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This collection contains copies of oral histories concerning the operation to recover the S.S. Mayaguez after it was seized by the Cambodian Khmer Rouge in May 1975 and Marine Corps documents related to the evacuations of Cambodia and South Vietnam, Indochina refugees and the recovery of the S.S. Mayaguez.
Marine Corps History and Museums Division Collection … This collection contains copies of oral histories concerning the operation to recover the S.S. Mayaguez after it was seized by the Cambodian Khmer Rouge in May 1975 and Marine Corps documents related to the evacuations of Cambodia and South Vietnam, Indochina refugees and the recovery of the S.S. …
Presidential Name Files (Ford Administration) …
This collection contains material documenting Gerald R. Ford’s personal finances and financial activities in and out of government service. The bulk of the collection consists of itemized financial data on income and expenses.
Gerald R. Ford Personal Financial Papers … This collection contains material documenting Gerald R. Ford’s personal finances and financial activities in and out of government service. The bulk of the collection consists of itemized financial data on income and …
This collection contains materials concerning F. Lynn May's work for the Domestic Council on the development of domestic policy during the presidencies of Richard Nixon and Gerald R. Ford in the areas of drug abuse, privacy, small and minority businesses, housing and urban affairs, Olympic sports, the Postal Service, telecommunications policy, regulatory reform, and legal matters.
F. Lynn May Files … This collection contains materials concerning F. Lynn May's work for the Domestic Council on the development of domestic policy during the presidencies of Richard Nixon and Gerald R. Ford in the areas of drug abuse, privacy, small and minority businesses, housing and urban affairs, Olympic sports, the Postal Service, telecommunications policy, regulatory reform, and legal …
The collection nucleus is briefing books prepared for President Gerald R. Ford in anticipation of his meetings with foreign leaders during his trips overseas. It also includes materials pertaining to advance work and trip planning. In addition there is White House and State Department cable traffic to and from the presidential travel party, including Henry Kissinger and Brent Scowcroft, on important diplomatic and security developments unrelated to the trips.
Trip Briefing Books and Cables of President Gerald Ford (Ford Administration) … The collection nucleus is briefing books prepared for President Gerald R. Ford in anticipation of his meetings with foreign leaders during his trips overseas. It also includes materials pertaining to advance work and trip planning. In addition there is White House and State Department cable traffic to and from the presidential travel party, including Henry Kissinger and Brent Scowcroft, on important diplomatic and security …
The collection contains short highly-classified memoranda of disparate “Information Items” drawn from intelligence and diplomatic sources that were transmitted, almost daily, by National Security Advisers Henry Kissinger and Brent Scowcroft to President Gerald R. Ford. These often were supplemented by other memoranda. They tell of developments in various countries, international negotiations, important events, and high-level conversations and correspondence. The information is primarily reportive and analytical rather than a briefing on current or proposed U.S. actions. The collection has no known relationship to the “Presidential Daily Briefs” of the Central Intelligence Agency.
Presidential Daily Briefings (Ford Administration) … The collection contains short highly-classified memoranda of disparate “Information Items” drawn from intelligence and diplomatic sources that were transmitted, almost daily, by National Security Advisers Henry Kissinger and Brent Scowcroft to President Gerald R. Ford. These often were supplemented by other memoranda. They tell of developments in various countries, international negotiations, important events, and high-level conversations and …