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File Unit
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Congressional Papers, Legislative Bills
October 3, 1969: H.R. 14174 - To Authorize a Family Assistance Plan Providing Basic Benefits to Low-income Families with Children, to Provide Incentives for Employment and Training, to Improve the Capacity for Employment of Members of Such Families, to Ac …
File Unit
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Congressional Papers, Legislative Bills
June 4, 1957: H.R. 7900 - To Permit the Secretary of Agriculture to Sell Individual Land in Ottawa County Which Was Acquired Under the Provisions of the Bankhead-Jones Act (see also the Special Files series) …
File Unit
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Congressional Papers, Legislative Bills
June 21, 1957: H.R. 8317 - To Authorize Judge Thomas McAllister to Accept and Wear the Decoration Tendered Him by the Government of France …
File Unit
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Congressional Papers, Legislative Bills
January 9, 1959: H.R. 1808 - To Provide That Any Child of a Quota Immigrant Entitled to a Fourth Preference Quota, Shall Also be Entitled to a Fourth Preference Quota …
File Unit
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Congressional Papers, Legislative Bills
January 9, 1959: H.R. 1916 - To Authorize the Waiver of Collection of Certain Erroneous Payments Made by the Federal Government to Certain Civilian and Military Personnel …
File Unit
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Congressional Papers, Legislative Bills
January 9, 1959: H.R. 2067 - To Authorize the Hon. Thomas F. McAllister, Judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals, to Accept and War the Decoration Tendered to Him by the Government of France …
File Unit
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Congressional Papers, Legislative Bills
January 11, 1960: H.R. 9525 - To Encourage the Creation of Original Designs of Useful Articles by Protecting the Authors of Such Designs for a Limited Time Against Unauthorized Copying …
File Unit
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Congressional Papers, Legislative Bills
June 8, 1960: H.R. 12556 - To Amend the Civil Service Retirement Act to Authorize Annuities for Survivors of Employees Who Die after Completing at Least 5 Years of Civilian and Military Service, and for Other Purposes …
File Unit
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Congressional Papers, Legislative Bills
June 8, 1960: H.R. 12576 - A Bill for the Relief of Mrs. Joann Konwinski and her Children …
File Unit
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Congressional Papers, Legislative Bills
January 3, 1961: H.R. 356 - To Amend Title II of the Social Security Act to Increase the Amount of Outside Income Which a Widow with Minor Children May Earn Without Suffering Deductions From the Benefits to Which She is Entitled Thereunder …