materials Orben wrote for television personalities such as Red Buttons, Dick Gregory, Jack Paar (The Jack Paar Program), and Red Skelton (The Red Skelton …
This series contains correspondence, newspaper clippings, monologues, scripts, and joke cards compiled during Robert Orben’s career as a comedy writer. Included are materials Orben wrote for television personalities such as Red Buttons, Dick Gregory, Jack Paar (The Jack Paar Program), and Red Skelton (The Red Skelton Hour).
Collection: Leonard Colodny Papers
John and Maureen Dean Lawsuit Files …
The series contains correspondence, memoranda, transcripts, and articles. Although a small amount of material dating from his service on the President's Commission on the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy (Warren Commission) appears, the bulk of this series documents David Belin's subsequent role as “chief defender” of the Warren Commission and its report. It contains the many articles he wrote, material on the writing of his book "November 22, 1963: You Are the Jury," articles and books written by Warren Commission supporters and detractors and his correspondence with the authors, transcripts of television shows on which Belin appeared, and correspondence with former Warren Commission members and staff. In addition, scattered files contain material on his work as executive director of the Rockefeller Commission and/or the Central Intelligence Agency's failure to reveal relevant information during the Warren Commission's investigation.
Collection: David W. Belin Papers
Warren Commission and Kennedy Assassination Numbered Files … The series contains correspondence, memoranda, transcripts, and articles. Although a small amount of material dating from his service on the President's Commission on the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy (Warren Commission) appears, the bulk of this series documents David Belin's subsequent role as “chief defender” of the Warren Commission and its report. It contains the many articles he wrote, material on the writing of his book …
The series contains correspondence, memoranda, transcripts, and articles. Although a small amount of material dating from his service on the President's Commission on the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy (Warren Commission) appears, the bulk of this series documents David Belin's subsequent role as “chief defender” of the Warren Commission and its report. It contains the many articles he wrote, material on the writing of his book "November 22, 1963: You Are the Jury," articles and books written by Warren Commission supporters and detractors and his correspondence with the authors, transcripts of television shows on which Belin appeared, and correspondence with former Warren Commission members and staff. In addition, scattered files contain material on his work as executive director of the Rockefeller Commission and/or the Central Intelligence Agency's failure to reveal relevant information during the Warren Commission's investigation.
The series contains working files (primarily chapter drafts, but also some correspondence) for David Belin's never-published book about the President's Commission on Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Activities within the United States' (also known as the Rockefeller Commission) investigation of alleged abuses by the intelligence community. Some of the chapters of this book eventually appeared in some form in Belin's book “Final Disclosure.”
Collection: David W. Belin Papers
"Inside the CIA: The Belin Report" Book Files … The series contains working files (primarily chapter drafts, but also some correspondence) for David Belin's never-published book about the President's Commission on Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Activities within the United States' (also known as the Rockefeller Commission) investigation of alleged abuses by the intelligence community. Some of the chapters of this book eventually appeared in some form in Belin's book “Final …
The series contains working files (primarily chapter drafts, but also some correspondence) for David Belin's never-published book about the President's Commission on Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Activities within the United States' (also known as the Rockefeller Commission) investigation of alleged abuses by the intelligence community. Some of the chapters of this book eventually appeared in some form in Belin's book “Final Disclosure.”
The series contains published congressional documents concerning the House Select Committee's investigation of various assassinations, including the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
Collection: David W. Belin Papers
House Select Committee on Assassinations Hearings and Reports … The series contains published congressional documents concerning the House Select Committee's investigation of various assassinations, including the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. …
The series contains published congressional documents concerning the House Select Committee's investigation of various assassinations, including the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
This series contains Marine Corps reports, orders, clippings, and analyses dating from the Gerald R. Ford administration. The documents concern the role of various Marine Corps units in the evacuations from Cambodia and South Vietnam in 1975 at the end of the Vietnam War, removal and resettlement of Indochina refugees, and the rescue of the S.S. Mayaguez from Cambodian Khmer Rouge control.
Collection: Marine Corps History and Museums Division Collection
Mayaguez and Related Operational Records … This series contains Marine Corps reports, orders, clippings, and analyses dating from the Gerald R. Ford administration. The documents concern the role of various Marine Corps units in the evacuations from Cambodia and South Vietnam in 1975 at the end of the Vietnam War, removal and resettlement of Indochina refugees, and the rescue of the S.S. Mayaguez from Cambodian Khmer Rouge …
This series contains Marine Corps reports, orders, clippings, and analyses dating from the Gerald R. Ford administration. The documents concern the role of various Marine Corps units in the evacuations from Cambodia and South Vietnam in 1975 at the end of the Vietnam War, removal and resettlement of Indochina refugees, and the rescue of the S.S. Mayaguez from Cambodian Khmer Rouge control.
This series contains drafts and the final form of the National Security Decision Memoranda (NSDM), background materials, comments by concerned departments and agencies, directives for implementing the decision, and follow-up reports as required by the NSDM. Decision memoranda were issued to provide instructions for Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT), Mutual and Balanced Force Reduction (MBFR) talks with the Soviet Union, Nuclear Test Ban, Peaceful Nuclear Explosions, Law of the Sea, Panama Canal, and military base treaty negotiations. Decision memoranda were also issued on a broad range of foreign affairs and national security topics including communications security, weapons and strategic and critical materials stockpiles, establishment of the Sinai Support Mission, implications of worldwide population growth, and policies dealing with many aspects of nuclear energy and nuclear weapons.
Collection: National Security Council Institutional Files (Ford Administration)
National Security Decision Memoranda (NSDM) Files … This series contains drafts and the final form of the National Security Decision Memoranda (NSDM), background materials, comments by concerned departments and agencies, directives for implementing the decision, and follow-up reports as required by the NSDM. Decision memoranda were issued to provide instructions for Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT), Mutual and Balanced Force Reduction (MBFR) talks with the Soviet Union, Nuclear Test Ban, Peaceful …
This series contains drafts and the final form of the National Security Decision Memoranda (NSDM), background materials, comments by concerned departments and agencies, directives for implementing the decision, and follow-up reports as required by the NSDM. Decision memoranda were issued to provide instructions for Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT), Mutual and Balanced Force Reduction (MBFR) talks with the Soviet Union, Nuclear Test Ban, Peaceful Nuclear Explosions, Law of the Sea, Panama Canal, and military base treaty negotiations. Decision memoranda were also issued on a broad range of foreign affairs and national security topics including communications security, weapons and strategic and critical materials stockpiles, establishment of the Sinai Support Mission, implications of worldwide population growth, and policies dealing with many aspects of nuclear energy and nuclear weapons.
Collection: Joyce Maupin Papers
Correspondence with Sara Jane Moore …