Displaying 4181 - 4190 of 91778 results
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File Unit
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Congressional Papers, Legislative Bills
May 17, 1971: H.R. 8418 - To Amend the Bail Reform Act of 1966 to Provide for Pretrial Detention of Dangerous Persons Charged with Dangerous or Organized Crime Acts. …
File Unit
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Congressional Papers, Legislative Bills
June 22, 1972: H.R. 15646 - To Provide a New and Improved system of Federal Financial Assistance to State and Local Governments for Solving the Transportation Problems of the State and Local Governments and for Improving the Nations, 1972: H.R. 15646 - To …
File Unit
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Congressional Papers, Legislative Bills
August 7, 1972: H.R. 16221 - To Provide for the Sale of Washington National and Dulles International Airports. …
File Unit
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Congressional Papers, Legislative Bills
1971-1972: Cosponsored Bills (1)-(3) …
File Unit
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Congressional Papers, Legislative Bills
January 24, 1973: H.R. 2834 - To Create a National Bargaining Board, to Provide Standards for the Qualification of Associations of Producers, to Define the Mutual Obligation of Handlers and Associations of Producers to Negotiate Regarding Agricultural Pro …
File Unit
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Congressional Papers, Legislative Bills
February 19, 1973: H.R. 4325 - To Amend the Tariff Act of 1930 to Provide for the Duty-free Entry of Certain Hollow Reinforcing Bars …
File Unit
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Congressional Papers, Legislative Bills
March 13, 1973: H.R. 5501 - To Amend Title 37, U.S. Code to Provide Travel and Transportation Allowances for Emergency Leave and Ordinary Leave for Compassionate Reasons Granted to Servicemen Stationed Overseas …
File Unit
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Congressional Papers, Legislative Bills
March 22, 1973: H.R. 6028 - To Establish Rational Criteria for the Mandatory Imposition of the Sentence of Death, and for Other Purposes (Administration Bill) …
File Unit
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Congressional Papers, Resolutions
Ford Resolutions - 83rd Congress, 1953-1954 (1)-(2) …
File Unit
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Congressional Papers, Resolutions
Ford Resolutions - 89th Congress, 1965-1966 …