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The Arthur Burns Papers were created and accumulated by Dr. Burns while he was Counsellor to President Richard M. Nixon, 1969-70, Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, 1970-78, Distinguished Scholar, American Enterprise Institute, 1978-81 and 1985-87, and U.S. Ambassador to West Germany, 1981-85. His White House materials mainly document domestic programs and policies. Numerous series reflect the wide range of responsibilities of the Federal Reserve System during the administrations of Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford. While the System's interests lie mainly in the area of monetary affairs, the collection also includes a substantial amount of material on fiscal matters for use in projecting future economic developments. Some major areas of concern to the Federal Reserve Board are domestic and international monetary affairs, banking regulation and reform, incomes policy, government loan guarantees, and administration and reform of the Federal Reserve System. The material from Arthur Burns' ambassador post document U.S.-West German relations, West German politics, conditions in Berlin, the NATO alliance, international exchanges and education, and U.S. troops and weaponry in West Germany.
Arthur F. Burns Papers … The Arthur Burns Papers were created and accumulated by Dr. Burns while he was Counsellor to President Richard M. Nixon, 1969-70, Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, 1970-78, Distinguished Scholar, American Enterprise Institute, 1978-81 and 1985-87, and U.S. Ambassador to West Germany, 1981-85. His White House materials mainly document domestic programs and policies. Numerous series reflect the wide range of responsibilities of the Federal Reserve System during the …
This collection contains materials related to legal determinations and advice given within the Treasury Department and White House on such topics as Watergate, General Revenue Sharing Program, Emergency Loan Guarantee Program, railway improvement, regulatory reform, constitutional or statutory powers of the President, conflict of interest rules, standards of conduct, political restrictions, and a variety of domestic and foreign policy issues involving legal questions.
Edward C. Schmults Papers … This collection contains materials related to legal determinations and advice given within the Treasury Department and White House on such topics as Watergate, General Revenue Sharing Program, Emergency Loan Guarantee Program, railway improvement, regulatory reform, constitutional or statutory powers of the President, conflict of interest rules, standards of conduct, political restrictions, and a variety of domestic and foreign policy issues involving legal …
This collection contains material concerning Barry Roth's work on legal matters in the Gerald Ford White House, especially in the areas of information and access (Freedom of Information, Richard Nixon Papers, declassification, etc.) and political affairs (Federal Election Commission rulings and decisions, allocation of trip expenses, etc.).
Barry N. Roth Files … This collection contains material concerning Barry Roth's work on legal matters in the Gerald Ford White House, especially in the areas of information and access (Freedom of Information, Richard Nixon Papers, declassification, etc.) and political affairs (Federal Election Commission rulings and decisions, allocation of trip expenses, …
This collection contains documents which were not logged into the National Security Council computer control number tracking system either because of the high sensitivity or routine nature of their content, or because of their time sensitivity. The documents cover a wide range of foreign affairs and national security topics from the presidency of Gerald Ford.
Outside the System Chronological Files (Ford Administration) … This collection contains documents which were not logged into the National Security Council computer control number tracking system either because of the high sensitivity or routine nature of their content, or because of their time sensitivity. The documents cover a wide range of foreign affairs and national security topics from the presidency of Gerald …
This collection contains speech material, including notes, drafts, and press copies, produced by Richard L. Feltner while serving as Assistant Secretary of Agriculture for Marketing and Consumer Services.
Richard L. Feltner Papers … This collection contains speech material, including notes, drafts, and press copies, produced by Richard L. Feltner while serving as Assistant Secretary of Agriculture for Marketing and Consumer Services. …
This collection contains correspondence between Melvin Medema and Gerald R. Ford. Although the bulk is from the years that Ford served in the U.S. House of Representatives, the correspondence continued into the Ford vice presidency and presidency.
Melvin Medema Correspondence with Gerald R. Ford … This collection contains correspondence between Melvin Medema and Gerald R. Ford. Although the bulk is from the years that Ford served in the U.S. House of Representatives, the correspondence continued into the Ford vice presidency and …
Helen M. Collins Files (Ford Administration) …
White House Central Files Administrative Files (Ford Administration) …
White House Press Release Unit Files (Ford Administration) …