Displaying 551 - 560 of 91778 results
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Collection: A. James Reichley Files (Ford Administration), James Reichley's Subject Files
Delegates …
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Collection: A. James Reichley Files (Ford Administration), James Reichley's Subject Files
Domestic Policy - Speech Proposal …
File Unit
Collection: A. James Reichley Files (Ford Administration), James Reichley's Subject Files
Energy …
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Collection: A. James Reichley Files (Ford Administration), James Reichley's Subject Files
Environment - Speeches by Russell Train (1)-(4) …
File Unit
Collection: A. James Reichley Files (Ford Administration), James Reichley's Subject Files
Ford, Gerald R. - "The Ford Presidency: A Portrait of the First Two Years." …
File Unit
Collection: A. James Reichley Files (Ford Administration), James Reichley's Subject Files
Political Philosophy …
File Unit
Collection: A. James Reichley Files (Ford Administration), James Reichley's Subject Files
Poverty …
File Unit
Collection: A. James Reichley Files (Ford Administration), James Reichley's Subject Files
Theme Speeches …
File Unit
This file contains two sets of transcripts of four hour-long radio broadcasts produced, written, and reported by Thuma, professor of mass communication at Oakland Community College. The broadcasts, entitled "The Making of the President in the Bicentennial Year," were heard on WMJC-FM as part of the regular weekly epiloque series of news and public affairs programs broadcast in November 1976. They concern both the primary campaign against Ronald Reagan and the general election campaign against Jimmy Carter.
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Composite Collection, Composite General Files
Eric D. Thuma: Papers, 1976 (Acc. No. 78-72 and 82-10) … This file contains two sets of transcripts of four hour-long radio broadcasts produced, written, and reported by Thuma, professor of mass communication at Oakland Community College. The broadcasts, entitled "The Making of the President in the Bicentennial Year," were heard on WMJC-FM as part of the regular weekly epiloque series of news and public affairs programs broadcast in November 1976. They concern both the primary campaign against Ronald …
File Unit
Patterson was a member of the Presidentials, the national youth organization for Gerald Ford during the 1976 campaign. Collection consists of printed materials and memorabilia from the campaign and the Republican National Convention. Included are two issues each of the newsletters "First Monday" and "Delegate Special," schedules for The Presidentials' events at the convention, and press releases announcing their activities.
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Composite Collection, Composite General Files
James E. Patterson: Papers, 1976 (Acc. No. 86-37 and 88-10) … Patterson was a member of the Presidentials, the national youth organization for Gerald Ford during the 1976 campaign. Collection consists of printed materials and memorabilia from the campaign and the Republican National Convention. Included are two issues each of the newsletters "First Monday" and "Delegate Special," schedules for The Presidentials' events at the convention, and press releases announcing their …