Displaying 3891 - 3900 of 15705 results
Page 390 of 1571
This photograph depicts Betty Bloomer (the future Mrs. Gerald R. Ford, Jr.) smiling, standing on ice, while holding a hockey stick over her right shoulder.
Collection: White House Photographic Office Collection (Ford Administration), Gerald and Betty Ford Historical Photographs
Photograph of Betty Bloomer at the Kent Country Club, Grand Rapids, Michigan … This photograph depicts Betty Bloomer (the future Mrs. Gerald R. Ford, Jr.) smiling, standing on ice, while holding a hockey stick over her right shoulder. …
This photograph depicts Betty Bloomer (the future Mrs. Gerald R. Ford, Jr.) smiling, standing on ice, while holding a hockey stick over her right shoulder.
This photograph depicts Gerald R. Ford, Jr., in his naval uniform. He is wearing his campaign hat, and campaign ribbons are visibile on his chest. This is a head-and-shoulders portrait.
Collection: White House Photographic Office Collection (Ford Administration), Gerald and Betty Ford Historical Photographs
Photograph of Lieutenant Commander Gerald R. Ford, Jr. … This photograph depicts Gerald R. Ford, Jr., in his naval uniform. He is wearing his campaign hat, and campaign ribbons are visibile on his chest. This is a head-and-shoulders portrait. …
This photograph depicts Gerald R. Ford, Jr., in his naval uniform. He is wearing his campaign hat, and campaign ribbons are visibile on his chest. This is a head-and-shoulders portrait.
This photograph depicts Thomas Ford (half-brother of Gerald R. Ford, Jr.) standing on the sidewalk with his hands in his pockets; a house is visible in the background.
Collection: White House Photographic Office Collection (Ford Administration), Gerald and Betty Ford Historical Photographs
Photograph of Thomas Ford … This photograph depicts Thomas Ford (half-brother of Gerald R. Ford, Jr.) standing on the sidewalk with his hands in his pockets; a house is visible in the background. …
This photograph depicts Thomas Ford (half-brother of Gerald R. Ford, Jr.) standing on the sidewalk with his hands in his pockets; a house is visible in the background.
This photograph depicts Gerald R. Ford, Jr., with half-brothers Tom Ford, Richard (Dick) Ford, and James (Jim) Ford. This photograph was possibly taken in the yard of 1011 Santa Cruz Drive, East Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Collection: White House Photographic Office Collection (Ford Administration), Gerald and Betty Ford Historical Photographs
Photograph of Gerald R. Ford, Jr., Flanked by Richard A. Ford, and James F. Ford, with Thomas G. Ford Standing Behind in a Family Portrait … This photograph depicts Gerald R. Ford, Jr., with half-brothers Tom Ford, Richard (Dick) Ford, and James (Jim) Ford. This photograph was possibly taken in the yard of 1011 Santa Cruz Drive, East Grand Rapids, …
This photograph depicts Gerald R. Ford, Jr., with half-brothers Tom Ford, Richard (Dick) Ford, and James (Jim) Ford. This photograph was possibly taken in the yard of 1011 Santa Cruz Drive, East Grand Rapids, Michigan.
This photograph depicts Gerald R. Ford, Jr., (then Leslie Lynch King, Jr.) wearing sailor cap and standing on sand in front of a painted backdrop of palm tree, steamship, and airplane in flight. This photopgrah was taken at a studio in St. Petersburg, Florida.
Collection: White House Photographic Office Collection (Ford Administration), Gerald and Betty Ford Historical Photographs
Photograph of Gerald R. Ford, Jr., (Then Leslie Lynch King, Jr.) Holding a Toy Boat, Posing for a Portrait … This photograph depicts Gerald R. Ford, Jr., (then Leslie Lynch King, Jr.) wearing sailor cap and standing on sand in front of a painted backdrop of palm tree, steamship, and airplane in flight. This photopgrah was taken at a studio in St. Petersburg, …
This photograph depicts Gerald R. Ford, Jr., (then Leslie Lynch King, Jr.) wearing sailor cap and standing on sand in front of a painted backdrop of palm tree, steamship, and airplane in flight. This photopgrah was taken at a studio in St. Petersburg, Florida.
This photograph depicts Gerald R. Ford, Jr. (then Leslie Lynch King, Jr.) wearing a white gown with a white cap. A large fake fish is standing on its tail to the left. Ford is standing on sand, in front of a painted backdrop of palm tree, pier, and airplane in flight. This photopgrah was taken at a studio in St. Petersburg, Florida.
Collection: White House Photographic Office Collection (Ford Administration), Gerald and Betty Ford Historical Photographs
Photograph of Gerald R. Ford, Jr., Holding a Fishing Rod, Posing for a Portrait … This photograph depicts Gerald R. Ford, Jr. (then Leslie Lynch King, Jr.) wearing a white gown with a white cap. A large fake fish is standing on its tail to the left. Ford is standing on sand, in front of a painted backdrop of palm tree, pier, and airplane in flight. This photopgrah was taken at a studio in St. Petersburg, …
This photograph depicts Gerald R. Ford, Jr. (then Leslie Lynch King, Jr.) wearing a white gown with a white cap. A large fake fish is standing on its tail to the left. Ford is standing on sand, in front of a painted backdrop of palm tree, pier, and airplane in flight. This photopgrah was taken at a studio in St. Petersburg, Florida.
This photograph depicts Gerald R. Ford, Jr., (then Leslie Lynch King, Jr.) wearing a white suit with a white cap. Gardner James also a white suit with cap and a large sailor type bow; both girls are wearing grey coats with white bonnets. The girls may be relatives of James family. This photograph was possibly taken on Easter Sunday at 1960 Terrrace Avenue, SE, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Collection: White House Photographic Office Collection (Ford Administration), Gerald and Betty Ford Historical Photographs
Photograph of Gerald R. Ford, Jr., Seated on a Bicycle, Posing with his Cousin Gardner James and Two Unidentified Girls … This photograph depicts Gerald R. Ford, Jr., (then Leslie Lynch King, Jr.) wearing a white suit with a white cap. Gardner James also a white suit with cap and a large sailor type bow; both girls are wearing grey coats with white bonnets. The girls may be relatives of James family. This photograph was possibly taken on Easter Sunday at 1960 Terrrace Avenue, SE, Grand Rapids, …
This photograph depicts Gerald R. Ford, Jr., (then Leslie Lynch King, Jr.) wearing a white suit with a white cap. Gardner James also a white suit with cap and a large sailor type bow; both girls are wearing grey coats with white bonnets. The girls may be relatives of James family. This photograph was possibly taken on Easter Sunday at 1960 Terrrace Avenue, SE, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
This photograph depicts Gerald R. Ford, Jr. (then Leslie Lynch King, Jr.) wearing a white suit with a white cap. Gardner James is wearing a white suit with cap and a large sailor type bow; Adele James is wearing a white dress and is seated on small cart pulled by two wooden horses. The other girls (who may be relatives of the James Family) are wearing grey coats with white bonnets. This photograph was taken at 1960 Terrace Avenue, SE, Grand Rapids, Michigan, possibly on Easter Sunday.
Collection: White House Photographic Office Collection (Ford Administration), Gerald and Betty Ford Historical Photographs
Photograph of Gerald R. Ford, Jr., with his Cousins Gardner and Adele James and Two Unidentified Girls … This photograph depicts Gerald R. Ford, Jr. (then Leslie Lynch King, Jr.) wearing a white suit with a white cap. Gardner James is wearing a white suit with cap and a large sailor type bow; Adele James is wearing a white dress and is seated on small cart pulled by two wooden horses. The other girls (who may be relatives of the James Family) are wearing grey coats with white bonnets. This photograph was …
This photograph depicts Gerald R. Ford, Jr. (then Leslie Lynch King, Jr.) wearing a white suit with a white cap. Gardner James is wearing a white suit with cap and a large sailor type bow; Adele James is wearing a white dress and is seated on small cart pulled by two wooden horses. The other girls (who may be relatives of the James Family) are wearing grey coats with white bonnets. This photograph was taken at 1960 Terrace Avenue, SE, Grand Rapids, Michigan, possibly on Easter Sunday.
This photograph depicts Dorothy Ayer Gardner (future mother of Gerald R. Ford, Jr.) wearing a white dress with white bows in her hair. This is possibly her high school graduation photo.
Collection: White House Photographic Office Collection (Ford Administration), Gerald and Betty Ford Historical Photographs
Photograph of Dorothy Ayer Gardner … This photograph depicts Dorothy Ayer Gardner (future mother of Gerald R. Ford, Jr.) wearing a white dress with white bows in her hair. This is possibly her high school graduation photo. …
This photograph depicts Dorothy Ayer Gardner (future mother of Gerald R. Ford, Jr.) wearing a white dress with white bows in her hair. This is possibly her high school graduation photo.
This photograph depicts Gerald R. Ford with his half-brother, Richard "Dick" Ford, in front of their Grand Rapids, Michigan home. There is snow on the ground in the photo.
Collection: White House Photographic Office Collection (Ford Administration), Gerald and Betty Ford Historical Photographs
Photograph of Gerald R. Ford, Jr., and Richard A. Ford in the Front Yard of 649 Union Avenue, SE, Grand Rapids, Michigan … This photograph depicts Gerald R. Ford with his half-brother, Richard "Dick" Ford, in front of their Grand Rapids, Michigan home. There is snow on the ground in the …
This photograph depicts Gerald R. Ford with his half-brother, Richard "Dick" Ford, in front of their Grand Rapids, Michigan home. There is snow on the ground in the photo.