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This photograph depicts Dorothy Gardner Ford seated with James F. "Jim" Ford and Gerald R. "Jerry" Ford, Jr. on either side. Thomas G. "Tom" Ford, Gerald Ford, Sr., and Richard A. "Dick" Ford stand in the second row.
Collection: White House Photographic Office Collection (Ford Administration), Gerald and Betty Ford Historical Photographs
Photograph of Gerald R. Ford, Jr. with His Parents and His Half-Brothers at His Wedding Reception … This photograph depicts Dorothy Gardner Ford seated with James F. "Jim" Ford and Gerald R. "Jerry" Ford, Jr. on either side. Thomas G. "Tom" Ford, Gerald Ford, Sr., and Richard A. "Dick" Ford stand in the second …
This photograph depicts Dorothy Gardner Ford seated with James F. "Jim" Ford and Gerald R. "Jerry" Ford, Jr. on either side. Thomas G. "Tom" Ford, Gerald Ford, Sr., and Richard A. "Dick" Ford stand in the second row.
This photograph depicts Betty Bloomer Warren (center), the future Mrs. Gerald R. Ford, Jr. Betty is lying on the ground, with her gown spread out in a circle.
Collection: White House Photographic Office Collection (Ford Administration), Gerald and Betty Ford Historical Photographs
Photograph of Betty Bloomer Warren Dancing in "Fantasy" … This photograph depicts Betty Bloomer Warren (center), the future Mrs. Gerald R. Ford, Jr. Betty is lying on the ground, with her gown spread out in a circle. …
This photograph depicts Betty Bloomer Warren (center), the future Mrs. Gerald R. Ford, Jr. Betty is lying on the ground, with her gown spread out in a circle.
This photograph depicts President Nixon conducting a meeting in the Cabinet Room of the White House, flanked by House Minority Leader Gerald R. Ford and Senate Minority Leader Hugh Scott.
Collection: White House Photographic Office Collection (Ford Administration), Gerald and Betty Ford Historical Photographs
Photograph of President Richard M. Nixon Conducting a Meeting with Members of the Republican Congressional Leadership in the Cabinet Room … This photograph depicts President Nixon conducting a meeting in the Cabinet Room of the White House, flanked by House Minority Leader Gerald R. Ford and Senate Minority Leader Hugh …
This photograph depicts President Nixon conducting a meeting in the Cabinet Room of the White House, flanked by House Minority Leader Gerald R. Ford and Senate Minority Leader Hugh Scott.
This photograph depicts Gerald R. Ford (right) and two other men, in bathing suits and standing on a sidewalk. This photo was possibly taken while training for the U.S. Navy in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, during World War II.
Collection: White House Photographic Office Collection (Ford Administration), Gerald and Betty Ford Historical Photographs
Photograph of Gerald R. Ford, Jr., and Two Unidentified Men in Bathing Suits … This photograph depicts Gerald R. Ford (right) and two other men, in bathing suits and standing on a sidewalk. This photo was possibly taken while training for the U.S. Navy in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, during World War …
This photograph depicts Gerald R. Ford (right) and two other men, in bathing suits and standing on a sidewalk. This photo was possibly taken while training for the U.S. Navy in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, during World War II.
This photograph depicts crew members on the United States Navy aircraft carrier U.S.S. Monterey, during World War II. Gerald R. Ford is not in photograph.
Collection: White House Photographic Office Collection (Ford Administration), Gerald and Betty Ford Historical Photographs
Photograph of Crew Members on Break Aboard the U.S.S. Monterey … This photograph depicts crew members on the United States Navy aircraft carrier U.S.S. Monterey, during World War II. Gerald R. Ford is not in photograph. …
This photograph depicts crew members on the United States Navy aircraft carrier U.S.S. Monterey, during World War II. Gerald R. Ford is not in photograph.
Photograph depicts: Mother of Elizabeth Bloomer Ford (Betty, Ford, wife of Gerald R. Ford, Jr.).
Collection: White House Photographic Office Collection (Ford Administration), Gerald and Betty Ford Historical Photographs
Hortense Nehr Bloomer as a child … Photograph depicts: Mother of Elizabeth Bloomer Ford (Betty, Ford, wife of Gerald R. Ford, Jr.). …
Photograph depicts: Mother of Elizabeth Bloomer Ford (Betty, Ford, wife of Gerald R. Ford, Jr.).
Photograph depicts: Mother of Elizabeth Bloomer Ford (Betty, Ford, wife of Gerald R. Ford, Jr.).
Collection: White House Photographic Office Collection (Ford Administration), Gerald and Betty Ford Historical Photographs
Hortense Nehr Bloomer ca. age 20 … Photograph depicts: Mother of Elizabeth Bloomer Ford (Betty, Ford, wife of Gerald R. Ford, Jr.). …
Photograph depicts: Mother of Elizabeth Bloomer Ford (Betty, Ford, wife of Gerald R. Ford, Jr.).
Photograph depicts: Susan E. Ford wearing long red skirt, seated on arm of chair.
Collection: White House Photographic Office Collection (Ford Administration), Gerald and Betty Ford Historical Photographs
Susan Ford poses for a Christmas portrait in the living room of the family residence at 514 Crown View Drive, Alexandria, Virginia … Photograph depicts: Susan E. Ford wearing long red skirt, seated on arm of chair. …
Photograph depicts: Susan E. Ford wearing long red skirt, seated on arm of chair.
Photograph depicts: Steven M. Ford; John G. Ford; Michael G. Ford.
Collection: White House Photographic Office Collection (Ford Administration), Gerald and Betty Ford Historical Photographs
Representative Gerald R. Ford poses with his sons Steve, Jack, and Mike and their golden retriever Brown Sugar in the back yard of the family residence at 514 Crown View Drive, Alexandria, Virginia … Photograph depicts: Steven M. Ford; John G. Ford; Michael G. …
Photograph depicts: Steven M. Ford; John G. Ford; Michael G. Ford.
Collection: White House Photographic Office Collection (Ford Administration), Gerald and Betty Ford Historical Photographs
Representative Gerald R. Ford tackles the clean up chores in the kitchen of the family residence at 514 Crown View Drive, Alexandria, Virginia …