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Part IV Significant Areas of Investigation Introduction This Commission was charged with determining whether any actiritics of the CL\ within the I’nitctl States c~scc~lcd its statutory authority. We ha\-e. therefore. extensively inqlCret1 into the CIA’s domestic activities and related matttrs 01.rr the years. Tile nest 11 (‘hapters of this Report tletail ow findings and analyze those activities that hear special scrutiny. The C”ommission mrt w-cckly. hepinning 011 ,January 13, 1975, to hear testimony from …
Chapter 2 The Need for Intelligence During the period of the Commission’s inquiry, there have been public allegations that a democracy does not need an intelligence apparatus. The Commission does not share this view. Intelligence is information gathered for policymakers in government which illuminates t,he range of choices available to them and enables them to exercise judgment. Good intelligence will not necessarily lead to wise policy choices. But without sound intelligence, national policy decisions and …
Chapter 7 External Controls Because of the CIA’s intelligence role and the resulting special need for secrecy, the Agency is subject to different external checks from other government agencies. It does not fit within any regular pattern of executive supervision and control. Its development during a period of “cold war,‘! in which the needs for national security supported a broad construction of CIA’s authority, limited control by Congress over its activities. Until recently, there has been little public …
TO~ 8EC~/SENSITIVE/EXCLUSIVELY EYES ONLY DIJCLAS$1FIBD E.O. 129~&. See. 3.5 MEMORANDUM OF CONVERSATION PARTIC IPANTS : KSC Wtlu, 11/24/98, State Dept n;~ II k:att , MAlA, ~> .u ~ IQ.L USSR Genera l Secret ary CPSU, L.I. Brezhn ev Foreig n Minist er Andrey Gromyk o Viktor Sukhod rev (Interp reter) us Presid ent Ford Henry A. Kissin ger, Secret ary of State William G. Hyland , State Dept. (Noteta ker) DATE & TIME: August 2, 1975 - 12:15pm - 12:35 pm PLACE: Soviet Embass y, Helsin ki Brezhn ev: Procee ding …
MEMORA NDUM 1947 THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTO N INFORM ATION MEMORA NDUM FOR THE PRESIDE NT FROM: Henry A. Kissinge r SUBJECT : Impact of European Security Conferen ce on Baltic States Members of the Baltic America n Commun ity have recently been seeking reaffirma tion of the United States' policy toward the Baltic States, believing such reaffirma tion is importan t on the eve of the European Security Conferen ce. This memoran dum addresse d the questions you have raised on this subject. The anticipat ed …
Gerald R. Ford Library Documents wholly or partly declassified and released via Mandatory Declassification Review FY 15 1st Quarter October - December 2014 Photocopies may be ordered at $0.80 per page Collection Title Box No. Folder Title or WH Central File Code Document Identification Date # Pages 58 NSDM 289 - US Military Supply Policy to Pakistan and India (2) Memo: Colby to Scowcroft re Arms Shipments to India and Pakistan During the Second Half of 1975 12/30/1975 1 58 NSDM 289 - US Military Supply …
Gerald R. Ford Library Documents wholly or partly declassified and released via Mandatory Declassification Review FY 13 3rd Quarter April - June 2013 Photocopies may be ordered at $0.80 per page Collection Title Box No. Folder Title or WH Central File Code Document Identification Date # Pages Melvin R. Laird Papers C29 Taking Stock, Tab 23, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Memo Director DARPA to Secretary Defense 12/26/1972 5 William E. Simon Papers 56 19:23 Council on Internation Economic Policy: …
Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library Documents wholly or partly declassified and released via Mandatory Declassification Review October- December 2010 Photocopies may be ordered at $0.75 per page. Contact: Collection Title Box No. Folder Title or WH Central File Code Frank Zarb Papers 10 September 13, 1976 - Undated International Economic Affairs Staff James Wilson Papers 1 6 Country File - Cuba 1/76-8/76 James Wilson Papers 6 1/76-8/76 NEA Countries for Inclusion in FY1978 CPD James …
NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION WITHDRAWAL SHEET (PRESIDENTIAL LI BRARIES) FORM OF DOC UMENT CORRESPONDENTS OR TIT LE DATE RESTRlCTIOJ'l Contact Sheet A8970 03/29/ 1976 C FILE LOCAT ION WHPO ORIGINAL NEGATIVES BOX 119 TV - KGH MAY 25 , 20 12 RESTRICTI ON CODES (A .Iosed by Executive Order 11 652 governing access to national ecurit information (B) 10 ed by statute or by the agency which origi nated the document. ( losed in Accordance with restriction' contained in the dono r's deed of … …