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This collection contains memoranda prepared for and by President Gerald Ford's National Security Adviser and National Security Council staff, cable traffic between the State Department and U.S. embassies, and comparable material concerning U.S. relations with countries in Africa.
Presidential Country Files for Africa (Ford Administration) … This collection contains memoranda prepared for and by President Gerald Ford's National Security Adviser and National Security Council staff, cable traffic between the State Department and U.S. embassies, and comparable material concerning U.S. relations with countries in …
This collection contains memoranda prepared for and by President Gerald Ford's National Security Adviser and National Security Council staff, cable traffic between the State Department and U.S. embassies, and comparable material concerning U.S. relations with Canada and countries in Europe.
Presidential Country Files for Europe and Canada (Ford Administration) … This collection contains memoranda prepared for and by President Gerald Ford's National Security Adviser and National Security Council staff, cable traffic between the State Department and U.S. embassies, and comparable material concerning U.S. relations with Canada and countries in …
The collection contains materials on the activities of the Legislative Interdepartmental Group (LIG), which coordinated congressional liaison activities on foreign affairs and defense matters for the White House, National Security Council, Central Intelligence Agency, and the Departments of State, Justice, and Defense. The files for many LIG meetings contain both briefing papers and minutes or a record of decisions.
Legislative Interdepartmental Group Files (Nixon and Ford Administrations) … The collection contains materials on the activities of the Legislative Interdepartmental Group (LIG), which coordinated congressional liaison activities on foreign affairs and defense matters for the White House, National Security Council, Central Intelligence Agency, and the Departments of State, Justice, and Defense. The files for many LIG meetings contain both briefing papers and minutes or a record of …
This collection contains materials concerning diplomatic relations with specific countries in the Far East and Pacific Ocean; trips made by American officials; visits to the U.S. by foreign leaders; and meetings of the National Security Council, the Washington Special Actions Group, and the Senior Review Group.
National Security Council Europe, Canada, and Ocean Affairs Staff Files (Ford Administration) … This collection contains materials concerning diplomatic relations with specific countries in the Far East and Pacific Ocean; trips made by American officials; visits to the U.S. by foreign leaders; and meetings of the National Security Council, the Washington Special Actions Group, and the Senior Review …
This collection contains the formal, institutional records of the National Security Council (NSC) and its committees, working groups, panels, and administrative staff from the presidency of Gerald R. Ford. These files consist of, but are not limited to: records of deliberations of the NSC and its auxiliary bodies, boards, and committees; all decisions issued by or in the name of the President as Chairman of the NSC; and all agency and NSC staff material submitted in response to NSC directives. Examples of these types of materials are National Security Study Memoranda (NSSM) and National Security Decision Memoranda (NSDM), responses to NSSMs, material prepared for meetings of the NSC and its sub-groups, records of actions and minutes of such meetings, and Under Secretaries Committee responses to NSC directives. Institutional Files also include Congressional and General Accounting Office inquiries addressed to the NSC staff in its statutory role, FOIA and Privacy Act requests submitted to the NSC, and administrative and personnel records.
Subject content of the files covers the broad range of foreign policy and national security issues addressed within the NSC system. Topics include U.S. relations with individual nations, U.S. interests in various regions of the world, arms transfers, and arms control negotiations with the Soviet Union.
National Security Council Institutional Files (Ford Administration) … This collection contains the formal, institutional records of the National Security Council (NSC) and its committees, working groups, panels, and administrative staff from the presidency of Gerald R. Ford. These files consist of, but are not limited to: records of deliberations of the NSC and its auxiliary bodies, boards, and committees; all decisions issued by or in the name of the President as Chairman of the NSC; and all agency and …
This collection has two distinct facets. The first relates directly to Secretary of State Henry Kissinger's trips, including briefing materials for meetings with foreign leaders and reports to President Gerald R. Ford on those meetings. The second relates to cable traffic, on myriad foreign affairs topics, exchanged during the trips between Kissinger and his travel staff on one hand, and State Department and White House officials on the other hand.
Trip Briefing Books and Cables for Henry Kissinger (Ford Administration) … This collection has two distinct facets. The first relates directly to Secretary of State Henry Kissinger's trips, including briefing materials for meetings with foreign leaders and reports to President Gerald R. Ford on those meetings. The second relates to cable traffic, on myriad foreign affairs topics, exchanged during the trips between Kissinger and his travel staff on one hand, and State Department and White House officials on …
The collection contains letters from young Gerald R. Ford to Frederica Pantlind, a hometown friend and neighbor. Also included are Pantlind's newspaper clippings on University of Michigan football and on Gamma Delta Tau high school sorority, invitations to social events, and date books. The letters reveal much about Gerald Ford's life as a college student and athlete and, to a lesser extent, his work as an assistant coach at Yale University.
Frederica Pantlind Papers … The collection contains letters from young Gerald R. Ford to Frederica Pantlind, a hometown friend and neighbor. Also included are Pantlind's newspaper clippings on University of Michigan football and on Gamma Delta Tau high school sorority, invitations to social events, and date books. The letters reveal much about Gerald Ford's life as a college student and athlete and, to a lesser extent, his work as an assistant coach at Yale …
This collection consists of White House Communication Agency (WHCA) video recordings that document news and public affairs broadcasts from the national networks; the public broadcast station WETA in Washington, DC; and various local station affiliates. Programs include news special reports, national presidential addresses and press conferences, local presidential events, guest interviews of administration officials, appearances of Ford family members, and the 1976 Republican Convention and the Gerald Ford-Jimmy Carter debates. In addition, WHCA created weekly compilation videotapes of selected stories from network evening news programs.
White House Communications Agency Video Recordings (Ford Administration) … This collection consists of White House Communication Agency (WHCA) video recordings that document news and public affairs broadcasts from the national networks; the public broadcast station WETA in Washington, DC; and various local station affiliates. Programs include news special reports, national presidential addresses and press conferences, local presidential events, guest interviews of administration officials, appearances of …
This collection contains miscellaneous very small accessions of papers donated to the Library by various individuals. The materials concern Gerald Ford, his family, and his career.
Gerald R. Ford Composite Collection … This collection contains miscellaneous very small accessions of papers donated to the Library by various individuals. The materials concern Gerald Ford, his family, and his career. …
This collection consists of Naval Photographic Center (NPC) films that document President Gerald R. Ford, mostly at ceremonial events and major news events.
Naval Photographic Center Film (Ford Administration) … This collection consists of Naval Photographic Center (NPC) films that document President Gerald R. Ford, mostly at ceremonial events and major news events. …