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This collection contains materials concerning the advance work of Byron Cavaney and his staff on preparations for President Gerald Ford's appearances in Washington, DC, and for all trips, whether within the United States or to a foreign country.
Byron M. "Red" Cavaney Files … This collection contains materials concerning the advance work of Byron Cavaney and his staff on preparations for President Gerald Ford's appearances in Washington, DC, and for all trips, whether within the United States or to a foreign …
This bulk of this collection documents the social aspects of being President Gerald Ford's Chief Counsel. A significant portion of this collection is made up of newspaper clippings from major newspapers such as The New York Times and Washington Post, which attest to social functions and events the Buchens attended. Some of the correspondence and notations in the calendars depict the Buchen's as parents and grandparents, while others depict them as friends to the Presidential family, ambassadors, and celebrities.
Notable are the opinions that come forth in this collection, specifically from Philip Buchen (in his speeches and participation in various conferences) and his wife Bunny (in her "diary"). The estimations of others are also well-represented, especially regarding the Richard Nixon pardon.
A shortcoming of this collection is the absence of materials dating from the beginning of Ford's and Buchen's friendship to the time of Ford's Vice Presidency. There are references to this period and the Ford and Buchen law firm, particularly in the oral histories, and some of the clippings and speeches, but for the most part, this period is left undocumented.
Philip W. Buchen Papers … This bulk of this collection documents the social aspects of being President Gerald Ford's Chief Counsel. A significant portion of this collection is made up of newspaper clippings from major newspapers such as The New York Times and Washington Post, which attest to social functions and events the Buchens attended. Some of the correspondence and notations in the calendars depict the Buchen's as parents and grandparents, while others depict them as friends to the Presidential …
This collection contains Peter Rodman's chronological file documenting the handling of letters addressed to National Security Advisers Henry Kissinger or Brent Scowcroft, reminders to the National Security Adviser about matters requiring his attention, and a fragmentary subject file concerning several foreign policy issues. A few important documents appear, including a handwritten memorandum of conversation of Henry Kissinger's discussions with President Asad of Syria on Aug. 23, 1975 and original maps associated with the negotiation of the Sinai Accords. Most memoranda of conversations for foreign affairs meetings that Rodman produced do not appear here, but can be found in other National Security Council collections.
Peter W. Rodman Files … This collection contains Peter Rodman's chronological file documenting the handling of letters addressed to National Security Advisers Henry Kissinger or Brent Scowcroft, reminders to the National Security Adviser about matters requiring his attention, and a fragmentary subject file concerning several foreign policy issues. A few important documents appear, including a handwritten memorandum of conversation of Henry Kissinger's discussions with President Asad of Syria on Aug. 23, …
This collection contains records documenting the formation of the United States - China Business Council, its role in the development of trade between the two countries, and the Council's library holdings relating to China's trade and economy.
United States - China Business Council Records … This collection contains records documenting the formation of the United States - China Business Council, its role in the development of trade between the two countries, and the Council's library holdings relating to China's trade and …
This collection contains materials accumulated by the Special Files Unit concerning President Ford's preparations for his debates with Jimmy Carter, his review of federal agency budget requests, and selected issues considered sensitive.
White House Special Files Unit Files … This collection contains materials accumulated by the Special Files Unit concerning President Ford's preparations for his debates with Jimmy Carter, his review of federal agency budget requests, and selected issues considered …
This collection contains material on Patricia Lindh's and Jeanne Holm's work on the Gerald Ford's White House staff conducting liaison with women's groups and advocating within the White House on issues of special interest to women. The collection also includes material accumulated by presidential Counsellor Anne Armstrong and Office of Women's Programs Director Karen Keesling.
Patricia Lindh and Jeanne Holm Files … This collection contains material on Patricia Lindh's and Jeanne Holm's work on the Gerald Ford's White House staff conducting liaison with women's groups and advocating within the White House on issues of special interest to women. The collection also includes material accumulated by presidential Counsellor Anne Armstrong and Office of Women's Programs Director Karen …
This collection contains memoranda prepared for and by President Gerald Ford's National Security Adviser and National Security Council staff, cable traffic between the State Department and U.S. embassies, and comparable material concerning U.S. relations with countries in eastern Asia and the Pacific Ocean.
Presidential Country Files for East Asia and the Pacific (Ford Administration) … This collection contains memoranda prepared for and by President Gerald Ford's National Security Adviser and National Security Council staff, cable traffic between the State Department and U.S. embassies, and comparable material concerning U.S. relations with countries in eastern Asia and the Pacific …
White House Congressional Mail Files (Ford Administration) …
This collection contains material created by Gerald R. Ford while writing his autobiography "A Time to Heal."
Gerald R. Ford's Material from the Writing of "A Time to Heal" … This collection contains material created by Gerald R. Ford while writing his autobiography "A Time to Heal." …