Displaying 281 - 290 of 15705 results
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Collection: White House Press Releases (Ford Administration), Press Releases, Press Releases, June 13, 1975
President Asks Congress for Appropriations of $25,000 for the Judiciary for Fiscal Year 1976 [Letter] … • ... - .. Digitized from Box 12 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library THE WHITE HOUSE WASH INGTON June 13, 1975 The Speaker of the House of Representatives Sir: I ask the Congress to consider an amendment to the request for appropriations transmitted in the budget for the fiscal year 1976 in the amount of $25,000 for the Judiciary. The details of this proposal are …
Collection: White House Press Releases (Ford Administration), Press Releases, Press Releases, June 13, 1975
President's Statement on Releasing the Text of the Labor-Management Committee's Recommendations on Electric Utility Construction and Output [Ford Speech or Statement] … Digitized from Box 12 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 13, 1975 Office of the White House Press Secretary - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----- - -- - - THE WHITE HOUSE STATEMENT BY THE PRESIDENT Today, I am releasing the text of the Labor-Management Committee's …
Collection: White House Press Releases (Ford Administration), Press Releases, Press Releases, June 14, 1975
Remarks of the President at Flag Day Army Bicentennial Celebration [Ford Speech or Statement] … Digitized from Box 12 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library JUNE 14, 1975 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE OFFICE OF THE WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY THE WHITE HOUSE REMARKS OF THE PRESI DENT AT FLAG DAY ARMY BICENTENNIAL CELEBRATION FORT BENNING, GEORGIA 10:17 A~M~ EDT Thank you very,very much, General Tarpley, Governor Busbee, Senators Sparkman, Talmadge and Nunn, distinguished …
Collection: White House Press Releases (Ford Administration), Press Releases, Press Releases, June 17, 1975
Participants in Republican Congressional Leadership Meeting [Meeting Attendee List] … Digitized from Box 12 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library . :; - , JUNE 17, 1975 Office of the White House Press Secretary ----------------------------------------------------------------------NOTICE TO THE PRESS LEFT TO RIG HT Republican Congressional Leadership Meeting. President. ) The President Congressman Rb·odes Congressman Michel Congressman Anderson Congressman Devine …
Collection: White House Press Releases (Ford Administration), Press Releases, Press Releases, June 17, 1975
President's Schedule for Tuesday, June 17, 1975 … Digitized from Box 12 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library , Office of the White House Press Secretary ----------------------------------------------------------------------NOTICE TO THE PRESS THE PRESIDENT1 S SCHEDULE Tuesday, June 17, 1975 8:00 a. m. Republican Congressional Leadership THE CABINET ROOM 10:00 a.m. National Federation of Independent Business Conference THE WASHINGTON HILTON 2:00p.m. Economic/Energy …
Collection: White House Press Releases (Ford Administration), Press Releases, Press Releases, June 17, 1975
Nomination of Sidney L. Jones to be Assistant Secretary of the Treasury [Position Appointments and Resignations] … Digitized from Box 12 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library HOLD FOR RELEASE UNTIL DELIVERED TO THE SENATE OFFICE OF THE WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY ---------------------------------THE WHITE HOUSE NOMINATION SENT TO THE SENATE ON JUNE 17, 1975: Sidney L. Jones. of Michigan, to be an Assistant Secretary of the Treasury. vice Edgar R. Fiedler. resigned. #I …
Collection: White House Press Releases (Ford Administration), Press Releases, Press Releases, June 17, 1975
President Announced the Transfer of 23 Additional Parcels of Federally Owned Land under President's Legacy of Parks Program [Notice to Press] … Digitized from Box 12 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE JUNE 17, 1975 Office of the White House Press Secretary ------~------------------------------------------~---- .------- THE WHITE HOUSE The President today announced the transfer of 23 additional parcels of Federally owned land in 18 states, …
Collection: White House Press Releases (Ford Administration), Press Releases, Press Releases, June 18, 1975
President Transmits to Congress the Ninth Annual Report of the National Advisory Council on Extension and Continuing Education [Ford Speech or Statement] … Digitized from Box 12 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 18, 1975 Office of the White House Press Secretary ____________..___.. . . _____"',. __.. _..-. _"', ____.. ."._ . _ . _.. . _____.__ .--__ ,__ __.'.. _r___ . . _____ ~ ~ THE WHITE HOUSE TO THE CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES: I …
Collection: White House Press Releases (Ford Administration), Press Releases, Press Releases, June 18, 1975
Meeting of the President with the Chairman Ignatiy Novikov [Meeting Attendee List] … Digitized from Box 12 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library JUNE 18, 1975 Office of the White House Press Secretary ----------------------------------------------------------------------NOTICE TO THE PRESS LEFT TO RIGHT Meeting of the President with Chairman Ignatiy Novikov. Interpreter, Ross Lavrofi (State Department) Ambassador Dobrynin Chairman Novikov The President Secretary Hills …
Collection: White House Press Releases (Ford Administration), Press Releases, Press Releases, June 19, 1975
President's Message to Congress on crime [Letter] … Digitized from Box 12 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE UNTIL 6:00 P.M. EDT THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 1975 June 19, 1975 Office of the White House Press Secretary --------------------------------------------------------------------THE "TRITE EOUSE TO THE CONGRESS OF TiiI: mUTED STATES: I address this message to the Consress on a subject that touches the lives of all Americans: crime. Two months …