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This collection consists of audiocassettes and transcripts of interviews of former President Gerald R. Ford, Ford White House staff, agency officials, and congressmen. The interviews focus heavily on Gerald Ford’s response to the economic and energy crises of the 1970s, relations with Congress, 1975 State of the Union Address, and the 1976 Presidential campaign.
Yanek Mieczkowski Research Interviews … This collection consists of audiocassettes and transcripts of interviews of former President Gerald R. Ford, Ford White House staff, agency officials, and congressmen. The interviews focus heavily on Gerald Ford’s response to the economic and energy crises of the 1970s, relations with Congress, 1975 State of the Union Address, and the 1976 Presidential …
The collection contains material concerning David Belin's work on the staffs of the Warren Commission (1964) investigating the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and the Rockefeller Commission (1975) investigating alleged intelligence community abuses of U.S. law. The collection also includes much on his unofficial role as a leading defender of the Warren Commission report against such critics as Mark Lane, G. Robert Blakey, and Oliver Stone.
David W. Belin Papers … The collection contains material concerning David Belin's work on the staffs of the Warren Commission (1964) investigating the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and the Rockefeller Commission (1975) investigating alleged intelligence community abuses of U.S. law. The collection also includes much on his unofficial role as a leading defender of the Warren Commission report against such critics as Mark Lane, G. Robert Blakey, and Oliver …
This collection contains extensive material related to the Office of Management and Budget’s activities associated with the formulation of the President’s budget, the national economy in general, especially inflation, and Federal housing programs.
James T. Lynn Papers … This collection contains extensive material related to the Office of Management and Budget’s activities associated with the formulation of the President’s budget, the national economy in general, especially inflation, and Federal housing …
The collection is strongest in documenting John Marsh's work on congressional relations, legislation, defense matters, the American Revolution Bicentennial, intelligence investigations, and relations with former President Richard Nixon over routine transition matters. The work of the Public Liaison Office is not as well documented. Only a small amount of material on the 1976 presidential campaign appears.
John O. Marsh Files (Ford Administration) … The collection is strongest in documenting John Marsh's work on congressional relations, legislation, defense matters, the American Revolution Bicentennial, intelligence investigations, and relations with former President Richard Nixon over routine transition matters. The work of the Public Liaison Office is not as well documented. Only a small amount of material on the 1976 presidential campaign …
This collection consists of a scrapbook that contains textual materials and photographs compiled by James L. Trimpe related to the 30-30 Club. The club, which met annually on Thanksgiving Day, consisted of the members of the 1930 All-City championship football team of South High School (Grand Rapids, Michigan). The name of the club comes from the year and the number of players, 30. The collection consists of club reports and correspondence, group photographs, and newspaper clippings primarily related to the 1974 team reunion hosted by Gerald Ford (a 30-30 Club member) at the White House.
James L. Trimpe 30-30 Club Scrapbook … This collection consists of a scrapbook that contains textual materials and photographs compiled by James L. Trimpe related to the 30-30 Club. The club, which met annually on Thanksgiving Day, consisted of the members of the 1930 All-City championship football team of South High School (Grand Rapids, Michigan). The name of the club comes from the year and the number of players, 30. The collection consists of club reports and correspondence, group photographs, and …
This collection contains material used by Jonathan D. Hoornstra in the course of his work on President Gerald Ford's daily news summary staff.
Jonathan D. Hoornstra Files … This collection contains material used by Jonathan D. Hoornstra in the course of his work on President Gerald Ford's daily news summary staff. …
This collection concerns high-level U.S. diplomatic relations with all countries of the Middle East and South Asia. Materials are primarily memoranda of National Security Advisers Henry Kissinger and Brent Scowcroft, National Security Council staff memoranda, and cable traffic between the State Department and individual U.S. embassies in the region. Files for Egypt are included in this collection, but files for the other Arab nations of North Africa are located in the collection "Presidential Country Files for Africa (Ford Administration), 1974-1977" (ARC Identifier 645508).
Presidential Country Files for Middle East and South Asia (Ford Administration) … This collection concerns high-level U.S. diplomatic relations with all countries of the Middle East and South Asia. Materials are primarily memoranda of National Security Advisers Henry Kissinger and Brent Scowcroft, National Security Council staff memoranda, and cable traffic between the State Department and individual U.S. embassies in the region. Files for Egypt are included in this collection, but files for the other Arab …
This collection contains material concerning Max Friedersdorf's involvement in virtually all aspects of presidential relations with members of Congress - clearing personnel appointments, monitoring congressional invitations to White House social events and notifying congressional offices of various White House actions, arranging meetings and telephone calls between President Gerald Ford and members of Congress, informing the president and his staff of congressional views and the status of legislation and lobbying for the administration's point of view on proposed legislation. While much of the lobbying of members of Congress on specific legislation was carried out orally and documentation is sketchy, there are materials compiled and occasional notes taken by Friedersdorf during meetings with members and the president which indicate how the office worked. Significant materials also appear on many major domestic and foreign policy issues such as the president's energy program and the end of U.S. involvement in Indochina.
Max L. Friedersdorf Files … This collection contains material concerning Max Friedersdorf's involvement in virtually all aspects of presidential relations with members of Congress - clearing personnel appointments, monitoring congressional invitations to White House social events and notifying congressional offices of various White House actions, arranging meetings and telephone calls between President Gerald Ford and members of Congress, informing the president and his staff of congressional views and the …