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The collection contains material concerning David Belin's work on the staffs of the Warren Commission (1964) investigating the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and the Rockefeller Commission (1975) investigating alleged intelligence community abuses of U.S. law. The collection also includes much on his unofficial role as a leading defender of the Warren Commission report against such critics as Mark Lane, G. Robert Blakey, and Oliver Stone.
David W. Belin Papers … The collection contains material concerning David Belin's work on the staffs of the Warren Commission (1964) investigating the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and the Rockefeller Commission (1975) investigating alleged intelligence community abuses of U.S. law. The collection also includes much on his unofficial role as a leading defender of the Warren Commission report against such critics as Mark Lane, G. Robert Blakey, and Oliver …
This collection contains miscellaneous oral histories donated to the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library by various individuals. The materials concern Gerald Ford, his family, and his career.
Gerald R. Ford Composite Oral History Collection … This collection contains miscellaneous oral histories donated to the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library by various individuals. The materials concern Gerald Ford, his family, and his career. …
White House Social Office Chronological Files …
This collection includes materials relating to Gerald Ford's application for admission to the University of Michigan Law School in 1937.
Records of the University of Michigan Law School … This collection includes materials relating to Gerald Ford's application for admission to the University of Michigan Law School in 1937. …
This collection contains materials on Michael Raoul-Duval's activities as Domestic Council associate director working on energy, environmental and transportation matters; his work on selected political activities in 1976, especially the preparation of the 1976 Republican Party platform; and his work as executive director of the Intelligence Coordinating Group.
Michael Raoul-Duval Files … This collection contains materials on Michael Raoul-Duval's activities as Domestic Council associate director working on energy, environmental and transportation matters; his work on selected political activities in 1976, especially the preparation of the 1976 Republican Party platform; and his work as executive director of the Intelligence Coordinating …
This collection contains material related to President Richard Nixon's and President Gerald Ford's conversations with American and foreign officials on a wide variety of foreign affairs and national security topics.
Memoranda of Conversations (Nixon and Ford Administrations) … This collection contains material related to President Richard Nixon's and President Gerald Ford's conversations with American and foreign officials on a wide variety of foreign affairs and national security …