Displaying 3931 - 3940 of 91778 results
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File Unit
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Composite Collection, Composite General Files
Harley L. Schwadron: Cartoon (Acc. No. 93-23) …
File Unit
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Composite Collection, Composite General Files
Julie Nixon Eisenhower: Letter to Mrs. Ford (Acc. No. 94-56) …
File Unit
This file contains clippings that have not been photocopied.
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Composite Collection, Composite General Files
Gloria Brown: Clippings (1)-(5) (Acc. No. 95-14) … This file contains clippings that have not been photocopied. …
This file contains clippings that have not been photocopied.
File Unit
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Composite Collection, Composite General Files
Stanley P. Wronski: Papers re Helsinki Agreements, 1995 (Acc. No. 96-1) …
File Unit
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Composite Collection, Composite General Files
Draper Hill: Cartoons re Ford Administration Topics - Transferred to the Museum Collection …
File Unit
This file contains two snapshots taken by the donor's son at the 1960 Republican state convention. Gerald Ford appears in both pictures. Others pictured include John R. Stiles and George Hummel.
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Composite Collection, Composite General Files
Lawrence B. Lindemer: Photograph of Gerald R. Ford at the Republican State Convention, 1960 (Acc. No. 87-28) … This file contains two snapshots taken by the donor's son at the 1960 Republican state convention. Gerald Ford appears in both pictures. Others pictured include John R. Stiles and George …
This file contains two snapshots taken by the donor's son at the 1960 Republican state convention. Gerald Ford appears in both pictures. Others pictured include John R. Stiles and George Hummel.
File Unit
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Composite Collection, Composite General Files
Ann Bentley Jorgenson: Film of Defense appropriations discussion between Gerald Ford and Alvin Bentley for FY 1960 (Acc. No. 88-15) …
File Unit
This file contains television coverage on C-SPAN of Gerald Ford at the National Press Club, June 1, 1992.
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Composite Collection, Composite General Files
National Archives and Records Administration: Videotape of Television Coverage of Gerald Ford at the National Press Club, 1992 (Acc. No. 92-53) … This file contains television coverage on C-SPAN of Gerald Ford at the National Press Club, June 1, 1992. …
This file contains television coverage on C-SPAN of Gerald Ford at the National Press Club, June 1, 1992.
File Unit
This file contains introduction of and presentation by Gerald R. Ford at the NBWA convention.
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Composite Collection, Composite General Files
National Beer Wholesalers Association (NBWA): Viedotape of Gerald Ford's Presentation to the NBWA Convention, 1992 (Acc. No. 93-2) … This file contains introduction of and presentation by Gerald R. Ford at the NBWA convention. …
This file contains introduction of and presentation by Gerald R. Ford at the NBWA convention.
File Unit
This file contains a set of interviews with Presidents Nixon, Ford, Carter, and Reagan. The tapes are titled "We the People: The President and the Constitution."
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Composite Collection, Composite General Files
Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution: Videotapes of Interviews of Presidents, 1991 (Acc. No. 93-32) … This file contains a set of interviews with Presidents Nixon, Ford, Carter, and Reagan. The tapes are titled "We the People: The President and the …
This file contains a set of interviews with Presidents Nixon, Ford, Carter, and Reagan. The tapes are titled "We the People: The President and the Constitution."