Displaying 1191 - 1200 of 15704 results
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This letter is from the parents of Sergeant Kenneth E. Nance, an Air Force photographer, was killed in the crash of an Operation Babylift airplane evacuating South Vietnamese children on April 4, 1975.
Collection: White House Central Files Subject Files (Ford Administration), White House Central Files Subject Files on National Security and Defense, ND 8-1-2: Condolence Letters
Letter from President Gerald R. Ford to Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Nance Regarding the Death of Their Son Sergeant Kenneth E. Nance … AFMPC/DPMSC … This letter is from the parents of Sergeant Kenneth E. Nance, an Air Force photographer, was killed in the crash of an Operation Babylift airplane evacuating South Vietnamese children on April 4, …
This letter is from the parents of Sergeant Kenneth E. Nance, an Air Force photographer, was killed in the crash of an Operation Babylift airplane evacuating South Vietnamese children on April 4, 1975.
Collection: White House Central Files Subject Files (Ford Administration), White House Central Files Subject Files on Holidays, HO 18: Erickson, Leif Day
Memorandum from Dennis Clift to Lieutenant General Brent Scowcroft Regarding Icelandic Protest Regarding Leif Erikson Day Proclamation …
This memorandum contains information related to a request for a waiver of the equal time provisions of the Communications Act to allow for the showing of films starring Ronald Reagan during the 1976 primary election season.
Collection: White House Central Files Subject Files (Ford Administration), White House Central Files Subject Files on Political Affairs, PL/Ford: Political Affairs/Ford, Gerald
Memorandum from Philip W. Buchen to President Gerald R. Ford Regarding a Request for Equal Time Waiver … This memorandum contains information related to a request for a waiver of the equal time provisions of the Communications Act to allow for the showing of films starring Ronald Reagan during the 1976 primary election …
This memorandum contains information related to a request for a waiver of the equal time provisions of the Communications Act to allow for the showing of films starring Ronald Reagan during the 1976 primary election season.
President Gerald R. Ford traced this outline of his right hand in response to a request from a woman who wanted to include his handprint in a quilt she was making for the American Bicentennial.
Collection: John O. Marsh Files (Ford Administration), John Marsh's Bicentennial Subject Files, Bicentennial - General (2)
Outline of President Gerald R. Ford's Right Hand … THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON v … President Gerald R. Ford traced this outline of his right hand in response to a request from a woman who wanted to include his handprint in a quilt she was making for the American …
President Gerald R. Ford traced this outline of his right hand in response to a request from a woman who wanted to include his handprint in a quilt she was making for the American Bicentennial.
Collection: John O. Marsh Files (Ford Administration), John Marsh's Bicentennial Subject Files, Bicentennial - General (2)
Note from Donna Larsen to Russ Rourke Regarding President Gerald R. Ford's Handprint … July 7 Mr. Marsh would like to discuss this handpri~ith you. Thanks. -r· ~) ~ ~~ …
Collection: John O. Marsh Files (Ford Administration), John Marsh's Bicentennial Subject Files, Bicentennial - General (2)
Note from Russ Rourke to Jack Marsh Regarding a Request for President Gerald R. Ford's Handprint … THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON June 30, 1975 JACK, A Mrs. Donna Johnson of Chicago Heights, Illinois has contacted our Bicentennial Office with a request for a hand print of the President (hand tracing on a piece of paper). Mrs. Johnson, the mother of a blind child is doing a Bicentennial quilt, and would like to plac/ the hand print in the middle of the quilt. She has assured us that she desires no publicity in …
Collection: Glenn R. Schleede Files, Glenn Schleede's Subject Files, Earthquake Prediction, 1976: Memoranda to the President
Memorandum from Vice President Nelson A. Rockefeller to President Gerald R. Ford Regarding Indications of a Possible Major Earthquake in California … !! • • J i ..z·-,..~ .. . •. ,....,~ I I C E:: P P. ;: 5 i ::: ~ "- -· ~ 'l..':.. 3 - :. ·= - - . . February 5, 1976 MEMORANDU.H FOR: THE PRESIDENT FROM: THE VICE PRESIDENT SUBJECT: Indications of Possible Hajor Earthquake in California 1. At one of the "Science-Advisory Panel meetings two weeks ago, Dr. Frank Press, Chairman of the Department of Earth and …
Collection: White House Photographic Office Collection (Ford Administration), Gerald R. Ford White House Photographs
First Lady Betty Ford and Martha Graham Watching Dancers Rehearsing at the Martha Graham Center in New York City …
The members of this U.S. delegation to the United Nations World Conference for International Women’s Year are Patricia Hutar, Jewel LaFontant, Jill Ruckelshuas, Patricia Lindh, and Karen Keesling.
Collection: White House Photographic Office Collection (Ford Administration), Gerald R. Ford White House Photographs
President Gerald R. Ford and First Lady Betty Ford Meeting with Members of the United States Delegation to the United Nations World Conference for International Women’s Year in the Oval Office … The members of this U.S. delegation to the United Nations World Conference for International Women’s Year are Patricia Hutar, Jewel LaFontant, Jill Ruckelshuas, Patricia Lindh, and Karen …
The members of this U.S. delegation to the United Nations World Conference for International Women’s Year are Patricia Hutar, Jewel LaFontant, Jill Ruckelshuas, Patricia Lindh, and Karen Keesling.
Collection: White House Photographic Office Collection (Ford Administration), Gerald R. Ford White House Photographs
First Lady Betty Ford and CBS Correspondent Morley Safer in the White House Solarium Prior to Taping a 60 Minutes Segment …