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This collection primarily focuses on James Naughton’s career as a member of the White House press corps during the Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter administrations, but does include some later items.
James Naughton Papers … This collection primarily focuses on James Naughton’s career as a member of the White House press corps during the Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter administrations, but does include some later items. …
This collection contains memoranda, letters, briefing papers, and reports that President Gerald Ford initialed or otherwise annotated along with a small number of documents entirely in his hand. Gertrude Fry of the Staff Secretary's Office selected the documents from among those found in the Oval Office outbox. Even if a document case contained handwriting on only one page, Fry placed the entire case in the Handwriting File.
This collection covers most Ford administration topics, but researchers should note its limitations. Many documents from the President's outbox contained no annotations, so Fry just stamped them "The President has seen" and sent them to the White House Central Files. In addition, the Handwriting File seldom reflects White House staff work before or after an issue was referred to the President. It is probable, especially for the first half of the administration, that some handwriting items relating to national security matters were returned to the National Security Council or other agencies.
President Ford seldom added extensive comments or notes to documents. Usually he merely initialed them, placed a check mark next to the option he preferred, or added a brief note such as "Send to Jack Marsh for handling." These documents are significant because they were seen by the President and often reflect his decisions.
President's Handwriting Files (Ford Administration) … This collection contains memoranda, letters, briefing papers, and reports that President Gerald Ford initialed or otherwise annotated along with a small number of documents entirely in his hand. Gertrude Fry of the Staff Secretary's Office selected the documents from among those found in the Oval Office outbox. Even if a document case contained handwriting on only one page, Fry placed the entire case in the Handwriting File. This collection covers most …
The collection contains material from Roderick Hills' work in Gerald Ford's White House and at the Securities and Exchange Commission, along with his post-government activities in business and law. The papers concern economics, federal government regulation of financial institutions and businesses, the Securities and Exchange Commission, White House legal matters, and corporate governance.
Roderick M. Hills Papers … The collection contains material from Roderick Hills' work in Gerald Ford's White House and at the Securities and Exchange Commission, along with his post-government activities in business and law. The papers concern economics, federal government regulation of financial institutions and businesses, the Securities and Exchange Commission, White House legal matters, and corporate …
White House Congressional Mail Files (Ford Administration) …
This collection contains material created by Gerald R. Ford while writing his autobiography "A Time to Heal."
Gerald R. Ford's Material from the Writing of "A Time to Heal" … This collection contains material created by Gerald R. Ford while writing his autobiography "A Time to Heal." …
Kenneth A. Lazarus Files (Ford Administration) …
Gwen A. Anderson Files (Ford Administration) …
Dawn Bennett-Alexander Files (Ford Administration) …
Arthur A. Fletcher Files (Ford Administration) …