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This photograph depicts First Lady Betty Ford in bed, with President Gerald Ford smiling beside her, in the President's Suite at Bethesda Naval Hospital, Bethesda, Maryland. Betty is holding a large, quad-fold citation with multiple signatures.
Collection: White House Photographic Office Collection (Ford Administration), Gerald R. Ford White House Photographs
Photograph of President Gerald Ford and First Lady Betty Ford Reading a Petition, Signed by All 100 Members of the United States Senate, Following Mrs. Ford's Breast Cancer Surgery … This photograph depicts First Lady Betty Ford in bed, with President Gerald Ford smiling beside her, in the President's Suite at Bethesda Naval Hospital, Bethesda, Maryland. Betty is holding a large, quad-fold citation with multiple …
This photograph depicts Gerald R. Ford in foreground, with his hands out to catch a pass, with Betty Ford, in the center, preparing to toss football. Dr. William Lukash, Lieutenant Commander Todd, and others are smiling in background. The ball was a gift from the Washington Redskins professional football team.
Collection: White House Photographic Office Collection (Ford Administration), Gerald R. Ford White House Photographs
Photograph of President Gerald Ford and First Lady Betty Ford Tossing a Football in the Hallway Near the President's Suite at Bethesda Naval Hospital, Bethesda, Maryland, following the First Lady's Breast Cancer Surgery … This photograph depicts Gerald R. Ford in foreground, with his hands out to catch a pass, with Betty Ford, in the center, preparing to toss football. Dr. William Lukash, Lieutenant Commander Todd, and others are smiling in background. The ball was a gift from the Washington Redskins …
This photograph depicts President and Mrs. Ford in center foreground, smiling, arm in arm. General and Mrs. Haig dance in the right background, and others are in left background. All are dressed in formal wear.
Collection: White House Photographic Office Collection (Ford Administration), Gerald R. Ford White House Photographs
Photograph of President Gerald Ford and First Lady Betty Ford Dancing in the Blue Room of the White House After a Dinner Held for Alexander Haig … This photograph depicts President and Mrs. Ford in center foreground, smiling, arm in arm. General and Mrs. Haig dance in the right background, and others are in left background. All are dressed in formal …
This photograph depicts Mrs. Ford kneeling on the couch, with her right hand on her chin, and her back to the camera. The Oval Office, Colonnade, and Rose Garden (center) can be seen out the window, with the Old Executive Office Building (OEOB) in the far background. It is raining.
Collection: White House Photographic Office Collection (Ford Administration), Gerald R. Ford White House Photographs
Photograph of First Lady Betty Ford Looking Out a Window, on the Second Floor of the White House, Towards the Oval Office … This photograph depicts Mrs. Ford kneeling on the couch, with her right hand on her chin, and her back to the camera. The Oval Office, Colonnade, and Rose Garden (center) can be seen out the window, with the Old Executive Office Building (OEOB) in the far background. It is …
This photograph depicts Betty Ford and others standing arm in arm in the East Wing corridor at the White House. Pictured, left-to-right, are Lucy Winchester (under Pat Nixon), Liz Carpenter (Lady Bird Johnson), Sheila Raab Weidenfeld (Betty Ford), Mary Jane McCaffree (Mamie Eisenhower), Connie Stuart (Pat Nixon), Betty Ford, Helen Smith (Pat Nixon), Sanford Fox, Bess Abell (Lady Bird Johnson), Reathal Odum (Bess Truman), and Nancy Lammerding (Betty Ford).
Collection: White House Photographic Office Collection (Ford Administration), Gerald R. Ford White House Photographs
Photograph of First Lady Betty Ford Posing with Sanford Fox, Former Chief of White House Social Entertainment, and Past and Present Press and Social Secretaries to the First Lady … This photograph depicts Betty Ford and others standing arm in arm in the East Wing corridor at the White House. Pictured, left-to-right, are Lucy Winchester (under Pat Nixon), Liz Carpenter (Lady Bird Johnson), Sheila Raab Weidenfeld (Betty Ford), Mary Jane McCaffree (Mamie Eisenhower), Connie Stuart (Pat Nixon), Betty Ford, …
This photograph depicts the President and members of his Cabinet seated around the table. Pictured, clockwise from President Ford, are James R. Schlesinger, Secretary of Defense; Frederick B. Dent, Secretary of Commerce; Claude S. Brinegar, Secretary of Transportation; John A. Scali, Ambassador to the United Nations; Donald H. Rumsfeld, Assistant to the President; Philip W. Buchen, Counsel to the President; Earl L. Butz, Secretary of Agriculture; William E. Simon, Secretary of the Treasury; Vice President Nelson A. Rockefeller; Laurence H. Silberman, Deputy Attorney General; Peter J. Brennan, Secretary of Labor; Roy L. Ash, Director of the Office of Management and Budget; John O. Marsh, Counsellor to the President; Robert T. Hartmann, Counsellor to the President; Caspar W. Weinberger, Secretary of Health Education and Welfare; Rogers C. B. Morton, Secretary of the Interior; Henry A. Kissinger, Secretary of State. in rear left to right: Kenneth R. Cole, Executive Director of the Domestic Council and Assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs; Russell E. Train, Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency; Frank G. Zarb, Administrator, Federal Energy Administration; L. William Siedman, Executive Director of the Economic Policy Board; James E. Connor, Cabinet Secretary; two unidentified men; and David Hume Kennerly, Personal Photographer of the President (at door).
Collection: White House Photographic Office Collection (Ford Administration), Gerald R. Ford White House Photographs
Photograph of President Gerald R. Ford Participating in a Meeting with his Cabinet in the Cabinet Room … This photograph depicts the President and members of his Cabinet seated around the table. Pictured, clockwise from President Ford, are James R. Schlesinger, Secretary of Defense; Frederick B. Dent, Secretary of Commerce; Claude S. Brinegar, Secretary of Transportation; John A. Scali, Ambassador to the United Nations; Donald H. Rumsfeld, Assistant to the President; Philip W. Buchen, Counsel to the …
This photograph depicts President Ford in the foreground, with the phone in left hand while he gestures with his right. His feet are up on the hassock. Mrs. Ford is seated in background reading the newspaper, while wearing her bathrobe.
Collection: White House Photographic Office Collection (Ford Administration), Gerald R. Ford White House Photographs
Photograph of First Lady Betty Ford Reading a Newspaper, while President Ford Talks on the Telephone, in the Second Floor West Sitting Room of the White House … This photograph depicts President Ford in the foreground, with the phone in left hand while he gestures with his right. His feet are up on the hassock. Mrs. Ford is seated in background reading the newspaper, while wearing her …
Collection: White House Central Files Subject Files (Ford Administration), White House Central Files Subject Files on Foreign Affairs, FO 3-2/CO 165 to CO 165-2: Mutual Security/Vietnam
Letter and enclosures from George Meany, President of the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations, to L. William Seidman, Assistant to President Gerald R. Ford for Economic Affairs, concerning aid to South Vietnam. …
Collection: White House Central Files Subject Files (Ford Administration), White House Central Files Subject Files on Countries, CO 165-1: Vietnam (North)
Memorandum from National Security Council staff member Thomas J. Barnes to Deputy National Security Adviser Brent Scowcroft concerning U.S. reciprocal steps towards North Vietnam …
Representatives signing the letter include: Fortney H. Stark, Jr.; Robert W. Kastenmeier; Don Edwards; George E. Brown, Jr.; Bella S. Abzug; Michael Harrington; Stephen J. Solarz; Robert F. Drinan; Edward Pattison; Frederick W. Richmond; Ronald V. Dellums; Elizabeth Holtzman; Norman Y. Mineta; Benjamin S. Rosenthal; and Jerry M. Patterson.
Collection: White House Central Files Subject Files (Ford Administration), White House Central Files Subject Files on Countries, CO 165-1: Vietnam (North)
Letter from fifteen members of the U.S. House of Representatives to President Gerald R. Ford concerning diplomatic relations with the Democratic Republic of Vietnam … Representatives signing the letter include: Fortney H. Stark, Jr.; Robert W. Kastenmeier; Don Edwards; George E. Brown, Jr.; Bella S. Abzug; Michael Harrington; Stephen J. Solarz; Robert F. Drinan; Edward Pattison; Frederick W. Richmond; Ronald V. Dellums; Elizabeth Holtzman; Norman Y. Mineta; Benjamin S. Rosenthal; and Jerry M. …