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Alexander M. Haig Files (Ford Administration) …
This collection contains materials concerning Robert Hartmann's early life; his career as a reporter and bureau chief for the Los Angeles Times, public relations aide for the Republican Conference of the U.S. House of Representatives, and senior advisor to Gerald R. Ford (1969-77); and the drafting of his memoir "Palace Politics: An Inside Account of the Ford Years."
Robert T. Hartmann Papers … This collection contains materials concerning Robert Hartmann's early life; his career as a reporter and bureau chief for the Los Angeles Times, public relations aide for the Republican Conference of the U.S. House of Representatives, and senior advisor to Gerald R. Ford (1969-77); and the drafting of his memoir "Palace Politics: An Inside Account of the Ford …
National Aeronautics and Space Administration Oral Histories and Publications Collection …
The collection contains cables exchanged between National Security Adviser Brent Scowcroft and National Security Council (NSC) and White House staff members while he was traveling with the President, including White House Situation Room reports and memoranda concerning the ongoing work of the NSC. Subject content relates to a wide variety of foreign policy and national security matters including Lebanon, the Korean tree incident, the Middle East, and Africa. The collection also includes material relating to the 1976 presidential campaign.
Trip Cables of Brent Scowcroft (Ford Administration) … The collection contains cables exchanged between National Security Adviser Brent Scowcroft and National Security Council (NSC) and White House staff members while he was traveling with the President, including White House Situation Room reports and memoranda concerning the ongoing work of the NSC. Subject content relates to a wide variety of foreign policy and national security matters including Lebanon, the Korean tree incident, the Middle East, and …
This collection contains materials relating to the operation of Gerald Ford's vice presidential and White House press offices, liaison with the media for coverage of his trips and public activities, and the President's daily schedules with accompanying documentation. It also includes Roberts's tape-recorded personal observations of the Nixon-Ford transition.
John W. "Bill" Roberts Papers … This collection contains materials relating to the operation of Gerald Ford's vice presidential and White House press offices, liaison with the media for coverage of his trips and public activities, and the President's daily schedules with accompanying documentation. It also includes Roberts's tape-recorded personal observations of the Nixon-Ford …
This collection contains a chronological set of press releases issued by either the White House Press Release Unit or the Press Secretary's Office covering all aspects of the Ford White House.
White House Press Releases (Ford Administration) … This collection contains a chronological set of press releases issued by either the White House Press Release Unit or the Press Secretary's Office covering all aspects of the Ford White House. …
Gerald R. Ford Papers Relating to his U.S. Navy Service …
This collection contains records created by the Executive Protective Service in the performance of their duties of securing the White House and Old Executive Office Building facilities and grounds, and the protection of the President and the First Family. The records document the visitors to the Oval Office, the President's Private Study, and Cabinet Room, and the movement and activities of the President and the First Family at the White House. The bulk of this collection consists of group lists and individual appointment cards of visitors. The files were later acquired by the White House Office of the Staff Secretary and used as reference material.
U.S. Secret Service. Executive Protective Service Collection (Ford Administration) … This collection contains records created by the Executive Protective Service in the performance of their duties of securing the White House and Old Executive Office Building facilities and grounds, and the protection of the President and the First Family. The records document the visitors to the Oval Office, the President's Private Study, and Cabinet Room, and the movement and activities of the President and the First …