Displaying 111 - 120 of 35248 results
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File scanned from the National Security Adviser's Memoranda of Conversation Collection at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library MEMORANDUM NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL -eONFIDEN'FIAL June 11, 1975 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD PAR T ICIPANT S: DA TE AND TIME: President Ford Vice President Rockefeller Dr. Henry A. Kissinger, Secretary of State and Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs James R. Schlesinger, Secretary of Defense Bipartisan Congressional Leadership (list attached) Leslie A. Janka …
File scanned from the National Security Adviser's Memoranda of Conversation Collection at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library MEMORANDUM THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON MEMORANDUM OF CONVERSA TION PAR TICIPAL'JTS: Pres ident Nixon Dr. Guillermo Sevilla-Sacasa, Ambassador of Nicaragua and Dean of the Diplomatic Corps Major General Brent Scowcroft, Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs DATE AND TIME: Tuesday, July 30, 1973 12:15p.m. PLACE: Th e Oval Office The President: So it was 30 …
File scanned from the National Security Adviser's Memoranda of Conversation Collection at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library ) MEMORANDUM THE WHITE HO USE WASHINGTON &&eaS%lNODffi/XGDS MEMORANDUM OF CONVERSATION PARTICIPANTS: Dr. Henry A. Kissinger, Secretary of State and Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs Dr. James R. Schlesinger, Secretary of Defense Lt. General Brent Scowcroft, Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs DATE: Wednesday, April 2, 1975 …
File scanned from the National Security Adviser's Memoranda of Conversation Collection at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library MEMORANDUM THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON MEMORANDUM OF CONVERSATION PARTICIPANTS: President Ford Edward Pangelinan, of Northern Marianas Political Status Com.m.ission Senator P. A. Tenorio, Northern Marianas Senator M. Wilson, Jr., Deputy Representative for Micronesian Status Negotiations Lt. General Brent Scowcroft, Deputy Assistant to the President for National …
File scanned from the National Security Adviser's Memoranda of Conversation Collection at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library - MEMORANDUM THE WHITE HO USE WASHINGTON MEMORANDUM OF CONVERSATION PARTICIPANTS: President Gerald R. Ford John Dunlop, Secretary of Labor Lt. General Brent Scowcroft, Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs George Meany Ted Gleason Paul Hall Lane Kirkland Jesse Calhoun DATE AND TIME: Tuesday, August 26, 1975 3:30 p.m. PLACE: The Oval Office The White …
File scanned from the National Security Adviser's Memoranda of Conversation Collection at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION Presidential Libraries Withdrawal Sheet WITHDRAWAL ID 010683 REASON FOR WITHDRAWAL TYPE OF MATERIAL • • • National security restriction . • Memorandum of Conversation CREATOR'S NAME • Kissinger/Schlesinger/Colby/Moorer/Scowcr CREATION DATE • 12/28/1973 VOLUME • · 7 pages COLLECTION/SERIES/FOLDER ID COLLECTION TITLE . . • . . 036600064 …
./ File scanned from the National Security Adviser's Memoranda of Conversation Collection at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library ..... MEMORANDUM THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON SiiCR ai~ /NODIS /XGDS MEMORANDUM OF CONVERSATION PAR TICIPANTS: Pre sident Gerald R. Ford Dr. Henry A. Kissinger, Secretary of State and Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs Lt. General Brent Scowcroft, Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs DA T E AND TIME: Tuesday, Decem.ber 10, 1974 …
File scanned from the National Security Adviser's Memoranda of Conversation Collection at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON -CONFIDENTIAL- MEMORANDUM OF CONVERSA TION PAR TICIPANTS: Brent Scowcroft, Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs Ambassador Francis Underhill, American Ambassador to Malaysia William Gleysteen, National Security Council Staff DATE, TIME, & PLACE: October 15, 1976; 3:00 p. m. Brent Scowcroft's Office, The White House SUBJECT: …
File scanned from the National Security Adviser's Memoranda of Conversation Collection at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library I NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION Presidential Libraries Withdrawal Sheet WITHDRAWAL ID 010688 REASON FOR WITHDRAWAL TYPE OF MATERIAL . · National security restriction . • . Memorandum of Conversation CREATOR'S NAME • . Kissinger/Schlesinger/Scowcroft/Wickham CREATION DATE · 03/06/1974 VOLUME • • . 6 pages COLLECTION/SERIES/FOLDER ID COLLECTION TITLE • • . • . …
MEMORANDUM THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON S~GRE'f INODIS / XGDS MEMORANDUM OF CONVERSATION PARTICIPANTS: President Gerald R. Ford Dr. Henry A. Kissinger, Secretary of State and Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs Lt. General Brent Scowcroft, Deputy As sistant to the President for National Security Affairs DATE AND TIME: Thursday, January 9, 1975 9:28 - 10:20 a. m. PLACE: The Oval Office The White House Kissinger: Dinitz said on background there will be no progress until I go to the Middle …