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Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library Documents wholly or partly declassified and released via Mandatory Declassification Review October-December 2012 Photocopies may be ordered at $0.80 per page. Contact: Collection Title Box No. Folder Title or WH Central File Code Council of Economic Advisers 39 Economic Summit 1976 (3) Council of Economic Advisers Council of Economic Advisers Council of Economic Advisers 39 39 39 Economic Summit 1976 (3) Economic Summit 1976 (3) Economic Summit 1976 …
Gerald R. Ford Library Documents wholly or partly declassified and released via Mandatory Declassification Review FY 14 3rd Quarter April - June 2014 Photocopies may be ordered at $0.80 per page Collection Title Box No. Folder Title or WH Central File Code Document Identification Date # Pages U.S. National Security Council Institutional Records 22 Meeting Minutes - Verification Panel (Drafts), January-February 1976 Typed Draft Minutes 1/5/1976 5 U.S. National Security Council Institutional Records 22 …
THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON DINNER IN HONOR OF THE HONORABLE THE PRIME MINISTER OF AUSTRALIA AND MRS. FRASER July 2 7, 1976 8:00 p. m. Dress: Black tie ... long dresses for the ladies Arrival: 8: 00 p. m . . . . at North Portico Entrance ... Prime Minister and Mrs. Fraser, Ambassador Black. You and Mrs. Ford will greet. Photo coverage of greeting. Yellow Oval Room: Secretary and Mrs. Kissinger; Minister for Foreign Affairs Andrew Peacock; American Ambassador and Mrs. James W. Hargrove; and Foreign …
_.. 1. ", HEAD TABLE Table 6 The Sec'ret2.ry of State ~Irs. C rOS ;il.nd Tne Vice Pl"esident HiVI Queen Elizabeth II THE PRESIDENT' MRS. FORD HRH The P !"ince Philip Mrs. Rocl :efeller TRH Anthony Crosland Mrs. Kis-E!inger TABLE 1 Secyof Treasury Duchess of Grafton Mr. Grant Mrs. Rule Senator Packwood 'Mrs. Thos. Murphy . Mr. Reed ·Amb. Armstrong Table 2, 'Miss Ford ,Mr.Curtis Scaife . Mrs.. Longworth Mr':' Mr11.> i Secchia :.-.... · Mr. Hamill Miss Melinda Murphy · Mr; Secchia ' ": l* .. ,. Table …
DINNER AT THE WHITE HOUSE - DECEMBER 5, 1974 - 8:00 P. M. 117 guests TABLE 1 Rep. Price Mrs. Burke Rep. Hungate Mrs. Coray Am.b. Hillenbrand Mrs. Broyhill Prof. Dr. Merkle Mrs. Kindel Mr. Griswold Mrs. Washington TABLE 5 Mr. Rum.sfeld 1vlrs. Buckley Dr. Schueler Mrs. Cary Mr. Grey Mrs. Byrd Dr. Schlecht Mrs. Lisagor Chf. of Protocol Mrs. Hoving TABLE 9 Mrs. Schlesinger Mr. Boelling Mr. Shepard Mrs. Jones Mr. Ash Mrs. Brock Dr. McLucas Mrs. Osborn Lt. Gen. Scowcroft Rep. Hutchinson TABLE 2 Mrs. Rum.sfeld …
Digitized from the Russell H. Armentrout Files (Box 11) at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library Kevised (Pg. Z) May 8, 1975 10: 00 a. m. ,.-"Ci~" '."---_ THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON DIl'ZNER IN HONOR OF HIS EXCELLENCY THE PRIME MINISTER OF THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE AND MRS. LEE May 8, 1975 8:.00 p. m. Dress: Black tie ... long dresses for the ladies Arrival: 8: 00 p. m. '" at North Portico Entrance ... Prime Minister and Mrs. Lee, Ambassador and Mrs. Catto You and Mrs. Ford will greet Photo coverage of …