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H0013-2. Gerald R. Ford, Jr., and Betty Ford sit in the back seat of an automobile outside of Grace Episcopal Church in Grand Rapids, MI, following their marriage. Octobe...Show moreH0013-2. Gerald R. Ford, Jr., and Betty Ford sit in the back seat of an automobile outside of Grace Episcopal Church in Grand Rapids, MI, following their marriage. October 15, 1948. Show less
H0044-1. Gerald R. Ford, Jr., poses with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Ford, Sr., and his half-brothers Tom, Dick, and Jim Ford at his wedding reception. October 15...Show moreH0044-1. Gerald R. Ford, Jr., poses with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Ford, Sr., and his half-brothers Tom, Dick, and Jim Ford at his wedding reception. October 15, 1948. Show less
H0068-1. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Ford, Jr., pose with their parents on their wedding day. On left: Gerald R. Ford, Sr., and Dorothy Gardner Ford; on right: Hortense Neahr ...Show moreH0068-1. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Ford, Jr., pose with their parents on their wedding day. On left: Gerald R. Ford, Sr., and Dorothy Gardner Ford; on right: Hortense Neahr Bloomer Godwin and Arthur Meigs Godwin. October 15, 1948. Show less