Displaying 4361 - 4370 of 15705 results
Page 437 of 1571
Collection: White House Press Releases (Ford Administration), Press Releases, Press Releases, October 19, 1974
Statement by the President on Signing of the Federal Columbia River Transmission System Act (S. 3362) [Signing Statements and Announcements] … Digitized from Box 4 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library FOR I MMEDI\.) RELEASE October 19,"'...-974 Office of the White House Press Secretary --------------------------------------------------------------THE WHITE HOUSE STATEMENT BY THE PRESIDENT ON SIGNING OF THE FEDERAL COLUMBIA RIVER TRANSMISSION SYSTEM ACT I am pleased …
Collection: White House Press Releases (Ford Administration), Press Releases, Press Releases, October 19, 1974
Aboard Air Force One, Louisville-D.C. [Pool Report] … -- ABOARD AIR FORCE ONE, Louisville-D.O., '. .' ~'i-t. ~ : . ""-'''~ ' ' ..... ;;: . . -:. - . ~ " At about Il'p.m. EDT, the President came back to the press " . . compartment; and stood at the center table, \vith Ron Nessen. ' . -.... Nessen said all kxX saiq 'would be embargoe~.for 6:30 p.m. Sunday. The President was in shirtsleeves, holding a drink. ,He. shook ', hands with the news~en,present. and at the suggestio~ of one of the' photogrpahers …
Collection: White House Press Releases (Ford Administration), Press Releases, Press Releases, October 19, 1974
Pool Report #1, Andrews to South Carolina … Digitized from Box 4 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library POOL REPORT Oct. 19, 1974 2.board were Cowmerce Secretary ar:d l'IrD'. Frederick 3. De!".. "'.; ~ Sa:'latol'" S:.'".:.d. iVI:."s. A. Helms S-cJ'OTIl T,T ,,, '" .,... \ .i:\.., ;.\. J • .--- ( -u V "-.:.. • Burch, Dick K:::::::_"..!..;: Thurmond. (3.., S.Car.) 7 2.:::,Q Ssn. Jesse Staff i~cluded. Robert Che:-:ey, D:.". ,{fcr... Llli:ash. 2.:.::lc.. :20::''2 Xessen.~ …
Collection: White House Press Releases (Ford Administration), Press Releases, Press Releases, October 19, 1974
President Signs H.R. 7954, Release of reversionary and mineral interests, New York State [Signing Statements and Announcements] … Digitized from Box 4 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library '- October 19, 1974 Office of the White House Press Secretary ---------------------------------------------------------------------NOTICE TO THE PRE SS The President has signed H. R. ·7954 - Release of reversionary and mineral interests, New York State which directs the Secretary …
Collection: White House Press Releases (Ford Administration), Press Releases, Press Releases, October 19, 1974
President Signs S. 634, Kootenai Indian Land Trust, Idaho [Signing Statements and Announcements] … October 19, 1974 Office of the White House Press Secretary ------------------------------------------------------------------NOTICE TO THE PRESS The President has signed S. 634 - Kootenai Indian Trust Land, Idaho, which transfers 12.5 acres of Federa11and into trust status for the Kootenai Tribe of Idaho. The Kootenai Tr"ibe, which numbers about 60 persons, resides in the northernmost part of Idaho near the …
Collection: White House Press Releases (Ford Administration), Press Releases, Press Releases, October 21, 1974
Statement by the Press Secretary on the Agreement Concerning Soviet Emigration and the Trade Bill … Digitized from Box 4 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October Zl, 1974 Office of the White House Press Secretary (Tucson, Arizona) ---------------------------------------------------------------------THE WHITE HOUSE STATEMENT BY THE PRESS SECRETARY ON THE AGREEMENT CONCERNING SOVIET EMIGRA nON AND THE TRADE BILL The President would like to …
Collection: White House Press Releases (Ford Administration), Press Releases, Press Releases, October 21, 1974
Exchange of Remarks between the President and Luis Echeverria, President of Mexico, upon Departure from Davis-Monthan Air Force Base [Ford Speech or Statement] … . ., ". Digitized from Box 4 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE OCTOBER 21'0 1974 OFFICE OF THE WHITE HOUSE PRESS S~CRETARY (Tucson, Arizona) ,' THE WHITE HOUSE EXCHANGE OF REMARKS BETWEEN THE PRESIDENT AND LUIS ECHEVERRIA" ..PRESIDENT OF MEXICO UPON DEPARTURE FROM DAVIS-MONTHAN AIR …
Collection: White House Press Releases (Ford Administration), Press Releases, Press Releases, October 22, 1974
President Signs H.R. 3903, Land conveyance in Michigan [Signing Statements and Announcements] … Digitized from Box 4 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library "--'" October 22. 1974 . Office of the White House Press Secretary NOTICE TO THE PR ESS The President has signed H. R. 3903--Land conveyance in Michigan- which directs the Secretary of the Interior to convey. at fair market value, certain public land in the State of Michigan to the Wisconsin Michigan Power Company. …
Collection: White House Press Releases (Ford Administration), Press Releases, Press Releases, October 22, 1974
Air Force One Pools for Tuesday, October 22, 1974 [Pool Assignments] … Digitized from Box 4 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library OCTOBER ZZ, 1974 Office of the White House Press Secretary (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma) --- .. _---._--------------------------------------------------------- NOTICE TO THE PR ESS AIR FORCE ONE POOLS FOR TUESDAY, OCTOBER ZZ, 1974: OKLAHOMA CITY - CLEVELAND Frank Cormier/Gaylord Shaw - AP Dick Lerner /Gene Carlson - UPI George Embrey - …
Collection: White House Press Releases (Ford Administration), Press Releases, Press Releases, October 22, 1974
Press Conference of Henry Bellmon, US Senator (R-OK); Dewey Bartlett, US Senator (R-OK); John Dunn, President, OK Cattlemen's Association; George Stone, President, OK Farmers' Association; Wray Finney, First VP, National Cattlemen's Association … Digitized from Box 4 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library OCTOBER 22, 1974 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE OFFICE OF THE WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma) THE WHITE HOUSE PRESS CONFERENCE OF HENRY BELLMON, U.S. …