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This collection consists of address directories of prominent individuals and indexes to outgoing White House mail during the administration of President Gerald R. Ford.
White House Central Files Central Reference Unit Files (Ford Administration) … This collection consists of address directories of prominent individuals and indexes to outgoing White House mail during the administration of President Gerald R. Ford. …
This collection contains material compiled by Frances K. Pullen in her role as speechwriter for First Lady Betty Ford. Included are drafts and reading copies of speeches given on such topics as the 1976 presidential campaign, the Bicentennial, cancer, women's issues, and the arts. Many were annotated by Mrs. Ford.
Also included in many of the speech files are schedule proposals and agenda for each event where Mrs. Ford was to speak and background material gathered by Pullen to aid in speech preparation. Pullen often interviewed Mrs. Ford before composing a speech and her notes concerning these meetings are in several of the speech files.
Frances K. Pullen Files … This collection contains material compiled by Frances K. Pullen in her role as speechwriter for First Lady Betty Ford. Included are drafts and reading copies of speeches given on such topics as the 1976 presidential campaign, the Bicentennial, cancer, women's issues, and the arts. Many were annotated by Mrs. Ford. Also included in many of the speech files are schedule proposals and agenda for each event where Mrs. Ford was to speak and background material gathered by Pullen to aid …
This collection contains fairly routine files concerning various foreign policy issues, President Gerald R. Ford's trips abroad, visits of heads of foreign governments, and operation of the White House press office. It also includes more substantive briefing materials for Ford's meetings with heads of foreign governments.
Edward J. Savage Files … This collection contains fairly routine files concerning various foreign policy issues, President Gerald R. Ford's trips abroad, visits of heads of foreign governments, and operation of the White House press office. It also includes more substantive briefing materials for Ford's meetings with heads of foreign …
The Richard B. Cheney files consist partly of materials created by or addressed to Cheney and partly of materials addressed to President Gerald R. Ford by other White House staff members, campaign committee officials, friends of the President, government officials, and Republican leaders. The President apparently transmitted most of these documents to Cheney for his information or handling.
The two topics most heavily documented in the Cheney files are the 1976 presidential campaign and the 1975 investigations of the intelligence community.
The bulk of the campaign materials concern President Ford's efforts to obtain the Republican nomination, May 1975 - August 1976. Included are such items as a virtually complete set of progress reports from President Ford Committee chairmen Howard "Bo" Callaway and Rogers Morton, July 1975 - July 1976; letters from Republican leaders giving campaign advice; handwritten messages from the President to Cheney; and the President's handwritten notes concerning telephone calls to Republican convention delegates, June - August 1976.
Materials on the intelligence investigations concern such topics as William Colby's report to the President in December 1974 on alleged abuses by the Central Intelligence Agency, the establishment and operation of the Rockefeller Commission, congressional investigations, and proposed presidential actions to reform the intelligence community.
The amount of material on most topics other than the campaign or the intelligence investigations is fairly small. The collection concerns a wide range of domestic and foreign policy issues, personnel appointments (including the nomination of John Paul Stevens to the Supreme Court), and the 1974 and 1977 transitions. What the files lack in quantity, they often make up for in quality. Many folders contain the originals of significant documents addressed to the President and/or notes exchanged between Cheney and the President.
One area that is not well documented in this collection is the large number of meetings that Cheney attended. Although the senior staff met on a daily basis, only a few scattered notes by Cheney on the discussions appear in the files. Similarly, there are few notes from Cheney's meetings with the President and other individuals.
Richard B. Cheney Files … The Richard B. Cheney files consist partly of materials created by or addressed to Cheney and partly of materials addressed to President Gerald R. Ford by other White House staff members, campaign committee officials, friends of the President, government officials, and Republican leaders. The President apparently transmitted most of these documents to Cheney for his information or handling. The two topics most heavily documented in the Cheney files are the 1976 presidential …
The collection documents the Asmus family's participation on the Bicentennial Wagon Train in 1976, especially along the Santa Fe Trail.
Larry and Pauline Asmus Papers … The collection documents the Asmus family's participation on the Bicentennial Wagon Train in 1976, especially along the Santa Fe Trail. …
This collection contains materials documenting White House contacts with Senators and their staffs regarding pending legislation, personnel appointments and routine requests and courtesies. A few foreign and many domestic policy issues are represented, for example energy bills and the Freedom of Information Act. The majority of files spans 1974 - 1975, with some earlier material such as summary records of senatorial support on key votes, 1969 - 1975.
Patrick E. O'Donnell and Joseph S. Jenckes Files … This collection contains materials documenting White House contacts with Senators and their staffs regarding pending legislation, personnel appointments and routine requests and courtesies. A few foreign and many domestic policy issues are represented, for example energy bills and the Freedom of Information Act. The majority of files spans 1974 - 1975, with some earlier material such as summary records of senatorial support on key votes, 1969 - …
This collection contains material concerning White House contacts with members of the U.S. House of Representatives regarding legislation, personnel appointments, and routine requests and courtesies. Significant materials appear on most major energy policy issues which were the subject of considerable congressional debate. A few defense and foreign policy issues, including the intelligence investigations, the Sinai agreement, military aid for Turkey and the end of American involvement in Vietnam and Cambodia are also documented here.
Vernon C. Loen and Charles Leppert Files … This collection contains material concerning White House contacts with members of the U.S. House of Representatives regarding legislation, personnel appointments, and routine requests and courtesies. Significant materials appear on most major energy policy issues which were the subject of considerable congressional debate. A few defense and foreign policy issues, including the intelligence investigations, the Sinai agreement, military aid for Turkey and the end of …
This collection contains materials concerning Ron Brandon's unsuccessful campaign to become a Republican National Convention delegate and Gerald Ford's presidential campaign in Texas, especially during the presidential primary.
Ron Brandon Papers … This collection contains materials concerning Ron Brandon's unsuccessful campaign to become a Republican National Convention delegate and Gerald Ford's presidential campaign in Texas, especially during the presidential primary. …
This collection contains Frank Zarb's memoranda to President Gerald Ford, drafts of legislation, congressional testimony, and statistical reports on a variety of energy-related topics including energy policy, coal conversion, liquefied natural gas, energy conservation, oil imports and production incentives. It also documents his role as Administrator of the Federal Energy Administration and Executive Director of the Energy Resources Council.
Frank G. Zarb Papers … This collection contains Frank Zarb's memoranda to President Gerald Ford, drafts of legislation, congressional testimony, and statistical reports on a variety of energy-related topics including energy policy, coal conversion, liquefied natural gas, energy conservation, oil imports and production incentives. It also documents his role as Administrator of the Federal Energy Administration and Executive Director of the Energy Resources …
This collection contains a draft of Edward and Frederick Schapsmeier's book "Gerald R. Ford's Date With Destiny: A Political Biography" (New York: Peter Lang, 1989), with handwritten annotations by President Ford.
Edward L. Schapsmeier and Frederick H. Schapsmeier Book Manuscript … This collection contains a draft of Edward and Frederick Schapsmeier's book "Gerald R. Ford's Date With Destiny: A Political Biography" (New York: Peter Lang, 1989), with handwritten annotations by President …