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Collection: White House Press Releases (Ford Administration), Press Releases, Press Releases, April 2, 1975
President has accepted with deep regret the resignation of Mayo J. Thompson as a Commissioner of the Federal Trade Commission [Position Appointments and Resignations] … Digitized from Box 9 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library '-'" April 2. 1975 Office of the White House Press Secretary (Palm Springs, California) NOTICE TO THE PRESS The President has accepted with deep regret the resignation of Mayo J. Thompson as a Commissioner of the Federal Trade Cornrnission, …
Collection: White House Press Releases (Ford Administration), Press Releases, Press Releases, April 2, 1975
President's Trip to San Diego, California, Thursday, April 3, 1975 [Schedule] … Digitized from Box 9 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library ~ .~. APRIL 2, 1975 FOR YOUR USE AND INFOR Office of the White House Press Secretary ----------------------------.-------------------------------------------- THE WHITE HOUSE THE PRESIDENT'S TRIP TO SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 1975 6:15a.m. 9:15a.m. PDT Press Buses depart Press Center enroute Palm Springs Municip2..i. …
Collection: White House Press Releases (Ford Administration), Press Releases, Press Releases, April 3, 1975
Statement by the President - We are seeing a great human tragedy as untold numbers of Vietnamese flee the North Vietnamese onslaught [Ford Speech or Statement] … Digitized from Box 9 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library FOR RELEASE AT 12 noon PDT 3 pm EDT APRIL 3 11 1975 Office of the White House Press Secretary (San Diego, California) -------------------------------------------------------------------THE WHIr E HOUSE STATEMENT BY THE PRESIDENT We are seeing a great …
Collection: White House Press Releases (Ford Administration), Press Releases, Press Releases, April 3, 1975
Remarks of the President to the White House Conference, El Cortez Hotel [Ford Speech or Statement] … Digitized from Box 9 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library -- " APRIL 3, 1975 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE OFFICE OF THE WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY (San Diego, California) THE WHITE HOUSE REMARKS OF THE PRESIDENT TO THE WHITE HOUSE CONFERENCE EL CORTEZ HOTEL 5:07 P.M. PDT Congressman Bergener, Congressman Van Deerlin, Congressman Bell, Mayor Pete Wilson, Mr. Cox of the San …
Collection: White House Press Releases (Ford Administration), Press Releases, Press Releases, April 3, 1975
Press Conference No. 12 of the President of the United States … Digitized from Box 9 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library PRESS CONFERENCE NO. 12 of the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES 12:01 P.M. PDT April 3, 1975 Thursday In the Silver Room At the San Diego Convention and Performing Arts Center San Diego, California THE PRESIDENT: Will you please sit down. At the outset, let me express my appreciation to Mayor Pete Wilson and the fine people of San Diego for the very …
Collection: White House Press Releases (Ford Administration), Press Releases, Press Releases, April 4, 1975
President Declares Emergency for the State of Mississippi due to impact of heavy rains and flooding [Disaster Declaration] … Digitized from Box 9 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE APRIL., 1975 Office of the …
Collection: White House Press Releases (Ford Administration), Press Releases, Press Releases, April 4, 1975
Pools for April 5, 1975 [Pool Assignments] … Digitized from Box 9 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library April 4, 191'S"" Office of the White House Press Sec retary (San Francisco, Calif.) -----------------------------------------------------------------NOTICE TO THE PRESS POCLS FOR A~IL 5, 1975 The President l s with Secretary Kissinger and General Weyand. (Pool departs Press Center 6:45 a. m.) (There will be no sound. ) AP UPI AP Photo UP::: Photo Time Photo …
Collection: White House Press Releases (Ford Administration), Press Releases, Press Releases, March 25, 1975
President is sending the Vice President to Saudi Arabia as his Personal Representative to convey the deep sympathy of the American people to His Majesty, King Khalid, over the loss of His Majesty, King Faisal [Statement] … Digitized from Box 9 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library FOR IMMl?DIATE RELEASE MA RCH 25, 1975 Office of the White House Press Secretary THE WHITE HOUSE STATEMENT FY THE PRESS SECRETARY The President is sending the Vice President to Saudi Arabia …
Collection: White House Press Releases (Ford Administration), Press Releases, Press Releases, March 25, 1975
Bennett, Douglas P. [Biography] … Digitized from Box 9 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library MARCH 25, 1975 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Office of the White House Press Secretary --------------------------------------------------------------_ .. THE WHI1E HOUSE DOUGLAS P. BENNETT Eiographical Data Douglas P. Bennett will serve as Special P. ssistant for Legislative Affairs with the House of Representatives. He has been a consultant in the office of Max L. Friedersdorf since …
Collection: White House Press Releases (Ford Administration), Press Releases, Press Releases, March 25, 1975
Statement by the President regarding the tragic death of His Majesty King Faisal [Ford Speech or Statement] … Digitized from Box 9 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library MARCH 25. 1975 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Office of the White House Press Secretary ----------------------------------------------------------------THE WHITE HOUSE STATEMENT BY THE PRESIDENT It was with the deepest sorrow that I learned of the tragic death of His Majesty King Faisal, a close friend of the …