Displaying 21 - 30 of 383 results
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Pamela A. Powell Files (Ford Administration) …
John C. Vickerman Files (Ford Administration) …
The collection contains material concerning White House efforts to identify administration spokesmen to fill key speaking invitations that the President could not accept.
Warren K. Hendriks Files (Ford Administration) … The collection contains material concerning White House efforts to identify administration spokesmen to fill key speaking invitations that the President could not accept. …
Robert A. Goldwin Files (Ford Administration) …
National Security Council Documents Filed in the Presidential Acquisition Files or the White House Central Files (Ford Administration) …
National Security Council Vietnam Information Group Files (Johnson, Nixon, and Ford Administrations)
National Security Council Vietnam Information Group Files (Johnson, Nixon, and Ford Administrations) …
The collection consists of a fragmentary chronological file of outgoing correspondence and memoranda along with a small subject file. Although occasional minutes of meetings or memoranda of conversations appear, the material is mostly routine in nature and the bulk of it concerns administrative matters such as coordination of state visits, approval of foreign travel of administration officials, National Security Council (NSC) draft responses to mail that President Gerald Ford and Vice President Nelson Rockefeller received from the public and members of Congress, NSC input for the President's and Vice President's speeches, approval of presidential messages to foreign organizations, and access to NSC documents. Some President Jimmy Carter administration materials are also included marking the transition to a new staff secretary.
National Security Council Staff Secretary Files (Ford Administration) … The collection consists of a fragmentary chronological file of outgoing correspondence and memoranda along with a small subject file. Although occasional minutes of meetings or memoranda of conversations appear, the material is mostly routine in nature and the bulk of it concerns administrative matters such as coordination of state visits, approval of foreign travel of administration officials, National Security Council (NSC) draft …
Brent Scowcroft Daily Work Files (Nixon and Ford Administrations) …
American Citizens Concerned for Life, Inc. Records …
H. James Field, Jr. Files (Ford Administration) …