Displaying 4051 - 4060 of 35248 results
Page 406 of 3525
r~ ,,. Y, LVV~ ~tr11N CRET/NO •F0 DISSEM/CONTROLLED DISSEM ..... RESPONSE TO NSSM 224 UNITED STATES POLICY TOWARD ANGOLA Pr8par ed by the Nation al Securi ty Counci l Interde partme ntal Group for Africa ' June 13, 1975 DISSEM .. 49 I' , ~~ ~~;~~ GN DISSEM/CONTROLLED DISSEM ) priva te invest ments in Angola n diamo nds, miner als, and the Bengu ela Railro ad. The I South Africa ns also maint ain a consu late in Luand a. Preto ria is conce rned that a commu nist 1 or otherw ise unfrie ndly regime in Luand a …
President Gerald R. Ford Greets Vietnamese Orphans at the San Francisco Airport, April 5, 1975 Photographs by White House photographer David Hume Kennerly Digital File A3854 Nurses, Refugee Children, Others seated in bus; various angles; all not in every frame A3854 (01) A3854 GRF, Betty Ford, Nurses, Refugee Children, Others greeting, handshaking, holding children on bus; various angles and distances; all not in every frame night shots A3854 (02) A3854 GRF, Nurses, Refugee Children, Others GRF walking …
/1 Scanned from the Legislation Case Files (Box 52 - 8/12/76, S.3735) at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON ACTION Last Day: August 23 August 11, 1976 MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT FROM: JIM SUBJECT: S. 3735 Program of Swine Flu Immunization Attached for your consideration is S. 3735, sponsored by Senator Kennedy. The enrolled bill authorizes the Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare to carry out a national swine flu immunization program until August 1, 1977, and …
Scanned from the White House Central Files Subject File (HE 1 - Exec.) at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library MEMORANDUM OF INFORMATION FOR THE FILE CORRESPONDENCE FILED CENTRAL FILES - CONFIDENTIAL FILE tt!tI P'.US IIjENT HAS S:ftElf ••.• EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET WASHINGTON. D.C. 20503 CF II it HE/ SWINE INFLUENZA PROGRAM MEETING Monday, March 22, 1976 11:00 to 11:30 a.m. (30 minutes) Cabinet Room From: I. James PURPOSE ~nn - To discuss a possible Federal …
- . t .l10LL, John Cardinal .1 o ..L 10/8/74 5/LS/75 6/7/75 I 10/9/76 - - · -- .... I L> Ln . J ohn 7/8/76! 7/9/76 6/25/76 LEROY, David H. ( LESHER, Dean S. 3/27/76 - . ... -, LEVC Edward H . 11/23/7 5 6/14/76 7/15/76 7/16/76 7/17/76 7/L8/76 9/1/76 ll/23/76 1/7/77 LEWIS, Drew 4/28/76 I 4/29/76 5/22/76 7/26/76 7/27/76 9/1/76 ., LEWI§, Salim 9/10/1r!> INC l LEY, A rlon G. 5/9/76 I 5/l0/76 ) LIEVENSE, Lloyd G. 5/2/75 5/19/75 I 5/21/75 I 5/23/75 LINDSEY, John V. 12/20/74 t LISAGOH, Peter 3/29/76 LIST, Robert …
Digitized from the Russell H. Armentrout Files (Box 10) at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON DINNER IN HONOR OF HIS EXCELLENCY HEDI NOUIRA PRIME MINIST ER OF TUNISIA May 1, 1975 7:30 p. m.. Dress: Black Tie Arrival: 7: 30 p. m.. . . . Your guests will arrive through the· Diplom.atic Reception Room. and will be escorted to the Red Room. for m.ixed drinks. 7:40 p. m.. . . . You will be escorted via elevator to the North Portico where you will greet Prim.e Minister Nouira. …