Displaying 3881 - 3890 of 15705 results
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This photograph depicts First Lady Betty Ford smiling, wearing a purple and green scarf, with a pin on the right lapel of her blouse. The photograph is a head and shoulders close-up, with stairs and a building in background.
Collection: White House Photographic Office Collection (Ford Administration), Gerald R. Ford White House Photographs
Photograph of First Lady Betty Ford Meeting with the Media in Helsinki, Finland, During the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe … This photograph depicts First Lady Betty Ford smiling, wearing a purple and green scarf, with a pin on the right lapel of her blouse. The photograph is a head and shoulders close-up, with stairs and a building in …
This photograph depicts First Lady Betty Ford smiling, wearing a purple and green scarf, with a pin on the right lapel of her blouse. The photograph is a head and shoulders close-up, with stairs and a building in background.
This photograph depicts President and Mrs. Ford walking arm in arm, with Jack and Steve flanking them. The President had just returned from San Francisco, California, where Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme had made an attempt on his life.
Collection: White House Photographic Office Collection (Ford Administration), Gerald R. Ford White House Photographs
Photograph of Jack and Steve Ford Meeting Their Parents, President Gerald Ford and First Lady Betty Ford on the South Lawn of the White House Following their Return from San Francisco, California, Where the President had Escaped an Assassination Attempt … This photograph depicts President and Mrs. Ford walking arm in arm, with Jack and Steve flanking them. The President had just returned from San Francisco, California, where Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme had made an attempt on his …
This photograph depicts President and Mrs. Ford walking arm in arm, with Jack and Steve flanking them. The President had just returned from San Francisco, California, where Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme had made an attempt on his life.
This photograph depicts First Lady Betty Ford with Malcolm Moran, who is pointing ahead. A centerpiece is visible in the foreground, a fireplace is on the right, and shrubbery and windows are in background behind Mrs. Ford. Mrs. Ford is wearing a Liberty Bell pin on her lapel.
Collection: White House Photographic Office Collection (Ford Administration), Gerald R. Ford White House Photographs
Photograph of First Lady Betty Ford and Malcolm Moran Discussing Preparations in the State Dining Room of the White House for the State Dinner in Honor of Prime Minister Yitzak Rabin of Israel … This photograph depicts First Lady Betty Ford with Malcolm Moran, who is pointing ahead. A centerpiece is visible in the foreground, a fireplace is on the right, and shrubbery and windows are in background behind Mrs. Ford. Mrs. Ford is wearing a Liberty Bell pin on her …
This photograph depicts First Lady Betty Ford with Malcolm Moran, who is pointing ahead. A centerpiece is visible in the foreground, a fireplace is on the right, and shrubbery and windows are in background behind Mrs. Ford. Mrs. Ford is wearing a Liberty Bell pin on her lapel.
This photograph depicts First Lady Betty Ford, seated, talking on the telephone. A cup of tea is in the left foreground, and flowers are on the right.
Collection: White House Photographic Office Collection (Ford Administration), Gerald R. Ford White House Photographs
Photograph of First Lady Betty Ford Working at her Desk Situated in the Second Floor First Lady's Dressing Room in the White House … This photograph depicts First Lady Betty Ford, seated, talking on the telephone. A cup of tea is in the left foreground, and flowers are on the …
This photograph depicts First Lady Betty Ford, seated, talking on the telephone. A cup of tea is in the left foreground, and flowers are on the right.
This photograph depicts First Lady Betty Ford, center, with men playing the clarinet (right) and trumpet (left). An Amtrak representative is next to Mrs. Ford, and Secret Service is in the background.
Collection: White House Photographic Office Collection (Ford Administration), Gerald R. Ford White House Photographs
Photograph of First Lady Betty Ford Dancing to the Music of Musicians Traveling with the Presidential Party Across Michigan During President Gerald Ford's Whistlestop Campaign Train Trip … This photograph depicts First Lady Betty Ford, center, with men playing the clarinet (right) and trumpet (left). An Amtrak representative is next to Mrs. Ford, and Secret Service is in the …
This photograph depicts First Lady Betty Ford, center, with men playing the clarinet (right) and trumpet (left). An Amtrak representative is next to Mrs. Ford, and Secret Service is in the background.
This photograph depicts President Gerald Ford and King Juan Carlos I (with their backs partially towards camera), and First Lady Betty Ford and Queen Sophia (facing the camera) in the Second Floor Yellow Oval Room. This photograph was taken prior to going downstairs to greet guests attending the State Dinner held in honor of the Spanish monarchs.
Collection: White House Photographic Office Collection (Ford Administration), Gerald R. Ford White House Photographs
Photograph of President Gerald Ford, First Lady Betty Ford, King Juan Carlos I, and Queen Sophia Chatting in the Second Floor Yellow Oval Room of the White House Prior to the State Dinner Held in Honor of the King and Queen of Spain … This photograph depicts President Gerald Ford and King Juan Carlos I (with their backs partially towards camera), and First Lady Betty Ford and Queen Sophia (facing the camera) in the Second Floor Yellow Oval Room. This photograph was taken prior to going downstairs to greet …
This photograph depicts President Gerald Ford and King Juan Carlos I (with their backs partially towards camera), and First Lady Betty Ford and Queen Sophia (facing the camera) in the Second Floor Yellow Oval Room. This photograph was taken prior to going downstairs to greet guests attending the State Dinner held in honor of the Spanish monarchs.
This photograph depicts President Gerald Ford and guests in the center and right of image. A piano sits in the left foreground. Comedian Bob Hope is standing behind and left of piano, gesturing and speaking into microphone, during his monologue for the entertainment portion of the State Dinner held in honor of the Queen of England.
Collection: White House Photographic Office Collection (Ford Administration), Gerald R. Ford White House Photographs
Photograph of President Gerald Ford, First Lady Betty Ford, Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Philip, Vice President and Mrs. Nelson A. Rockefeller, and Secretary and Mrs. Henry A. Kissinger Listening to Bob Hope's Monologue During the Entertainment Portion of the State Dinner Held in Honor of the Queen of England. … This photograph depicts President Gerald Ford and guests in the center and right of image. A piano sits in the left foreground. Comedian Bob Hope is standing behind and left of piano, gesturing and …
This photograph depicts President Gerald Ford and guests in the center and right of image. A piano sits in the left foreground. Comedian Bob Hope is standing behind and left of piano, gesturing and speaking into microphone, during his monologue for the entertainment portion of the State Dinner held in honor of the Queen of England.
This photograph depicts President Gerald Ford and First Lady Betty Ford walking arm-in-arm, talking and smiling, on the walkway between the Oval Office and the South Driveway at the White House. The Colonnade is in the right background.
Collection: White House Photographic Office Collection (Ford Administration), Gerald R. Ford White House Photographs
Photograph of First Lady Betty Ford Escorting the President Gerald Ford to his Limousine Before Heading to a Surprise 63rd Birthday Lunch for President Ford at Sans Souci in Washington, D.C. … This photograph depicts President Gerald Ford and First Lady Betty Ford walking arm-in-arm, talking and smiling, on the walkway between the Oval Office and the South Driveway at the White House. The Colonnade is in the right …
This photograph depicts President Gerald Ford and First Lady Betty Ford walking arm-in-arm, talking and smiling, on the walkway between the Oval Office and the South Driveway at the White House. The Colonnade is in the right background.
This photograph depicts President and Mrs. Ford walking arm-in-arm, with Susan in the center, laughing. President Ford is holding the dog's leash.
Collection: White House Photographic Office Collection (Ford Administration), Gerald R. Ford White House Photographs
Photograph of President Gerald Ford and First Lady Betty Ford Walking with Their Daughter Susan and Their Dog, Liberty, at Camp David, Maryland … This photograph depicts President and Mrs. Ford walking arm-in-arm, with Susan in the center, laughing. President Ford is holding the dog's …
This photograph depicts President and Mrs. Ford walking arm-in-arm, with Susan in the center, laughing. President Ford is holding the dog's leash.
This Photograph depicts President Gerald Ford and First Lady Betty Ford seated on a wrought iron bench. Steve, Susan, Jack, Gayle (Mrs. Michael Ford) and Mike Ford are standing behind them.
Collection: White House Photographic Office Collection (Ford Administration), Gerald R. Ford White House Photographs
Photograph of the President Gerald Ford and his Family on the South Lawn of the White House … This Photograph depicts President Gerald Ford and First Lady Betty Ford seated on a wrought iron bench. Steve, Susan, Jack, Gayle (Mrs. Michael Ford) and Mike Ford are standing behind …
This Photograph depicts President Gerald Ford and First Lady Betty Ford seated on a wrought iron bench. Steve, Susan, Jack, Gayle (Mrs. Michael Ford) and Mike Ford are standing behind them.