Displaying 81 - 90 of 383 results
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This collection consists of the working files of the White House office which handled Gerald Ford administration personnel appointments. Included are files on the search for potential appointees, the screening process used to evaluate candidates and solicit opinions, and the Presidential decision process. The bulk of the collection concerns appointments to positions in Cabinet departments, independent regulatory agencies, the Federal judiciary, and the numerous Federal boards and commissions. Only occasional scattered folders concern appointments to the White House staff.
Presidential Personnel Office Files (Ford Administration) … This collection consists of the working files of the White House office which handled Gerald Ford administration personnel appointments. Included are files on the search for potential appointees, the screening process used to evaluate candidates and solicit opinions, and the Presidential decision process. The bulk of the collection concerns appointments to positions in Cabinet departments, independent regulatory agencies, the Federal judiciary, …
This collection contains materials concerning White House liaison with the news media, excluding the White House Press Corps. Included is information on media briefings and receptions, press interviews with President Gerald R. Ford, local and regional press conferences, and coordination of Federal Government public relations efforts.
Gerald L. Warren and Margita E. White Files … This collection contains materials concerning White House liaison with the news media, excluding the White House Press Corps. Included is information on media briefings and receptions, press interviews with President Gerald R. Ford, local and regional press conferences, and coordination of Federal Government public relations …
This collection contains reading copies, usually on cards and often annotated by President Ford, of over one thousand speeches, veto messages, press conference statements and other prepared remarks.
President's Speeches and Statements Reading Copies (Ford Administration) … This collection contains reading copies, usually on cards and often annotated by President Ford, of over one thousand speeches, veto messages, press conference statements and other prepared …
Paul Theis and Robert Orben Files (Ford Administration) …
This collection contains files that reflect David Gergen's responsibilities during the 1976 presidential campaign, his extensive speechwriting and editing involvement, and his routine administrative responsibilities as Director for the White House Office of Communications (a division of the Press Secretary's office).
David R. Gergen Files … This collection contains files that reflect David Gergen's responsibilities during the 1976 presidential campaign, his extensive speechwriting and editing involvement, and his routine administrative responsibilities as Director for the White House Office of Communications (a division of the Press Secretary's …
Stephen G. McConahey Files (Ford Administration) …
Pamela G. Needham Files (Ford Administration) …
Edward C. Schmults Files (Ford Administration) …