Displaying 4341 - 4350 of 15705 results
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Collection: White House Press Releases (Ford Administration), Press Releases, Press Releases, May 17, 1976
Special Report to the President on the Earthquake in Italy … - Digitized from Box 26 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library DEPARTMENT OF STATE AGENCY FOR INTERNATION.A.L DEVELOPMENT WASHINGTON Hay 17, 1976 THE ADMINISTRATOR SPECIAL REPORT TO THE PRESIDENT ON THE EARTHQUAKE IN ITALY Mr. President, In response to your instructions, Vice President Rockefeller and I have completed our assessment of the tragic impact of the earthquake in northeastern Italy on May 6th. …
Collection: White House Press Releases (Ford Administration), Press Releases, Press Releases, May 17, 1976
Nominations Sent to Senate for Members of the Federal Election Commission [Position Appointments and Resignations] … Digitized from Box 26 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library HOLD FOR RELEASE UNTIL DELIVERED TO THE SENATE CFFICE OF THE WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY --------------~------------------ THE WHITE HOUSE NOMINA TIONS SENT TO THE SENATE ON MAY 17, 1976: The following-named persons to be Members of the Federal Election Commission for the terms Indicated: (New …
Collection: White House Press Releases (Ford Administration), Press Releases, Press Releases, May 17, 1976
Exchange of Remarks between the President and Valery Giscard d'Estaing, President of the French Republic [Ford Speech or Statement] … .. Digitized from Box 26 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE MAY 17, 1976 OFFICE OF THE ~1HITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY THE WHITE HOUSE EXCHANGE 9F REMARKS BETWEEN THE P~ESIDENT AND VALERY GISCARD D'ESTAING PRESIDENT OF THE FRENCH REPUBLIC THE SOUTH GROUNDS 10:45 A.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT: Mr. President, Madam Giscard …
Collection: White House Press Releases (Ford Administration), Press Releases, Press Releases, May 18, 1976
Pool for Tuesday [Pool Assignments] … Digitized from Box 26 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library - May 18, 1976 Office of the White House Press Secretary --------------------------------~s-------------------- ------- NOTICE TO THE PRESS POOL FOR TUESDAY, MAY 18, 1976. 7:50p.rn.. Travel Pool to the Ern.bassy of France AP UPI AP Photo UPI Photo CBS Carn.era Crew (2) CBS Correspondent CBS Radio Engineer Lighting Technician NOTE: Pool rn.ern.bers rn.ust wear white tie. …
Collection: White House Press Releases (Ford Administration), Press Releases, Press Releases, May 18, 1976
President announced intention to nominate John P. Crowley to be a United States District Judge [Position Appointments and Resignations] … Digitized from Box 26 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library - May 18, 1976 Office of the White House Press Secretary --------------------------------~s--------------------------- NOTICE TO THE PRESS The President today announced his int,ntion to nominate John P. Crowley, of Evanston, Illinois, to be a United States District Judge …
Collection: White House Press Releases (Ford Administration), Press Releases, Press Releases, May 18, 1976
President announced intention to nominate John J. Martin to be an Assistant Secretary of the Air Force [Position Appointments and Resignations] … Digitized from Box 26 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library / MA Y 18, 1976 FOR IMMEDlAT E RELEASE Office of the White House Press Secretary -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------THE WHIT E HOUSE The President today announced his intention to nominate John J. Martin, of …
Collection: White House Press Releases (Ford Administration), Press Releases, Press Releases, June 5, 1976
President's Schedule, Sunday … Digitized from Box 27 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library - June 5 , 1976 Office of the White House Press Secretary NOTICE TO THE PRESS THE PRESIDENT:S SCHEDULE Sunday, June 6, 1976 9:20 a. m. Depart South Grounds en route St. Matthew's Rectory. 9: 30 a. m. Meeting with William Cardinal Baum and Church Leadership Gr oup. St. Matthew's Rectory 10:05 a. m. Return to the White House. 10:45 a. m. Depart South Grounds via helicopter, en …
Collection: White House Press Releases (Ford Administration), Press Releases, Press Releases, June 5, 1976
President will meet with William Cardinal Baum, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Washington [Notice to Press] … Digitized from Box 27 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library June 5, 1976 Office of the White House Press Secretary NOTICE TO THE PRESS Before his departure for New Jersey apd Ohio Sunday morning, the President will meet with William Cardinal Baum, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Wash ington, to extend his personal greetings and congratulations to Cardinal Baum on …
Collection: White House Press Releases (Ford Administration), Press Releases, Press Releases, June 5, 1976
President declared a major disaster for the State of Oklahoma [Disaster Declaration] … Digitized from Box 27 of the White House Press Releases at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library -- JUNE 5, 1976 Office of the White House Press Secretary NOTICE TO THE PRESS The President today declared a major disaster for the State of Oklahoma as a result of severe storms and flooding be ginning about May 30, 1976, which caused extensive public and private property damage. The President's action will permit the use …
Collection: White House Press Releases (Ford Administration), Press Releases, Press Releases, June 6, 1976
41st Annual Cleveland Press Golden Wedding Party [Pool Report] … C~osetD 5UUperso'ns 'are att,enoing the 4 1 st annuel Cleveland Press Golden Wedding Party tonight in··.:the Sheraton Cleveland Hotel. The party honors couples in the Greater Cleveland area celebrating their 50th anniversary. Festivities include dinner, dancing and an entertainment program. Guests receive programs, party hats, flowers and other souvenirs. The unique party, started by The Press in 1935, has received coverage in European …