Displaying 1021 - 1030 of 35248 results
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Digitized from Box 15 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE SEPTEMBER 12, 1975 OFFICE OF THE WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY (St. Louis, Missouri) THE WHITE HOUSE REMARKS OF THE PRESIDENT TO THE NATIONAL BAPTIST CONVENTION HENRY W. KIEL AUDITORIUM 1:55 P.M. CDT Dr. Jackson, Dr. Burson and distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen: At the outset, let me congratulate Dr. Jackson on his birthday yesterday, and the fact that he was re-elected …
/' )~ - CANcr~, ""-' SOCIETY NEWS SERVICE 219 EAST 42nd STREET NEW YORK, N. Y. 10017 (212) 867-3700 FOR RELEASE TO PM'S, WEDNESDAY, M~~CH 26, 1975 (RADIO-TV: 12 NOON) ACS Courage Award to Cadet Washington, D.C. - President Ford today awarded the American Cancer Society's Courage Award to West Point Cadet Robert E. Johnson, captain of the Army football team, who waged a personal campaign against cancer. The President presented a plaque to Johnson in a White House ceremony launching the Society's 1975 …
Digitized from Box 14 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library AUGUST 5, 1975 EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE UNTIL 6 p. m., EDT TUESDAY, AUGUST 5, 1975 Office of the White House Pre ss Secretary .---~-----------------------~------------------------- ---------- THE WHITE HOUSE TEXT OF THE PRESIDENT'S TOAST TO BE DELIVERED AT A DINNER FOR PRIME MINISTER TAKEO MIKI OF JAPAN Mr. Prime Minister~ in the last 40 years, you have visited this country in many capacities -- as a student, as …
Digitized from Box 6 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library FOR IMMEDIA TE RELEASE DECEMBER 19. 19'74 Office nf the White Hous@ Press Secretary ----------------.------------------------------------- ---~------- THE WHITE HOUSE The President today announced his intention to nominate Josepb Laitin, of Bethesda. Maryland, to be Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs. He will succeed Jerry W. Friedheim who resigned effective September 15, 1974. Since November nf …
Digitized from Box 2 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library September 18, 1974 REMARKS OF THE PRESIDENT AT THE U.S. MISSION TO THE UNITED NATIONS Well, both the Ambassador and I are a little winded from walking upstairs. (Laughter) The elevator we had a little trouble with it, didn't we, John? (Laughter) But it is good for me.--I don't know about him -- because I ate too much over there of a very delightful lunch. Let me say, Mr. Ambassador, and Mr. Secretary, and the …
,.., •• Digitized from Box 33 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library Office of the White House Press Secretary NOTICE TO THE PRESS The President has signed H. R. 11337, which authorizes a mid-decade census of the population of the United States beginning in 1985, and every 10 years thereafter. The President has signed H. R. 13585 -Federal Boat Safety Act Amendments, which increases to 50% the maximum Federal share of State boating safety programs; limits to 5 years a …
Digitized from Box 3 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library SEPTEMBER 27, 197~ FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE OFFICE OF THE WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY THE WHITE HOUSE REMARKS OF THE'PRESIDENT AT 'THE ECONOMIC SUMMIT CONFERENCE WASHINGTON HILTON HOTEL 9:07 A.M. EDT Mr. Speaker, Senator Mansfield, Senator Scott, distinguished Members of the 'Congress of the United States, members of 'the Cabinet, participants,· observers, ladies and gentlemen: At the firs't session of the …
Digitized from Box 24 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library FOR HIMEDIATE RELEASE APRIL 10, 1976 OFFICE OF THE \'JHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY (El Paso? . Texas") .. THE HHITE·HOUSE REMARKS OF THE PRESIDENT AT THE PRESIDENT FORD COHMITTEE RECEPTION EL PASO CIVIC CENTER , 1: 28 P ~ M. CST . Thank you very, very much John Tower. As John was speaking, I could see very obviously that you are the tops in quality, the tops in quantity, and'hy gosh, nobody beats' you in …
Digitized from Box 9 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library ,-~rL 1.2, 1975· Office of the White House Press Secretary ~----------------------------------------------------- -------------- THE ~mITE HOUSE STATEUENT BY TIlE PRES IDENT In view of the seriously deteriorating military situation around the Ca~bodian Capital of Phnom Penh, and on the basis of the recommendations of the American Ambassador to the K~~er Republic, I have instructed the personnel of the u.s. …
Digitized from Box 1 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library Septembe"r 2, 1974 Office of the White House Press Secretary ----------------------------------------------------------------------NOTICE TO THE PRESS The U. S. delegation to the memorial service for Prime Minister Norman Kirk of New Zealand will be headed by Secretary Peter Brennan, who will have the title of personal respresentative of the President, with the rank of Special Ambassador. Other members of the …