Displaying 3911 - 3920 of 91778 results
Page 392 of 9178
File Unit
Collection: National Security Council Latin American Affairs Staff Files (Ford Administration), Latin American Affairs Staff General Subject Files
Vice President - Qs and As (4) …
File Unit
Collection: National Security Council Latin American Affairs Staff Files (Ford Administration), Latin American Affairs Staff General Subject Files
Vice President - Qs and As (8) …
File Unit
Collection: National Security Council Latin American Affairs Staff Files (Ford Administration), Latin American Affairs Staff General Subject Files
Visit - September 25-26, 1975 - President Lopez of Colombia (1) …
File Unit
Collection: National Security Council Latin American Affairs Staff Files (Ford Administration), Latin American Affairs Staff General Subject Files
Visit - September 25-26, 1975 - President Lopez of Colombia (3) …
File Unit
This file contains a videotape entitled "Television and the Presidency." The video was produced by Sander Vanocur while he was serving as a visiting professional scholar with the Freedom Forum First Amendment Center at Vanderbilt University. The Ford Library contributed audiovisual resources for the tape.
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Composite Collection, Composite General Files
First Amendment Center: Videotape entitled "Television and the Presidency, " 1994 (Acc. No. 94-55) … This file contains a videotape entitled "Television and the Presidency." The video was produced by Sander Vanocur while he was serving as a visiting professional scholar with the Freedom Forum First Amendment Center at Vanderbilt University. The Ford Library contributed audiovisual resources for the …
This file contains a videotape entitled "Television and the Presidency." The video was produced by Sander Vanocur while he was serving as a visiting professional scholar with the Freedom Forum First Amendment Center at Vanderbilt University. The Ford Library contributed audiovisual resources for the tape.
File Unit
This file contains an interview with Mrs. Ford conducted by 60 Minutes, broadcast on October 12, 1997.
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Composite Collection, Composite General Files
CBS News: Videotape of Mrs. Ford's Interview with 60 Minutes, 1997 (Acc. No. 98-9) … This file contains an interview with Mrs. Ford conducted by 60 Minutes, broadcast on October 12, 1997. …
This file contains an interview with Mrs. Ford conducted by 60 Minutes, broadcast on October 12, 1997.
File Unit
This file contains Betty Ford's appearance on Larry King Live on October 28, 1997.
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Composite Collection, Composite General Files
CNN News: Videotape of Mrs. Ford's Appearance on "Larry King Live", 1997 (Acc. No. 98-10) … This file contains Betty Ford's appearance on Larry King Live on October 28, 1997. …
This file contains Betty Ford's appearance on Larry King Live on October 28, 1997.
File Unit
This file contains color slides of the Michigan state capitol and the state flag.
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Composite Collection, Composite General Files
Marilyn Richards: Slides of the Michigan State Capitol and the State Flag, 1998-99 (Acc. No. 99-28) … This file contains color slides of the Michigan state capitol and the state flag. …
This file contains color slides of the Michigan state capitol and the state flag.
File Unit
This file contains Chris Matthews' interview with President and Mrs. Ford, broadcast on Hardball on January 14, 2000.
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Composite Collection, Composite General Files
Hardball/MSNBC: Videotape of Interview with President and Mrs. Ford, 2000 (Acc. No. 00-20) … This file contains Chris Matthews' interview with President and Mrs. Ford, broadcast on Hardball on January 14, 2000. …
This file contains Chris Matthews' interview with President and Mrs. Ford, broadcast on Hardball on January 14, 2000.
File Unit
This file contains a television show entitled "Heart of a Nation: America's First Ladies." It probably includes materials obtained from the Ford Library.
Collection: Gerald R. Ford Composite Collection, Composite General Files
Public Broadcasting System: Videotape of Show on the First Ladies, 2000 (Acc. No. 00-36) … This file contains a television show entitled "Heart of a Nation: America's First Ladies." It probably includes materials obtained from the Ford Library. …
This file contains a television show entitled "Heart of a Nation: America's First Ladies." It probably includes materials obtained from the Ford Library.