Displaying 311 - 320 of 35248 results
Page 32 of 3525
Digitized from Box 12 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library Office of the White House Press Secretary (Rome, Italy) --------------------.----------------~---------------- -------- NOTICE TO THE PRESS THE PRESIDENT'S SCHEDULE Wednesday, June 4, 1975 8:30 a. m. Depart South lawn for Andrews Air Force Base and West Point 10:00 a. m. Commencement Exercises at West Point 1:00 p. m. Return to White House 2:00 p. m. Cabinet Meeting THE CABINET ROOM 5:00 p. m. Bipartisan …
Digitized from Box 18 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library FOR Il'1MEDIATE RELEASE DECEHBER 4, 1975 Office of the Vice President (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) REHARKS OF THE VICE PRESIDENT AT THE REPUBLICAN A\-11 RDS DINNER PITTSBURGH HILTON HOTEL PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA (AT 10: lOP. H. EST) Thank you, Ed. Hugh Scott, t\10 great distinguished Governors, Bill Scranton, Ray Shafer, Dick Frame, three wonderful Congressmen, t1artha Bell Schoeninger, Luella and my long time …
Digitized from Box 16 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library - POOL REPORT #3 MFETING OF THE PRESIDENT WITHTifE GOVE.i.~l;OH.5 OF THE APPALACHAIN: REGIONAL COMMIE'8IOf\ The President got the bad news from Governor .Arch Moore (R-W. VA. ) who reminded him that the commissorm has been uperating for 10 yearS' on an annual budget of three hundred million Moore said that this is being so eroded by inflation that it "!imply is no longerenough to complete the programs that …
Digitized from Box 19 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE UNTIL 6:00 p. m., EST, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1975 DECEMBER 13, 1975 Office of the White House Pre s s Secretary THE WHITE HOUSE TEXT OF A MESSAGE BY THE PRESIDENT TO THE PRHvIE MINISTER OF AUSTRALIA I wish to extend to you my congratulations on the Liberal Party/National Country Party coalition victory in the recent Australian election. Americans continue to attach great importance to …
Digitized from Box 3 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library FOR IMME DIATE RE LEASE October 9, 1974 Office of the White House Press Secretary ----------------------------------------------------------------- STAT:ij:MENT BY THE PRE§!D~NT I am pleased to have signed H. R. l6Z43. Although not all Administration recommendations we re accepted, I recognize and appreciate bipartisan efforts made by the House-Senate conference committee to produce a Defense Appropriations …
Digitized from Box 8 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE MARCH 20, 1975 Office of the White House Press Secretary THE \> IHITE HOUSE TO THE CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES: America must adjust to turbulent global economic events. The world has moved from a period of slow economic growth in 1971 through a two-year expansionary boom to a sudden and pervasive recession. Recent events have caused the United States, as well as other countries, to …
Gerald R. Ford Administration White House Press Releases May 10-29, 1976 Date Issued Title Type Digital Link 5/10/1976 President's Schedule, Monday, May 10, 1976 Schedule whpr19760510-001 5/10/1976 Participants in the Meeting with Ambassador Francis Meloy, U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon Meeting Attendee List whpr19760510-002 5/10/1976 Pools for Monday, May 10, 1976 Pool Assignments whpr19760510-003 5/10/1976 Ginn, Rosemary L. Biography whpr19760510-004 5/10/1976 Nominations Sent to the Senate on May 10, 1976 …
Digitized from Box 23 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library ~ M!\RCH 26, 1976 Office of the White House Press Secretary ------------------------------------------------------------NOTICE TO THE PRESS The President has signed S. J. Res. 184 - Regional Rail Reorganization Act Amendments. The resolution amends the Regional Rail Reorganization Act (Public Law 93 -236), and the Railroad Revitalization and Regulatory Reform Act (Public Law 94-210), to provide legal …
Digitized from Box 28 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library JULY 2, 1976 OFFICE Of 'l'HE ~VHITE h OUSI~ pr~r~,s SECRETARY THE tVHITE HOUSE OF THE PRESIDENT THE VICE PRESIDENT CARf. ALBE~T SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE AND vJARREN E • BURGER CHIEF JUSTICE UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT RE~RKS THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES 9:13 P.M. EDT THE VICE PRESIDENT: Mr. President, ~r. Speaker, Mr. Chief Justice: Tonight we will hear from the three great Americans who each head one of the three …
Digitized from Box 4 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library NOVEMBER 13, 1974 Office of the White House Press Secretary ------------------------------------------------------ -------~ NOTICE TO THE PRESS Pool for Wednesday, November l3, 1974 12 :30 p. m. Mrs. Mary Brooks, Director of the Mint, and Administrator John W. Warner, American Revolution Bicentennial Administration. THE OVAL OFFICE The Wires NBC Correspondent Wall Street Journal Westinghouse Correspondent U. …