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This collection contains agendas, briefing papers, and minutes for most of the National Security Council meetings held during the presidential administration of Gerald Ford.
National Security Council Meetings Files (Ford Administration) … This collection contains agendas, briefing papers, and minutes for most of the National Security Council meetings held during the presidential administration of Gerald Ford. …
This scrapbook contains letters and other memorabilia collected by Clifford Ericson in celebration of the American Revolution Bicentennial. Ericson mailed letters to the White House and to all of the nation's governors, asking them to comment on the Bicentennial and what it meant to them. Every governor, including those from U.S. territories, responded, most with a letter addressed personally to Ericson. Each response was preserved in the scrapbook, along with other Bicentennial souvenirs like postage stamps, fact sheets for each state, and stickers.
Clifford Ericson Scrapbook … This scrapbook contains letters and other memorabilia collected by Clifford Ericson in celebration of the American Revolution Bicentennial. Ericson mailed letters to the White House and to all of the nation's governors, asking them to comment on the Bicentennial and what it meant to them. Every governor, including those from U.S. territories, responded, most with a letter addressed personally to Ericson. Each response was preserved in the scrapbook, along with other …
This collection consists of photographic materials documenting the lives of Gerald and Betty Ford from their youths through the post-White House years. It also contains images of their ancestors, children, and other extended family members.
Ford Family Photographs … This collection consists of photographic materials documenting the lives of Gerald and Betty Ford from their youths through the post-White House years. It also contains images of their ancestors, children, and other extended family …
This collection contains the working files of the staff of President Gerald Ford's 1976 presidential election campaign committee, including materials on politics, finances, legal matters, public opinion polls, advertising, press relations, and appeals to specific interest groups or segments of the population.
President Ford Committee Records … This collection contains the working files of the staff of President Gerald Ford's 1976 presidential election campaign committee, including materials on politics, finances, legal matters, public opinion polls, advertising, press relations, and appeals to specific interest groups or segments of the …
National Security Council Latin American Affairs Staff Files (Ford Administration) …
This collection contains briefing material prepared for President Ford's meetings with visiting heads of state and government officials. There were over 50 official visits, and the material covers a wide array of foreign policy topics. Also included is material relating to more routine aspects of preparations for visits by foreign dignitaries.
Presidential Briefing Material for VIP (Very Important Person) Visits (Ford Administration) … This collection contains briefing material prepared for President Ford's meetings with visiting heads of state and government officials. There were over 50 official visits, and the material covers a wide array of foreign policy topics. Also included is material relating to more routine aspects of preparations for visits by foreign …
This collection consists of material concerning various aspects of Robert C. (“Bud”) McFarlane's work as an aide to Henry Kissinger, Brent Scowcroft, and William Hyland during the presidential administration of Gerald Ford. Major topics include his role in ensuring proper and adequate coordination of presidential decision papers, the 1975 intelligence investigations and the Ford administration's response, and National Security Council congressional relations during the early months of the Ford administration.
Robert C. McFarlane Files (Ford Administration) … This collection consists of material concerning various aspects of Robert C. (“Bud”) McFarlane's work as an aide to Henry Kissinger, Brent Scowcroft, and William Hyland during the presidential administration of Gerald Ford. Major topics include his role in ensuring proper and adequate coordination of presidential decision papers, the 1975 intelligence investigations and the Ford administration's response, and National Security Council congressional …