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This collection contains materials relating to Robert Orben’s comedy writing career encompassing his work as a humor consultant and speechwriter for television personalities, corporate clients, and politicians. Materials compiled during his tenure as speechwriter for President Gerald Ford are also included.
Robert Orben Papers … This collection contains materials relating to Robert Orben’s comedy writing career encompassing his work as a humor consultant and speechwriter for television personalities, corporate clients, and politicians. Materials compiled during his tenure as speechwriter for President Gerald Ford are also …
The collection contains materials relating primarily to J. Stanley Pottinger's work on civil rights matters in the Department of Health, Education and Welfare (1970-1973), and the Department of Justice (1973-1977) during the Nixon and Ford administrations. The collection documents the investigation and enforcement of various civil rights issues, including: desegregation, busing, women's rights, affirmative action, education, employment, government surveillance, Kent State, and Wounded Knee.
J. Stanley Pottinger Papers … The collection contains materials relating primarily to J. Stanley Pottinger's work on civil rights matters in the Department of Health, Education and Welfare (1970-1973), and the Department of Justice (1973-1977) during the Nixon and Ford administrations. The collection documents the investigation and enforcement of various civil rights issues, including: desegregation, busing, women's rights, affirmative action, education, employment, government surveillance, Kent State, and …
Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum Dedication Committee Records …
This collection contains material concerning the operation of the White House Advance Office during the administration of President Gerald R. Ford and planning for foreign and domestic trips for President Ford and the First Family. It also includes material related a few vice presidential and post presidential trips, and Gerald Ford's state funeral.
Frank A. Ursomarso Papers … This collection contains material concerning the operation of the White House Advance Office during the administration of President Gerald R. Ford and planning for foreign and domestic trips for President Ford and the First Family. It also includes material related a few vice presidential and post presidential trips, and Gerald Ford's state …
This collection contains a wide array of condolence messages and expressions of sympathy sent to Betty Ford and family following the death of former President Gerald R. Ford. A large portion of the collection consists of condolence books collected by American embassies overseas; foreign embassies in Washington, DC; the United Nations headquarters in New York City; US Supreme Court; US House of Representatives; Blair House; US Department of Interior’s White House Visitors Office; Presidential Libraries; and funeral homes across the US. There are also numerous official tributes to Gerald R. Ford from foreign dignitaries, such as King Albert II of Belgium, Queen Margrethe II of Denmark, Emperor Akihito of Japan, and Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom. In addition, the collection contains proclamations and resolutions issued by state and municipal governments, public and private universities, police departments, state troopers, state national guard, and other local organizations.
On a more personal level are the cards, letters, emails, and tokens of sympathy sent to Betty Ford and the family following Gerald Ford’s passing. In general terms, these messages share remembrances of the Ford presidency, including the impact of the Watergate scandal, Nixon pardon, Bicentennial celebration, and Betty Ford’s breast cancer surgery, and the Ford children. Of particular note are letters from past acquaintances sharing anecdotal information from President Ford’s early years about his football accomplishments, park ranger experience, Yale Law School years, and WWII service, as well as Mrs. Ford’s modeling career and employment at Herpolsheimer's department store. The tokens of sympathy run the gamut from children’s drawings to photos, prayer cards, mass enrollment cards, poems, and musical compositions.
In addition, the collection contains a small of amount of material relating to the funeral ceremonies, but these materials are rather selective and fragmentary.
Gerald R. Ford Funeral Materials … This collection contains a wide array of condolence messages and expressions of sympathy sent to Betty Ford and family following the death of former President Gerald R. Ford. A large portion of the collection consists of condolence books collected by American embassies overseas; foreign embassies in Washington, DC; the United Nations headquarters in New York City; US Supreme Court; US House of Representatives; Blair House; US Department of Interior’s White House Visitors …
This collection contains materials concerning Frederick T. Steeper’s work as a Michigan-based political analyst and career in survey research and analysis for Republican Presidential, senatorial, and gubernatorial candidates and campaign organizations. The collection contains materials related to Steeper’s work for the Republican National Committee, George H.W. Bush’s 1992 and 1996 Presidential campaigns, George W. Bush’s 2000 and 2004 Presidential campaigns, and various state campaigns.
Frederick T. Steeper Papers … This collection contains materials concerning Frederick T. Steeper’s work as a Michigan-based political analyst and career in survey research and analysis for Republican Presidential, senatorial, and gubernatorial candidates and campaign organizations. The collection contains materials related to Steeper’s work for the Republican National Committee, George H.W. Bush’s 1992 and 1996 Presidential campaigns, George W. Bush’s 2000 and 2004 Presidential campaigns, and various state …
This collection consists of printed material and memorabilia from assorted presidential campaigns from 1896 to 2008. It contains much material on well-known politicians such as Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Nelson Rockefeller, George Romney, Eugene McCarthy, and Robert Kennedy. Of particular interest are the large number of candidate biographies from the 1964, 1968, 1972, 1980, 1988, and 1992 presidential contests, as well as materials on the civil rights movement, Vietnam War, anti-war protests, labor unions, the Christian right, Watergate, Cold War, Gulf War, and sexual misconduct.
The collection also contains strong materials on minor political parties and obscure presidential candidates. Of interest will be the campaign literature on a variety of ideologies ranging from white nationalism to populism, libertarianism, socialism, communism, and Christian fundamentalism, as well as candidate literature for Homer Tomlinson, Gus Hall, Angela Davis, George Lincoln Rockwell, Lyndon LaRouche, and J Quinn Brisben. Topics include white supremacy, integration, welfare, taxes, black power, labor unions, women’s rights, and Protestant Evangelicalism.
In sum, this collection provides insight into U.S. presidential campaigns and campaign issues over the years, including how candidates utilized language, symbols, and images to make their message known.
Michael Kelly Political Campaign Ephemera Collection … This collection consists of printed material and memorabilia from assorted presidential campaigns from 1896 to 2008. It contains much material on well-known politicians such as Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Nelson Rockefeller, George Romney, Eugene McCarthy, and Robert Kennedy. Of particular interest are the large number of candidate biographies from the 1964, 1968, 1972, 1980, 1988, and 1992 presidential …