Displaying 4101 - 4110 of 35248 results
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, • File scanned from the National Security Adviser's Memoranda of Conversation Collection at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library MEMORANDUM DECLASSIFIED THE WHITE HOUSE SI1)C.aI1)T /?}..GDS If)., E.O. 12968 Sac. 3.6 WASHINGTON J2lL 0 1-'''', - ... ;; tJ,;l.O/DI By d£I.-, .HAM Date l,/a7lD.l MEMORANDUM OF CONVERSATION PARTICIPANTS: Adam Malik, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia Didi Djajaningrat, Director General for Political Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Alex Alatas, …
File scanned from the National Security Adviser's Memoranda of Conversation Collection at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library MEMORANDUM THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON ii;~/NODIS/XGDS MEMORANDUM OF CONVERSATION PARTICIPANTS: President Ford Senator Jacob Javits (R-N. Y.) Senator Clifford Case 1R-N. J.} Dr. Henry A. Kissinger, Secretary of State Brent Scowcroft, Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs DATE AND TIME: September, 1976 PLACE: The Oval Office President: (Discussion of New York, …
- File scanned from the National Security Adviser's Memoranda of Conversation Collection at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library MEMORANDUM THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON ~E"f' /NODlS /XGDS .c. DECLASSIfiED &.0. 12958 MEMORANDUM OF CONVERSATION /'11.1(08-1'5,. 3.1 .,s;. tJ5() ¥4'" $'12 10& PAR T ICIPANTS: President Ford Dr. Henry A. Kissinger .. Secretary of State Brent Scowcroft.. Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs DATE AND TIM:E: Monday.. February 16 .. 1976 9:35 - 10: 10 a. m. …
TH E COMPANY WILL APPlIEClATE SUGGESTIONS mOM ITS PATRONS CO 'iCERNINC ITS SERVICE W ES g:~~ U NIO C;::F.::7~ 'Ymbol above or pre ceding tht: address. R • • • WHITE NltWC;OW a C ....LTO.. r .U1D&HT CJtAUlwA H 0" 'I'M. eOAflD SYMBO LS '- DL- o., Lette~ ~ , Nl.T ~C.bleNIRht l.earr ~~c;.:" LLtrVUI Sl.lp Radl~m ~':: ••:... ~"~ ' ''~• ..,. ~==~~~~;;;;~~~ Thbfillnlr Llme lillown In the,dAtu line 00 telecrMnll !Ul d da, lctLcnl bST.A.ND ARD T I ME .. ~poiAt of .onPn. Tim' , • . , ,' . . Received at PJ11 .. " . …
Scanned from Box 1 of the Frederica Pantlind Papers at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library Jt~ /.1? . s:r ?/~h~/ci" · { … Scanned from Box 1 of the Frederica Pantlind Papers at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library Jt~ /.1? . s:r ?/~h~/ci" · { …
Scanned from Box 1 of the Frederica Pantlind Papers at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library GERALD F ORD 1912 GED DES ANN ARBOR. M IC H. I ~. GERALD FORD 19 12 G E DD ES A N N AR BOR, MICH , - - C i D:: cn !:! D::OI Z ,~ 01112 II.. 0 . 011: CillO .J CJIIl ...... 0: .... -Z C) … Scanned from Box 1 of the Frederica Pantlind Papers at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library GERALD F ORD 1912 GED DES ANN ARBOR. M IC H. I ~. GERALD FORD 19 12 G E DD ES A N N AR BOR, MICH , - - C i D:: cn !:! D::OI Z ,~ 01112 …
Scanned from Box 1 of the Frederica Pantlind Papers at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library O::IIl ~ a :t 01112; • Co: LI. C CillO .... 0 10 ~~ c z o:: e z " III … Scanned from Box 1 of the Frederica Pantlind Papers at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library O::IIl ~ a :t 01112; • Co: LI. C CillO .... 0 10 ~~ c z o:: e z " …
"---~------ Scanned from Box 1 of the Frederica Pantlind Papers at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library ,GAMMA ANNUAL LUNCHEON Epsilon Chapter DELTA TAU -~'-" SORORITY ) ..,.. :~ Snturdn.y, May 25, 1935 ORIGINAL RETIRED FOR PRESERVATION -------.. - .- "',' ... OFFICERS OF THE:$0:ti.0RITY .... -- PROGRAM .... Term froIg-J9,nU1;l.ry to 'June -19'35 "... . . ( t -{ President---------v~'Wanii: ~ President Wanty-------------'35 Vi~glnla ""'. "-'" V1ce-Pres1dent----B. Bloomer Secretary---------B.J.Stander …
ll~,tt11 For~l·s B••ttvrnailk P1•nc1•kt,.fiJ 3 cups sifted flour 2 % tspns. doub le-acting baking powder % tspn . soda 1,4 tspn. salt 3 tblspns. sugar 3 eggs, well beaten 3 cups buttermilk 1,4 cup butter or other shortening, melted Measure sifted flour, add baking powder, soda, salt and sugar. Sift again. Combine eggs and buttermilk; add to flour mixture. Add melted shortening and stir just until all flour is dampened . (Batter will be slightly lumpy.) Bake on hot greased griddle, turning only once. Serve …
The original documents are located in Box 1, folder “Photocopies of related documents in the Ervin Committee Records at the National Archives” of the Alexander P. Butterfield Papers, 1973 at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Gerald R. Ford donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in …