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The photograph depicts President Gerald Ford and Mrs. Betty Ford in the basement of their 514 Crown View Drive, Alexandria, Virginia home as they pack for their move to the White House. Boxes are piled against the knotty pine paneling.
Collection: White House Photographic Office Collection (Ford Administration), Gerald R. Ford White House Photographs
Photograph of Mrs. Betty Ford Laughing as President Ford Tries on His Old Navy Hat as They Pack for the Move to the White House … The photograph depicts President Gerald Ford and Mrs. Betty Ford in the basement of their 514 Crown View Drive, Alexandria, Virginia home as they pack for their move to the White House. Boxes are piled against the knotty pine …
This photograph depicts Mrs. Betty Ford sitting up in bed with President Gerald Ford seated to her right. His left hand is holding her right hand.
Collection: White House Photographic Office Collection (Ford Administration), Gerald R. Ford White House Photographs
Photograph of President Gerald Ford and First Lady Betty Ford in the President's Suite at Bethesda Naval Hospital, Bethesda, Maryland, Following Mrs. Ford's Breast Cancer Surgery … This photograph depicts Mrs. Betty Ford sitting up in bed with President Gerald Ford seated to her right. His left hand is holding her right …
This photograph depicts President Gerald Ford and Mrs. Betty Ford outside on the promenade at the White House, flanked by pillars. The President's arm is around the First Lady. It was taken through window from Third Floor Solarium, and the Washington Monument is in background.
Collection: White House Photographic Office Collection (Ford Administration), Gerald R. Ford White House Photographs
President and Mrs. Ford Kiss to Mark Their 26th Wedding Anniversary … This photograph depicts President Gerald Ford and Mrs. Betty Ford outside on the promenade at the White House, flanked by pillars. The President's arm is around the First Lady. It was taken through window from Third Floor Solarium, and the Washington Monument is in …
This photograph depicts President and Mrs. Ford seated at a table, holding glasses in a toast. Flowers decorate center of table and Mrs. Ford is in her housecoat.
Collection: White House Photographic Office Collection (Ford Administration), Gerald R. Ford White House Photographs
Photograph of President Gerald Ford and First Lady Betty Ford Offering Each Other a Toast in the Second Floor Family Dining Room as They Celebrate Their 26th Wedding Anniversary … This photograph depicts President and Mrs. Ford seated at a table, holding glasses in a toast. Flowers decorate center of table and Mrs. Ford is in her …
This photograph depicts guests smiling, seated around a table. There is a floral centerpiece to right of Mrs. Ford, and guests are dressed in formal wear.
Collection: White House Photographic Office Collection (Ford Administration), Gerald R. Ford White House Photographs
Photograph of First Lady Betty Ford Dining with Alexander Haig and an Unidentified Woman in the Red Room of the White House During a Dinner Held in General Haig's Honor … This photograph depicts guests smiling, seated around a table. There is a floral centerpiece to right of Mrs. Ford, and guests are dressed in formal …
This photograph depicts Mrs. Ford at podium with the backs of the crowd in foreground. Ann Armstrong and Russell Freeburg are in the background behind Mrs. Ford.
Collection: White House Photographic Office Collection (Ford Administration), Gerald R. Ford White House Photographs
Photograph of Mrs. Betty Ford Offering Remarks During the First Lady's Drop-By at the Economic Briefing for Representatives of National Women's Organizations, Held in Room 450 of the Old Executive Building (OEOB) … This photograph depicts Mrs. Ford at podium with the backs of the crowd in foreground. Ann Armstrong and Russell Freeburg are in the background behind Mrs. …
This photograph depicts Albert Capraro, seated, pointing at a paper Betty Ford is holding. Mrs. Ford is in the center, looking at the paper.
Collection: White House Photographic Office Collection (Ford Administration), Gerald R. Ford White House Photographs
Photograph of First Lady Betty Ford Meeting with Fashion Designer Albert Capraro in the Second Floor West Sitting Hall of the White House … This photograph depicts Albert Capraro, seated, pointing at a paper Betty Ford is holding. Mrs. Ford is in the center, looking at the …
This photograph was taken in the Oval Office of the White House. Pictured with President Ford are Brent Scowcroft, Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs; Graham Martin, United States Ambassador to the Republic of Vietnam; Army Chief of Staff General Frederick Weyand; and Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger.
Gerald Ford has his back to the camera. Brent Scowcroft is partially obscured.
Collection: White House Photographic Office Collection (Ford Administration), Gerald R. Ford White House Photographs
Photograph of President Gerald Ford Meeting with Brent Scowcroft, Graham Martin, General Frederick Weyand, and Henry Kissinger in the Oval Office to Discuss the Situation in Vietnam … This photograph was taken in the Oval Office of the White House. Pictured with President Ford are Brent Scowcroft, Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs; Graham Martin, United States Ambassador to the Republic of Vietnam; Army Chief of Staff General Frederick Weyand; and Secretary of State Henry A. …
This photograph depicts President Gerald R. Ford talking to a woman refugee while holding a Vietnamese baby on an United States Air Force Bus. The President greeted the refugees of the Republic of Vietnam at a California airbase.
Collection: White House Photographic Office Collection (Ford Administration), Gerald R. Ford White House Photographs
Photograph of President Gerald R. Ford Talking to a Woman Refugee while Holding a Vietnamese Baby on a United States Air Force Bus … This photograph depicts President Gerald R. Ford talking to a woman refugee while holding a Vietnamese baby on an United States Air Force Bus. The President greeted the refugees of the Republic of Vietnam at a California …
This photograph was taken in the Oval Office at the White House.
Collection: White House Photographic Office Collection (Ford Administration), Gerald R. Ford White House Photographs
Photograph of President Gerald R. Ford Listening to a Briefing by Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger on the Situation in South Vietnam … This photograph was taken in the Oval Office at the White House. …