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Collection: White House Communications Agency Audio Recordings (Ford Administration), Audio Recordings of President Gerald R. Ford's Speeches, Remarks and News Conferences
President Gerald R. Ford Remarks to the National Alliance of Businessmen …
Collection: White House Communications Agency Audio Recordings (Ford Administration), Audio Recordings of President Gerald R. Ford's Speeches, Remarks and News Conferences
President Gerald R. Ford Remarks to Western Michigan Businessmen …
Collection: White House Communications Agency Audio Recordings (Ford Administration), Audio Recordings of President Gerald R. Ford's Speeches, Remarks and News Conferences
President Gerald R. Ford Remarks at the National Boy of the Year Award Ceremony …
Collection: White House Communications Agency Audio Recordings (Ford Administration), Audio Recordings of President Gerald R. Ford's Speeches, Remarks and News Conferences
President Gerald R. Ford Remarks in a Film Clip for the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission …
Topics discussed at the meeting include the Presidential Clemency Board, Senate Rule 22, agriculture and food, automobile emissions, and Cambodia and South Vietnam.
Collection: James E. Connor Files, Cabinet Meetings Files, Cabinet Meeting, March 12, 1975
Ford Administration Notes of the Cabinet Meeting … Topics discussed at the meeting include the Presidential Clemency Board, Senate Rule 22, agriculture and food, automobile emissions, and Cambodia and South Vietnam. …
Topics discussed at the meeting include the Presidential Clemency Board, Senate Rule 22, agriculture and food, automobile emissions, and Cambodia and South Vietnam.
Topics discussed at the meeting include the federal budget, the Conference on Inflation, and congressional elections.
Collection: James E. Connor Files, Cabinet Meetings Files, Cabinet Meeting, Aug. 26, 1974
Ford Administration Cabinet Meeting Notes … Topics discussed at the meeting include the federal budget, the Conference on Inflation, and congressional elections. …
Topics discussed at the meeting include the federal budget, the Conference on Inflation, and congressional elections.
Collection: White House Central Files Subject Files (Ford Administration), White House Central Files Subject Files on National Security and Defense, ND 18/CO 165 to CO 165-2: Wars/Vietnam
Letter from Congressman Robert L Leggett, member of the Committee on Armed Service, to President Gerald R. Ford concerning the use of private American ships and aircraft to transport Republic of Vietnam troops. …
Collection: White House Central Files Subject Files (Ford Administration), White House Central Files Subject Files on National Security and Defense, ND 18-2/CO 1: Refugees/Indochina
Letter from Rafael Hernandez-Colon, Governor of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, to President Gerald R. Ford concerning assistance efforts in the resettlement of Vietnamese and Cambodian refugees seeking new homes in the United States. …
Collection: White House Central Files Subject Files (Ford Administration), White House Central Files Subject Files on National Security and Defense, ND 18-2/CO 1: Refugees/Indochina
Letter from James A. Rhodes, Governor of Ohio, to President Gerald R. Ford concerning assistance by the State of Ohio in the resettlement of Vietnamese and Cambodian refugees. …
Collection: White House Communications Agency Audio Recordings (Ford Administration), Audio Recordings of President Gerald R. Ford's Speeches, Remarks and News Conferences
President Gerald R. Ford Remarks Concerning the Florida Primary …